Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canada Grain Regulations (C.R.C., c. 889)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2024-03-01. Previous Versions


  • — SOR/2024-160, s. 1

    • 1 Table 10 of Schedule 3 to the Canada Grain RegulationsFootnote 1 is replaced by the following:

      TABLE 10

      Barley, Canada Western Food (CW)

      Grade NameStandard of QualityMaximum Limits of Foreign Material
      VarietyVarieties with Adhered HullsOther Hulless VarietiesTotal Adhered HullsInseparable SeedsOther Cereal GrainsTotal
      Select Food CW Two-rowAny selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Western Food Two-row designated as such by order of the CommissionN/AN/AN/A0.22.02
      Select Food CW Six-rowAny selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Western Food Six-row designated as such by order of the CommissionN/AN/AN/A0.22.02
      Select Food CW Two-row HullessAny selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Western Food Two-row Hulless designated as such by order of the CommissionConsidered as other cereal grains550.22.02
      Select Food CW Six-row HullessAny selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Western Food Six-row Hulless designated as such by order of the CommissionConsidered as other cereal grains550.22.02
      • Note: Barley not selected for food will be graded according to quality into the general purpose grades.

  • — SOR/2024-160, s. 2

    • 2 Table 23 of Schedule 3 to the Regulations is replaced by the following:

      TABLE 23

      Soybeans, Canada Yellow, Green, Brown, Black or Mixed (Can)

      Grade NameStandard of QualityMaximum Limits of
      Minimum Test WeightDegree of SoundnessSplitsOther ColoursDamageForeign Material
      Heat-Damaged or MouldyTotalForeign Material Other Than GrainTotal
      No. 1 Canada70Cool, natural odour, good natural colour1020.020.11
      No. 2 Canada68Cool, natural odour, slightly stained1530.230.32
      No. 3 Canada66Cool, natural odour, may be stained2051.050.53
      No. 4 Canada63Cool, may be stained30103.082.05
      No. 5 Canada59Cool, may be stained40155.0153.08
      • Note: The colour is added to the grade name.

  • — SOR/2024-160, s. 3

    • 3 Table 48 of Schedule 3 to the Regulations is replaced by the following:

      TABLE 48

      Barley, Canada Eastern Food (CE)

      Grade NameStandard of QualityMaximum Limits of Foreign Material
      VarietyVarieties with Adhered HullsOther Hulless VarietiesTotal Adhered HullsInseparable SeedsOther Cereal GrainsTotal
      Select Food CE Two-rowAny selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Eastern Food Two-row designated as such by order of the CommissionN/AN/AN/A0.22.02
      Select Food CE Six-rowAny selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Eastern Food Six-row designated as such by order of the CommissionN/AN/AN/A0.22.02
      Select Food CE Two-row HullessAny selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Eastern Food Two-row Hulless designated as such by order of the CommissionConsidered as other cereal grains550.22.02
      Select Food CE Six-row HullessAny selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Eastern Food Six-row Hulless designated as such by order of the CommissionConsidered as other cereal grains550.22.02
      • Note: Barley not selected for food will be graded according to quality into the general purpose grades.

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