Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Technical Tax Amendments Act, 2012 (S.C. 2013, c. 34)

Assented to 2013-06-26

  •  (1) Section 85.1 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (2.1):

    • Marginal note:Issuance deemed made to vendor

      (2.2) For the purposes of subsection (1), if a purchaser issues shares of a class of its capital stock (in this subsection referred to as “purchaser shares”) to a trust under a court-approved plan or scheme of arrangement in consideration for which a vendor disposes of exchanged shares that trade on a designated stock exchange to the purchaser solely for purchaser shares that are widely traded on a designated stock exchange immediately after and as part of completion of the plan or scheme of arrangement, the issuance to the trust is deemed to be an issuance to the vendor.

  • (2) Section 85.1 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (6):

    • Marginal note:Issuance deemed made to vendor

      (6.1) For the purposes of subsection (5), if a foreign purchaser issues shares of a class of its capital stock (in this subsection referred to as “foreign purchaser shares”) to a trust under a court-approved plan or scheme of arrangement in consideration for which a vendor disposes of exchanged foreign shares that trade on a designated stock exchange to the purchaser solely for foreign purchaser shares that are widely traded on a designated stock exchange immediately after and as part of completion of the plan or scheme of arrangement, the issuance to the trust is deemed to be an issuance to the vendor.

  • (3) The portion of subsection 85.1(7) of the English version of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

    • Marginal note:Application of subsection (8)

      (7) Subsection (8) applies in respect of the disposition before 2013 by a taxpayer of SIFT wind-up entity equity (referred to in subsection (8) as the “particular unit”) to a taxable Canadian corporation if

  • (4) The portion of paragraph 85.1(8)(f) of the English version of the Act before the first formula is replaced by the following:

    • (f) in computing the paid-up capital in respect of each class of shares of the capital stock of the corporation at any time after the disposition there shall be deducted the amount determined by the formula

  • (5) Subsections (1) and (2) apply to share exchanges made after June 2005 except that those subsections do not apply to a particular share exchange of a taxpayer that occurs before November 5, 2010 if, within six months of being advised by the Minister of National Revenue that subsection (1) or (2), as the case may be, applies to the exchange, the taxpayer elects in writing not to have that subsection apply to the exchange.

  •  (1) Subparagraphs 86.1(2)(c)(ii) and (iii) of the Act are replaced by the following:

    • (ii) at the time of the distribution, the shares of the class that includes the original shares are widely held and

      • (A) are actively traded on a designated stock exchange in the United States, or

      • (B) are required, under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 of the United States, as amended from time to time, to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States and are so registered, and

    • (iii) under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 of the United States, as amended from time to time, that apply to the distribution, the shareholders of the particular corporation who are resident in the United States are not taxable in respect of the distribution;

  • (2) Subparagraph 86.1(2)(e)(i) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • (i) that, at the time of the distribution, the shares of the class that includes the original shares are shares described in subparagraph (c)(ii) or (d)(ii),

  • (3) Subparagraph 86.1(2)(e)(vi) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • (vi) in the case of a distribution that is not prescribed, that the distribution is not taxable under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 of the United States, as amended from time to time, that apply to the distribution,

  • (4) Subsections (1) to (3) apply to distributions made after 1999, except that

    • (a) with respect to a distribution in respect of original shares described in clause 86.1(2)(c)(ii)(B) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (1),

      • (i) information referred to in paragraph 86.1(2)(e) of the Act is deemed to be provided to the Minister of National Revenue on a timely basis if it is provided to that Minister before the 90th day after the day on which this Act receives royal assent; and

      • (ii) an election referred to in paragraph 86.1(2)(f) of the Act is deemed to be filed on a timely basis if it is filed with the Minister of National Revenue before the 90th day after the day on which this Act receives royal assent; and

    • (b) for the period before December 14, 2007, the reference to “designated stock exchange” in clause 86.1(2)(c)(ii)(A), as enacted by subsection (1), is to be read as a reference to “prescribed stock exchange”.

  •  (1) Paragraph 87(2)(g.2) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • Marginal note:Financial institution rules

      (g.2) for the purposes of paragraphs 142.4(4)(c) and (d) and subsections 142.51(11) and 142.6(1), the new corporation is deemed to be the same corporation as, and a continuation of, each predecessor corporation;

  • (2) Subsection 87(2) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (g.4):

    • Marginal note:Patronage dividends

      (g.5) for the purposes of section 135, the new corporation is deemed to be the same corporation as, and a continuation of, each predecessor corporation;

  • (3) Paragraphs 87(2)(j.9) and (j.91) of the Act are replaced by the following:

    • Marginal note:Part I.3 tax

      (j.9) for the purpose of determining the amount deductible by the new corporation for any taxation year under section 125.3, the new corporation is deemed to be the same corporation as, and a continuation of, each predecessor corporation;

    • Marginal note:Part I.3 and Part VI tax

      (j.91) for the purpose of determining the amount deductible under subsection 181.1(4) or 190.1(3) by the new corporation for any taxation year, the new corporation is deemed to be the same corporation as, and a continuation of, each predecessor corporation, except that this paragraph does not affect the determination of the fiscal period of any corporation or the tax payable by any corporation for any taxation year that ends before the amalgamation;

  • (4) Subsection 87(2) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (l.3):

    • Marginal note:Subsection 13(4.2) election

      (l.4) for the purposes of subsection 13(4.3) and paragraph 20(16.1)(b), the new corporation is deemed to be the same corporation as, and a continuation of, each predecessor corporation;

    • Marginal note:Contingent amount — section 143.4

      (l.5) for the purposes of section 143.4, the new corporation is deemed to be the same corporation as, and a continuation of, each predecessor corporation;

  • (5) Subsection 87(2) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (m.1):

    • Marginal note:Gift of predecessor’s property

      (m.2) for the purpose of computing the fair market value of property under subsection 248(35), the new corporation is deemed to be the same corporation as, and a continuation of, each predecessor corporation;

  • (6) Paragraph 87(2)(o) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • Marginal note:Expiration of options previously granted

      (o) for the purpose of subsection 49(2),

      • (i) any option granted by a predecessor corporation that expires after the amalgamation is deemed to have been granted by the new corporation, and any proceeds received by the predecessor corporation for the granting of the option is deemed to have been received by the new corporation,

      • (ii) any person to whom the option was granted who was not dealing at arm’s length with the predecessor corporation at the time that the option was granted is deemed to have been dealing with the new corporation not at arm’s length at the time that the option was granted, and

      • (iii) any person to whom the option was granted who was dealing at arm’s length with the predecessor corporation at the time that the option was granted is deemed to have been dealing with the new corporation at arm’s length at the time that the option was granted;

  • (7) Subsection 87(2) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (q):

    • Marginal note:Employees profit sharing plan

      (r) an election made under subsection 144(10) by a predecessor corporation is deemed to be an election made by the new corporation;

  • (8) Subparagraph 87(2)(s)(ii) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • (ii) if, on the amalgamation, the new corporation issues a share (in this subparagraph and subsection 135.1(10) referred to as the “new share”) that is described in all of paragraphs (b) to (d) of the definition “tax deferred cooperative share” in subsection 135.1(1) to a taxpayer in exchange for a share of a predecessor corporation (in this subparagraph and subsection 135.1(10) referred to as the “old share”) that was, at the end of the predecessor corporation’s last taxation year, a tax deferred cooperative share within the meaning assigned by that definition, and the amount of paid-up capital, and the amount, if any, that the taxpayer is entitled to receive on a redemption, acquisition or cancellation, of the new share are equal to those amounts, respectively, in respect of the old share, subsection 135.1(10) applies in respect of the exchange;

  • (9) Paragraph 87(2)(mm) of the Act is repealed.

  • (10) Section 87 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (2.2):

    • Marginal note:Quebec credit unions

      (2.3) For the purpose of applying this section to an amalgamation governed by section 689 of An Act respecting financial services cooperatives, R.S.Q., c. C-67.3, an investment deposit of a credit union is deemed to be a share of a separate class of the capital stock of a predecessor corporation in respect of the amalgamation the adjusted cost base and paid up capital of which to the credit union is equal to the adjusted cost base to the credit union of the investment deposit immediately before the amalgamation if

      • (a) immediately before the amalgamation, the investment deposit is an investment deposit to which section 425 of the Savings and Credit Unions Act, R.S.Q., c. C-4.1, applies to the investment fund of that predecessor corporation; and

      • (b) on the amalgamation the credit union disposes of the investment deposit for consideration that consists solely of shares of a class of the capital stock of the new corporation.

  • (11) Paragraphs 87(4.4)(c) and (d) of the Act are replaced by the following:

    • (c) for the consideration under the agreement

      • (i) a share (in this subsection referred to as the “old share”) of the predecessor corporation that was a flow-through share (other than a right to acquire a share) was issued to the person before the amalgamation, or

      • (ii) a right was issued to the person before the amalgamation to acquire a share that would, if it were issued, be a flow-through share, and

    • (d) the new corporation

      • (i) issues, on the amalgamation and in consideration for the disposition of the old share, a share (in this subsection referred to as a “new share”) of any class of its capital stock to the person (or to any person or partnership that subsequently acquired the old share) and the terms and conditions of the new share are the same as, or substantially the same as, the terms and conditions of the old share, or

      • (ii) is, because of the right referred to in subparagraph (c)(ii), obliged after the amalgamation to issue to the person a share of any class of the new corporation’s capital stock that would, if it were issued, be a flow-through share,

  • (12) Subsection 87(9) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (a.2):

    • (a.21) for the purpose of paragraph (4.4)(d)

      • (i) each parent share received by a shareholder of a predecessor corporation is deemed to be a share of the capital stock of the new corporation issued to the shareholder by the new corporation on the merger, and

      • (ii) any obligation of the parent to issue a share of any class of its capital stock to a person in circumstances described in subparagraph (4.4)(d)(ii) is deemed to be an obligation of the new corporation to issue a share to the person;

  • (13) Subsection (1) and paragraph 87(2)(j.9) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (3), apply to taxation years that begin after October 31, 2011.

  • (14) Subsection (2) applies to amalgamations that occur, and windings-up that begin, after 1997.

  • (15) Paragraph 87(2)(j.91) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (3), and paragraph 87(2)(l.4) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (4), apply to amalgamations that occur, and windings-up that begin, after December 20, 2002.

  • (16) Paragraph 87(2)(l.5) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (4), applies in respect of taxation years that end on or after March 16, 2011.

  • (17) Subsection (5) applies in respect of gifts of property made after 6:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on December 4, 2003.

  • (18) Subsection (6) applies to options issued after October 24, 2012.

  • (19) Subsection (7) applies to amalgamations that occur, and windings-up that begin, after 1994.

  • (20) Subsection (8) is deemed to have come into force on September 29, 2009.

  • (21) Subsection (9) applies to amalgamations that occur after March 20, 2003.

  • (22) Subsection (10) applies to amalgamations that occur after June 2001.

  • (23) Subsections (11) and (12) apply to amalgamations that occur after 1997.


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