Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canada Labour Standards Regulations

Version of section 24 from 2023-07-09 to 2024-07-23:

  •  (1) Every employer shall make and keep a record in respect of each employee showing the date of commencement of employment and the date of termination of employment and shall keep such record for a period of at least 36 months after the date of termination of employment.

  • (2) Every employer shall keep, for at least three years after work is performed by an employee, the following information:

    • (a) the full name, address, Social Insurance Number, occupational classification and sex of the employee, and if the employee is under the age of 18 years, the age of the employee;

    • (b) the rate of wages, clearly indicating whether it is on an hourly, weekly, monthly or other basis, and the date and particulars of any change in the rate;

    • (c) where the rate of wages is on a basis other than time or on a combined basis of time and some other basis, a clear indication of the method of computation of that basis;

    • (d) the hours worked each day, except where the employee is

      • (i) excluded from the application of Division I of the Act by or under subsection 167(2) of the Act, or

      • (ii) exempt from the application of sections 169 and 171 of the Act pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 175(1)(b) of the Act;

    • (e) the actual earnings, indicating the amounts paid each pay day, with a recording of the amounts paid for overtime, vacation pay, general holiday pay, personal leave pay, pay for leave for victims of family violence, bereavement leave pay, medical leave of absence pay, termination pay and severance pay;

    • (f) the payments made each pay day after deductions, with clear details of the deductions made;

    • (g) with respect to annual vacations

      • (i) the dates of commencement and termination of each vacation period,

      • (ii) if a vacation was interrupted under subsection 187.1(1) of the Act, the date of interruption, and if the employee resumed the vacation under subsection 187.1(7) of the Act, the date of resumption, and

      • (iii) if a vacation was postponed under subsection 187.2(1) of the Act, the new dates of commencement and termination of that vacation;

    • (g.01) the year of employment in respect of which each annual vacation period was granted;

    • (g.02) any written notice of an interruption of a vacation or leave provided in accordance with subsection 187.1(6), 207.1(1) or 207.2(1) of the Act, as the case may be, and any written notice of resumption of a vacation or leave provided in accordance with subsection 187.1(7), 207.1(2) or 207.2(5) of the Act, as the case may be;

    • (g.1) any written agreement between the employer and the employee to postpone or waive the employee’s entitlement to annual vacation pursuant to subsection 14(1);

    • (g.11) any written request made by an employee under section 184.1 of the Act and a record of the employer’s response to that request;

    • (g.2) where the employer determines a year of employment pursuant to paragraph (b) of the definition “year of employment” in section 183 of the Act, any notice provided to employees pursuant to section 12;

    • (h) with respect to any leave granted to the employee under Division VII of the Act,

      • (i) the dates of commencement and termination, and of any interruption, of the leave,

      • (ii) a copy of any notice concerning the leave or any interruption of the leave, and

      • (iii) any documentation, including a copy of any medical certificate, that was provided by the employee in respect of the leave or interruption;

    • (h.1) the dates of commencement and termination of any job modification or reassignment of the employee provided pursuant to Division VII of the Act and a copy of any notice provided by the employer concerning the job modification or reassignment;

    • (i) any general holiday or other holiday with pay granted to the employee under Division V of the Act, any notice of substitution of a general holiday required to be posted under section 195 of the Act and, in respect of employees not subject to a collective agreement, proof that the substitution was approved in accordance with subsection 195(2) of the Act;

    • (j) when hours of work are averaged under section 6, any notice concerning the averaging of hours of work, details of any reductions in the standard and maximum hours of work made under subsections 6(7), (8) and (9) and the number of hours for which the employee was entitled to be paid at the overtime rate of wages or granted time off for overtime worked;

    • (k) the employer’s pay periods;

    • (l) a copy of any certificate provided in respect of medical breaks under subsection 181.1(2) of the Act and any request for the certificate made by the employer in accordance with that subsection, and any notice of termination of employment or intention to terminate employment given in accordance with Division IX or X of the Act;

    • (m) with respect to any period of bereavement leave granted to the employee under Division VIII of the Act,

      • (i) the date on which that period begins and its length, and

      • (ii) a copy of the written notice provided by that employee in accordance with subsection 210(1.3) of the Act;

    • (n) proof of the approval referred to in paragraph 170(2)(b) or 172(2)(b) of the Act;

    • (n.1) every work schedule and modification of a work schedule that is provided in writing to an employee;

    • (n.2) every written notice given, written request made or written agreement entered into under Division I or I.1 of the Act;

    • (n.21) a record describing any situation that an employee had to deal with under subsection 169.1(2) of the Act;

    • (n.22) a record describing any situation that an employee had to deal with under subsection 169.2(2) of the Act;

    • (n.3) a record of any refusal by an employee made under subsection 173.01(2) of the Act;

    • (n.4) a record describing any situation that an employee had to deal with under subsection 173.01(3) of the Act;

    • (n.41) a record describing any situation that an employee had to deal with under subsection 173.1(2) of the Act;

    • (n.5) a record of any refusal by an employee made under section 174.1 of the Act;

    • (n.6) a record describing any situation that an employee had to deal with under subsection 174.1(3) of the Act;

    • (n.7) with respect to any paid leave granted to the employee under Division XIII of the Act,

      • (i) the dates of commencement and termination of the leave,

      • (ii) the year of employment in respect of which the leave was earned,

      • (iii) the number of days of leave carried over from a previous year,

      • (iv) a copy of any written request made by an employer under subsection 239(2) of the Act, and

      • (v) a copy of any certificate submitted by the employee under subsection 239(2) of the Act;

    • (n.8) with respect to any leave without pay granted to the employee under Division XIII of the Act,

      • (i) a copy of any written request made by an employer under subsection 239(2) of the Act, and

      • (ii) a copy of any certificate submitted by the employee under subsection 239(2) of the Act; and

    • (o) with respect to leave granted under Division XV.2 of the Act to an employee who is a member of the reserve force,

      • (i) the dates of commencement and termination of the leave and of any interruption or postponement of that leave,

      • (i.1) a copy of any notice concerning the leave,

      • (ii) a copy of any medical certificate submitted by the employee in respect of that leave,

      • (iii) a copy of any document provided under section 247.7 of the Act, and

      • (iv) a copy of any notice issued under subsection 247.8(1) or 247.95(2) of the Act.

  • (3) Any method of reporting absences from employment or overtime hours of work that discloses the particulars required by subsection (2), including regular daily hours of work, shall be a sufficient record for the purposes of these Regulations.

  • (4) Every employer shall keep for a period of at least three years after the expiration of the employer’s obligation under subsection 239.1(3) of the Act, the following information:

    • (a) detailed reasons for an employee’s absence due to work-related illness or injury;

    • (b) a copy of any certificate of a health care practitioner indicating that the employee is fit to return to work; and

    • (c) the date the employee returned to work, or a copy of any notification from the employer to the employee and any trade union representing the employee that return to work was not reasonably practicable and the reasons why it was not.

  • (5) [Repealed, SOR/2014-305, s. 6]

  • SOR/78-560, s. 4
  • SOR/91-461, s. 21
  • SOR/94-668, s. 7
  • SOR/2009-194, s. 2
  • SOR/2014-305, s. 6
  • SOR/2019-168, s. 9
  • SOR/2022-41, s. 5
  • SOR/2022-228, s. 5
  • SOR/2023-40, s. 3
  • SOR/2023-79, s. 3(F)

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