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Version of document from 2006-03-22 to 2017-05-04:

British Columbia Prune-plum Stabilization Regulations, 1983



Registration 1985-10-31

Regulations Respecting the Stabilization of the Price of British Columbia Prune-Plums Marketed in 1983

P.C. 1985-3241  1985-10-31

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Agriculture and the Treasury Board, pursuant to sections 2Footnote *, 8.2Footnote ** and 11Footnote *** of the Agricultural Stabilization Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations respecting the stabilization of the price of British Columbia prune-plums marketed in 1983.

Short Title

 These Regulations may be cited as the British Columbia Prune-plum Stabilization Regulations, 1983.


 In these Regulations,


Act means the Agricultural Stabilization Act; (Loi)


prune-plums means plums grown in British Columbia by a producer in the calendar year 1983 and sold during the market period by the producer as fresh fruit or for processing; (prunes à pruneaux)

market period

market period means the period beginning on July 1, 1983 and ending on December 31, 1983. (période de mise en marché)


 Prune-plums are hereby designated as an agricultural commodity for the purposes of the Act.

Prescribed Percentage

 For the purpose of determining the prescribed price of prune-plums in the market period, the percentage of the base price of prune-plums for that year is hereby prescribed to be 80 per cent.

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