Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Crown Corporation Payments Regulations

Version of section 9 from 2006-11-30 to 2025-02-04:

 In determining the amount of a payment for a taxation year under section 7, there may be deducted

  • (a) if there is in effect a special arrangement for the provision or financing of an education service by the corporation, the amount established by that arrangement;

  • (b) if there is in effect a special arrangement for an alternative means of compensating a taxing authority, or a body on behalf of which the authority collects a real property tax, for providing a service, the amount established by that arrangement;

  • (c) if a taxing authority, or a body on behalf of which the authority collects a real property tax, is, in the opinion of the corporation, unable or unwilling to provide the corporation property with a service, and no special arrangement exists, an amount that, in the opinion of the corporation, does not exceed reasonable expenditures incurred or expected to be incurred by the corporation to provide the service; and

  • (d) an amount that, in the opinion of the corporation, is equal to any cancellation, reduction or refund in respect of a real property tax that the corporation considers would be applicable to the taxation year in respect of its corporation property if it were taxable property.

  • SOR/2001-494, s. 14
  • SOR/2006-325, s. 1(F)

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