Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Orders, Decorations and Medals Directive, 1998

Version of section 1 from 2018-10-22 to 2024-07-23:

 The sequence for wearing the insignia of Canadian orders, decorations and medals, and the post-nominal letters associated with the orders, decorations and medals, are the following:

  • Victoria Cross (V.C.)
  • Cross of Valour (C.V.)

National Orders

  • Companion of the Order of Canada (C.C.)
  • Officer of the Order of Canada (O.C.)
  • Member of the Order of Canada (C.M.)
  • Commander of the Order of Military Merit (C.M.M.)
  • Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (C.V.O.)
  • Officer of the Order of Military Merit (O.M.M.)
  • Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order (L.V.O.)
  • Member of the Order of Military Merit (M.M.M.)
  • Member of the Royal Victorian Order (M.V.O.)
  • The Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem (all grades) (post-nominal letters only for internal use by the Order of St. John)

Provincial Orders

  • Ordre national du Québec (G.O.Q., O.Q., C.Q.)
  • The Saskatchewan Order of Merit (S.O.M.)
  • The Order of Ontario (O.Ont.)
  • The Order of British Columbia (O.B.C.)
  • The Alberta Order of Excellence (A.O.E.)
  • The Order of Prince Edward Island (O.P.E.I.)

Territorial Orders


  • Star of Military Valour (S.M.V.)
  • Star of Courage (S.C.)
  • Meritorious Service Cross (M.S.C.)
  • Medal of Military Valour (M.M.V.)
  • Medal of Bravery (M.B.)
  • Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.)
  • Royal Victorian Medal (R.V.M.)

War and Operational Service Medals
(See section 5 for complete list.)

  • Korea Medal
  • Canadian Volunteer Service Medal for Korea
  • Gulf and Kuwait Medal
  • Somalia Medal

Special Service Medal With Bars

  • Pakistan 1989-90
  • Alert
  • Humanitas
  • Peace/Paix

United Nations Medals

  • Service (Korea)
  • Emergency Force
  • Truce Supervision Organization in Palestine and Observer Group in Lebanon
  • Military Observation Group in India and Pakistan
  • Organization in Congo
  • Temporary Executive Authority in West New Guinea
  • Yemen Observation Mission
  • Force in Cyprus
  • India/Pakistan Observation Mission
  • Emergency Force Middle East
  • Disengagement Observation Force Golan Heights
  • Interim Force in Lebanon
  • Military Observation Group in Iran/Iraq
  • Transition Assistance Group (Namibia)
  • Observer Group in Central America
  • Iraq/Kuwait Observer Mission
  • Angola Verification Mission
  • Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
  • Observer Mission in El Salvador
  • Protection Force (Yugoslavia)
  • Advance Mission in Cambodia
  • Transitional Authority in Cambodia
  • Operation in Somalia
  • Operation in Mozambique
  • Observation Mission in Uganda/Rwanda
  • Assistance Mission in Rwanda
  • Mission in Haiti
  • Verification of Human Rights and Compliance with the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights in Guatemala
  • Special Service

International Commission and Organization Medals

  • International Commission for Supervision and Control (Indo-China)
  • International Commission for Control and Supervision (Vietnam)
  • Multinational Force and Observers (Sinai)
  • European Community Monitor Mission (Yugoslavia)
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization with a “Former Yugoslavia” Bar

Commemorative Medals

  • Canadian Centennial Medal (1967)
  • Queen Elizabeth II’s Silver Jubilee Medal (1977)
  • 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada Medal (1992)

Long Service and Good Conduct Medals

  • R.C.M.P. Long Service Medal
  • Canadian Forces Decoration (C.D.)

Exemplary Service Medals

  • Police Exemplary Service Medal
  • Corrections Exemplary Service Medal
  • Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal
  • Canadian Coast Guard Exemplary Service Medal
  • Emergency Medical Services Exemplary Service Medal

Special Medal

  • Queen’s Medal for Champion Shot

Other Medals

  • Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship (O.M.C.)
  • Ontario Medal for Police Bravery
  • Ontario Medal for Firefighters Bravery
  • Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal (S.V.M.)
  • Ontario Provincial Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
  • Service Medal of the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem
  • Commissionaire Long Service Medal
  • SI/2018-98

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