Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act

Version of section 8.7 from 2011-12-15 to 2024-12-23:

Marginal note:Confirmation of past agreements, etc.

  •  (1) Agreements and arrangements that were entered into by the Minister after March 29, 1996, and that, if section 8.3 had been in force on and after that day, could have been authorized under that section, are, for greater certainty, ratified and confirmed and are deemed to have been entered into under that section and approved by the Governor in Council, and all actions taken and payments made under those agreements and arrangements after that day and before this Act is assented to are ratified and confirmed.

  • Marginal note:Confirmation of past payments

    (2) Payments that were made before the date on which the Keeping Canada’s Economy and Jobs Growing Act was assented to and that could have been authorized under section 8.4, as amended by that Act, if that version of section 8.4 had been in force on the date those payments were made are, for greater certainty, ratified and confirmed and all actions taken in respect of those payments are ratified and confirmed.

  • 1997, c. 10, s. 262
  • 2011, c. 24, s. 188

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