Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. M-5)

Act current to 2024-06-20 and last amended on 2022-07-26. Previous Versions


  • — 1989, c. 6, s. 34

  • — 1989, c. 6, s. 35(1)

  • — 1995, c. 30, s. 28

  • — 1999, c. 34, s. 229(3)

    • Transitional — application of certain provisions
      • 229 (3) Sections 225 and 226 apply only with respect to members and former members who die on or after the day on which this subsection comes into force.

  • — 2000, c. 12, s. 185

  • — 2000, c. 12, s. 186

  • — 2001, c. 20, s. 30

    • Amendments apply to members who make an election and to future members
      • Footnote *30 (1) The provisions of the Parliament of Canada Act, the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and the Salaries Act, as amended by this Act, apply

        • (a) to any member of the Senate or the House of Commons who files an election in writing with the Clerk of that House, within 90 days after the day on which this section comes into force, to have them apply to the member; and

        • (b) to any person who becomes a member of the Senate or the House of Commons after the day on which this section comes into force.

      • Failure to elect

        Footnote *(2) The provisions amended or repealed by this Act, other than paragraph 80(1)(a) of the Parliament of Canada Act as enacted by section 13, apply to any member who fails to make an election under paragraph (1)(a) as they read immediately before the day on which this section comes into force.

      • Deemed election

        (3) A member who dies before making an election under paragraph (1)(a) is deemed to have elected immediately before the member’s death to have the provisions referred to in subsection (1) apply to the member.

      • Election irrevocable

        (4) An election under paragraph (1)(a) is irrevocable.

  • — 2014, c. 20, s. 167

    • Member already suspended

      167 If, on the day on which this Division comes into force, a person has been suspended from the Senate or House of Commons, as the case may be, by a majority vote of that House and has not had their right to accrue pensionable service reinstated by such a vote, the periods referred to in section 2.9 and subsection 2.92(1) of the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act, as enacted by section 166, begin on the day on which this Division comes into force.

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