Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Regulations

Version of section 10 from 2020-08-25 to 2025-02-04:

  •  (1) For the purposes of the definition child in subsection 2(1) of the Act, the expression full-time attendance at a school or university means full-time attendance at a school, college, university or other educational institution that provides training or instruction of an educational, professional, vocational or technical nature.

  • (2) For the purposes of the definition child in subsection 2(1) of the Act, a child is deemed to be or to have been in full-time attendance at a school or university substantially without interruption during a scholastic vacation in the following circumstances:

    • a) they begin or resume full-time attendance at a school or university at the beginning of the academic year following the vacation; or

    • b) because of any reasonable cause, they cannot begin or resume full-time attendance at a school or university at the beginning of that academic year but they do so during that academic year or the next academic year.

  • (3) A child who is absent during the academic year because of any reasonable cause is deemed to be or to have been in full-time attendance at a school or university substantially without interruption

    • a) if, immediately after the absence, they begin or resume full-time attendance at a school or university during that academic year;

    • b) until the end of the academic year during which they are absent, if they begin or resume full-time attendance at a school or university during the next academic year; and

    • c) until their death, if they die during the academic year in which their absence commenced, or until the end of the academic year in which their absence commenced, if their death occurred after that academic year.

  • (4) A child who is deemed to be or to have been in full-time attendance at a school or university must submit to the Minister

    • a) a signed declaration by a responsible officer of the relevant institution that the child is or has been in full-time attendance at a school or university; and

    • b) a signed declaration by the child is or has been in full-time attendance at a school or university.

  • SOR/2020-180, s. 6

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