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Technical Tax Amendments Act, 2012 (S.C. 2013, c. 34)

Assented to 2013-06-26

  •  (1) The portion of section 107.2 of the French version of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

    Marginal note:Montant provenant d’une fiducie de convention de retraite

    107.2 Pour l’application de la présente partie et de la partie XI.3, dans le cas où, à un moment donné, une fiducie régie par une convention de retraite distribue un de ses biens à un contribuable bénéficiaire de la fiducie, en règlement de la totalité ou d’une partie de la participation de celui-ci dans la fiducie, les règles ci-après s’appliquent :

  • (2) Paragraph 107.2(b) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • b) la fiducie est réputée verser au contribuable, au titre d’une distribution, une somme égale à cette juste valeur marchande;

  •  (1) The portion of subsection 107.4(1) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

    Marginal note:Qualifying disposition
    • 107.4 (1) In this section, a “qualifying disposition” of a property means a disposition of the property before December 21, 2002 by a person or partnership, and a disposition of property after December 20, 2002 by an individual, (which person, partnership or individual is referred to in this subsection as the “contributor”) as a result of a transfer of the property to a particular trust where

  • (2) Paragraph 107.4(1)(c) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • (c) the particular trust is resident in Canada at the time of the transfer;

  • (3) Paragraph 107.4(1)(d) of the Act is repealed.

  • (4) Subparagraphs 107.4(1)(g)(ii) and (iii) of the French version of the Act are replaced by the following:

    • (ii) celle commençant après le 17 décembre 1999 et comprenant la disposition de la totalité ou d’une partie d’une participation au capital ou d’une participation au revenu d’une fiducie personnelle, sauf une disposition effectuée uniquement par suite de la distribution d’un bien, d’une fiducie à une personne ou à une société de personnes, en règlement de la totalité ou d’une partie de cette participation,

    • (iii) celle commençant après le 5 juin 2000 et comprenant le transfert d’un bien à la fiducie donnée, effectué en contrepartie de l’acquisition d’une participation au capital de cette fiducie, s’il est raisonnable de considérer que celle-ci a reçu le bien en vue de financer une distribution (sauf celle qui correspond au produit de disposition d’une participation au capital de la fiducie);

  • (5) Subsections (1) and (3) are deemed to have come into force on December 20, 2002.

  • (6) Subsection (2) applies to dispositions that occur after February 27, 2004.

  •  (1) Paragraph (a.1) of the definition “cost amount” in subsection 108(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • (a.1) where that time (in this paragraph referred to as the “particular time”) is immediately before the time that is immediately before the time of the death of the taxpayer and subsection 104(4) or (5) deems the trust to dispose of property at the end of the day that includes the particular time, the amount that would be determined under paragraph (b) if the taxpayer had died on a day that ended immediately before the time that is immediately before the particular time, and

  • (2) The portion of the definition “testamentary trust” in subsection 108(1) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

    “testamentary trust”

    « fiducie testamentaire »

    “testamentary trust”, in a taxation year, means a trust that arose on and as a consequence of the death of an individual (including a trust referred to in subsection 248(9.1)), other than

  • (3) The definition “testamentary trust” in subsection 108(1) of the Act is amended by striking out “and” at the end of paragraph (b), by adding “and” at the end of paragraph (c) and by adding the following after paragraph (c):

    • (d) a trust that, at any time after December 20, 2002 and before the end of the taxation year, incurs a debt or any other obligation owed to, or guaranteed by, a beneficiary or any other person or partnership (which beneficiary, person or partnership is referred to in this paragraph as the “specified party”) with whom any beneficiary of the trust does not deal at arm’s length, other than a debt or other obligation

      • (i) incurred by the trust in satisfaction of the specified party’s right as a beneficiary under the trust

        • (A) to enforce payment of an amount of the trust’s income or capital gains payable at or before that time by the trust to the specified party, or

        • (B) to otherwise receive any part of the capital of the trust,

      • (ii) owed to the specified party, if the debt or other obligation arose because of a service (for greater certainty, not including any transfer or loan of property) rendered by the specified party to, for or on behalf of the trust,

      • (iii) owed to the specified party, if

        • (A) the debt or other obligation arose because of a payment made by the specified party for or on behalf of the trust,

        • (B) in exchange for the payment (and in full settlement of the debt or other obligation), the trust transfers property, the fair market value of which is not less than the principal amount of the debt or other obligation, to the specified party within 12 months after the payment was made (or, if written application has been made to the Minister by the trust within that 12-month period, within any longer period that the Minister considers reasonable in the circumstances), and

        • (C) it is reasonable to conclude that the specified party would have been willing to make the payment if the specified party dealt at arm’s length with the trust, except where the trust is the individual’s estate and that payment was made within the first 12 months after the individual’s death (or, if written application has been made to the Minister by the estate within that 12-month period, within any longer period that the Minister considers reasonable in the circumstances), or

      • (iv) incurred by the trust before October 24, 2012 if, in full settlement of the debt or other obligation the trust transfers property, the fair market value of which is not less than the principal amount of the debt or other obligation, to the person or partnership to whom the debt or other obligation is owed within 12 months after the day on which the Technical Tax Amendments Act, 2012 receives royal assent (or if written application has been made to the Minister by the trust within that 12-month period, within any longer period that the Minister considers reasonable in the circumstances);

  • (4) Paragraph (a.1) of the definition “trust” in subsection 108(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • (a.1) a trust (other than a trust described in paragraph (a) or (d), a trust to which subsection 7(2) or (6) applies or a trust prescribed for the purpose of subsection 107(2)) all or substantially all of the property of which is held for the purpose of providing benefits to individuals each of whom is provided with benefits in respect of, or because of, an office or employment or former office or employment of any individual,

  • (5) The portion of the definition “trust” in subsection 108(1) of the Act after paragraph (e.1) and before paragraph (f) is replaced by the following:

    and, in applying subsections 104(4), (5), (5.2), (12), (14) and (15) at any time, does not include

  • (6) Subparagraph (g)(ii) of the definition “trust” in subsection 108(1) of the Act is repealed.

  • (7) Paragraph (a) of the definition “coût indiqué” in subsection 108(1) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • a) dans le cas où de l’argent ou un autre bien de la fiducie a été distribué par celle-ci au contribuable en règlement de tout ou partie de sa participation au capital (lors de la liquidation de la fiducie ou autrement), du total des montants suivants :

      • (i) l’argent ainsi distribué,

      • (ii) les sommes représentant chacune le coût indiqué pour la fiducie, immédiatement avant la distribution, de chacun de ces autres biens,

  • (8) Subparagraphs (g)(v) and (vi) of the definition “fiducie” in subsection 108(1) of the French version of the Act are replaced by the following:

    • (v) la fiducie dont les modalités prévoient, à ce moment, que la totalité ou une partie de la participation d’une personne dans la fiducie doit prendre fin par rapport à une période (y compris celle déterminée par rapport au décès de la personne), autrement que par l’effet des modalités de la fiducie selon lesquelles une participation dans la fiducie doit prendre fin par suite de la distribution à la personne (ou à sa succession) d’un bien de la fiducie, si la juste valeur marchande du bien à distribuer doit être proportionnelle à celle de cette participation immédiatement avant la distribution,

    • (vi) la fiducie qui, avant ce moment et après le 17 décembre 1999, a effectué une distribution en faveur d’un bénéficiaire au titre de la participation de celui-ci à son capital, s’il est raisonnable de considérer que la distribution a été financée par une dette de la fiducie et si l’une des raisons pour lesquelles la dette a été contractée était d’éviter des impôts payables par ailleurs en vertu de la présente partie par suite du décès d’un particulier.

  • (9) The definition “montant de réduction admissible” in subsection 108(1) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:

    « montant de réduction admissible »

    “eligible offset”

    montant de réduction admissible En ce qui concerne un contribuable à un moment donné relativement à la totalité ou à une partie de sa participation au capital d’une fiducie, toute partie de dette ou d’obligation qui est prise en charge par le contribuable et qu’il est raisonnable de considérer comme étant imputable à un bien distribué à ce moment en règlement de la participation ou de la partie de participation, si la distribution est conditionnelle à la prise en charge par le contribuable de la partie de dette ou d’obligation.

  • (10) Clauses 108(2)(b)(iv)(A) and (B) of the Act are replaced by the following:

    • (A) not less than 95% of its income for the current year (computed without regard to subsections 39(2), 49(2.1) and 104(6)) was derived from, or from the disposition of, investments described in subparagraph (iii), or

    • (B) not less than 95% of its income for each of the relevant periods (computed without regard to subsections 39(2), 49(2.1) and 104(6) and as though each of those periods were a taxation year) was derived from, or from the disposition of, investments described in subparagraph (iii),

  • (11) Subsections (2) and (3) apply to taxation years that end after December 20, 2002, except that

    • (a) a transfer that is required, by clause (d)(iii)(B) of the definition “testamentary trust” in subsection 108(1) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (3), to be made within 12 months after a payment was made is deemed to be made in a timely manner if it is made no later than 12 months after this Act receives royal assent; and

    • (b) for those taxation years that end before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, the reference to “within the first 12 months after the individual’s death” in clause (d)(iii)(C) of the definition “testamentary trust” in subsection 108(1) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (3), is to be read as a reference to “after the individual’s death and no later than 12 months after the day on which the Technical Tax Amendments Act, 2012 receives royal assent”.

  • (12) Subsection (4) applies to trust taxation years that begin after 2006.

  • (13) Subsection (5) applies to the 1998 and subsequent taxation years.

  • (14) Subsection (6) applies to taxation years that begin after October 31, 2011.

  • (15) Subsection (10) applies to the 2003 and subsequent taxation years.


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