Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Marine Transportation Security Regulations

Version of section 517 from 2014-06-19 to 2024-07-23:

  •  (1) An applicant or a holder may request that the Minister reconsider a decision to refuse to grant or to cancel a transportation security clearance within 30 days after the day of the service or sending of the notice advising them of the decision.

  • (2) The request shall be in writing and shall set out the following:

    • (a) the decision that is the subject of the request;

    • (b) the grounds for the request, including any new information that the applicant or holder wishes the Minister to consider; and

    • (c) the name, address, and telephone and facsimile numbers of the applicant or holder.

  • (3) On receipt of a request made in accordance with this section, the Minister, in order to determine the matter in a fair, informal and expeditious manner, shall give the applicant or holder

    • (a) where the situation warrants, the opportunity to make representations orally or in any other manner; and

    • (b) in any other case, a reasonable opportunity to make written representations.

  • (4) After representations have been made or a reasonable opportunity to do so has been provided, the Minister shall reconsider the decision in accordance with section 509 and shall subsequently confirm or change the decision.

  • (5) The Minister may engage the services of persons with appropriate expertise in security matters to advise the Minister.

  • (6) The Minister shall advise the applicant or holder in writing of the decision made following the reconsideration.

  • SOR/2006-269, s. 22
  • SOR/2014-162, s. 100

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