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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Cosmetic Regulations

Version of section 2 from 2006-11-16 to 2019-06-16:

  •  (1) In these Regulations,


    Act means the Food and Drugs Act; (Loi)

    Assistant Deputy Minister

    Assistant Deputy Minister[Repealed, SOR/2004-244, s. 1]


    botanical means an ingredient that is directly derived from a plant and that has not been chemically modified before it is used in the preparation of a cosmetic; (substance végétale)

    child-resistant container

    child-resistant container has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, as they read on September 30, 2001; (contenant protège-enfants)

    flame projection

    flame projection means the ability of the pressurized contents of an aerosol container to ignite and the length of that ignition, when tested in accordance with official method DO-30, Determination of Flame Projection, dated October 15, 1981; (projection de flamme)


    flashback means that part of the flame projection that extends from its point of ignition back to the aerosol container when tested in accordance with official method DO-30, Determination of Flame Projection, dated October 15, 1981; (retour de flamme)

    ICI Dictionary

    ICI Dictionary means the International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Handbook, 10th edition (2004), published in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., by The Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association Inc., as amended from time to time; (dictionnaire ICI)

    INCI name

    INCI name means the International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient name assigned to an ingredient in the ICI Dictionary; (appellation INCI)


    ingredient means any substance that is one of the components of a cosmetic and includes colouring agents, botanicals, fragrance and flavour, but does not include substances that are used in the preparation of the cosmetic but that are not present in the final product as a result of the chemical process; (ingrédient)

    inner label

    inner label means a label on or affixed to the immediate container of a cosmetic; (étiquette intérieure)


    manufacturer means a person, a partnership or an unincorporated association that sells, or manufactures and sells, a cosmetic under its own name or under a trade-mark, design, trade name or other name or mark owned or controlled by it; (fabricant)

    official method

    official method means a method of analysis or examination designated as such by the Minister for use in the administration of the Act and these Regulations; (méthode officielle)

    ornamental container

    ornamental container means a container that, except on the bottom, does not have any promotional or advertising material on it other than a trade-mark or common name, and that appears to be a decorative ornament because of a design that is on its surface or because of its shape or texture, and is sold as a decorative ornament in addition to being sold as the container of a cosmetic; (contenant décoratif)

    outer label

    outer label means a label on or affixed to the outside package of a cosmetic; (étiquette extérieure)


    practitioner means a person who is registered and licensed under the laws of a province to practise the profession of medicine in that province; (praticien)


    prescription means a direction given by a practitioner; (ordonnance)

    principal display panel

    principal display panel has the same meaning as in the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulations; (espace principal)

    security package

    security package means a package having a security feature that provides reasonable assurance to consumers that the package has not been opened prior to purchase. (emballage de sécurité)

  • (2) Where a cosmetic has more than one name, a reference in these Regulations to the cosmetic by any of its names is deemed to be a reference to the cosmetic by all of its names.

  • SOR/81-615, s. 1
  • SOR/85-142, s. 1
  • SOR/92-16, s. 1
  • SOR/94-559, s. 1
  • SOR/2001-272, s. 1
  • SOR/2004-244, s. 1

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