Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Marine Machinery Regulations

Version of the schedule from 2006-03-22 to 2015-06-16:

SCHEDULE XSteam, Boiler Water and Cooling Water Systems

PART I(Section 4)Design Specifications

1Steam pipes and connected components through which steam passes shall be designed, constructed and installed to withstand the maximum working stresses to which they may be subjected.
2Means shall be provided for draining every steam pipe in which dangerous water-hammer action may occur.
3Where a steam pipe or component may receive steam from any source at a higher pressure than that for which it is designed, it shall be fitted with a suitable reducing valve, relief valve and pressure gauge.
4Each steam generating system that provides services essential for the safety of the ship, or that could be rendered dangerous by the failure of its feed-water supply shall be fitted with at least two separate feed- water systems, including feed pumps, but a single penetration of the steam drum is acceptable.
5Unless over-pressure is prevented by the pump characteristics, means shall be provided to prevent over-pressure in any part of the system.

PART II(Section 6)Plans

ItemRequired Information
Steam and Exhaust Systems
1General arrangement of the steam systems having an assigned working pressure in excess of 103 kPa including steam power, steam heating, steam cleaning and steam fire-extinguishing systems showing all connected pressure vessels, pumps, shut-off valves, piping, steam traps, reducing valves, safety valves, pressure gauges and drainage arrangements, particularly where the systems are susceptible to frost or water-hammer damage.
2General arrangement of exhaust steam piping from machinery or other components powered or heated by steam systems referred to in item 1 showing arrangements for further use, condensing or atmospheric discharge.
3Installation details of items 1 and 2 stating assigned working pressures, temperatures and flow rates.
4Materials, sizes, capacities, design working pressures, temperatures, testing arrangements and procedures of pumps, piping, valves and other components.
5Details of
  • (a) pipe connections to flanges and other joining arrangements;

  • (b) securing arrangements for pumps and piping, allowances for vibration and thermal expansion and stress calculations where required;

  • (c) protection against piping damage particularly where led through working spaces;

  • (d) materials, means of attachment and thickness of thermal insulation; and

  • (e) protection against overpressure to or from steam systems when used for heating purposes in integral jackets of machinery.

6Information for valves and similar minor fittings referred to in item 4 is not required to be submitted where a manufacturer or an approved classification society certifies that the types of valves or similar minor fittings have been designed and constructed in accordance with rules or codes.
7Information for pumps referred to in item 4 is not required to be submitted where an approved classification society certifies that the pumps have been designed and constructed in accordance with rules or codes except that the driving motor or engine of the pumps shall meet the requirements of Part II of the applicable schedule of Schedules I to XV.
Condensate and Boiler Feed Water Systems
8General arrangement of condensate and reserve boiler feed water systems including reserve feed tank and observation tank connections, pumps, piping, valves, and all connected components and means for
  • (a) carrying out water purity tests;

  • (b) dealing with contaminated water; and

  • (c) draining systems that are susceptible to frost damage.

9General arrangement of boiler feed, blow down and surface blow piping indicating all connected pumps, valves, components and shipside connections.
10Structural details of tanks that do not form part of the hull structure.
11Installation details of items 8 and 9 stating assigned working pressures, temperatures and flow rates.
12Materials, sizes, design working pressures, testing arrangements and procedures of pumps, piping, valves and other components.
13Details of
  • (a) pipe connections to flanges or other joining arrangements;

  • (b) securing arrangements for pumps, non-structural tanks, and piping and damage protection where necessary; and

  • (c) materials, means of attachment and thickness of thermal insulation.

14Information for valves and similar minor components referred to in item 12 is not required to be submitted where a manufacturer or an approved classification society certifies that the types of valves or similar minor components have been designed and constructed in accordance with rules or codes.
15Information for pumps referred to in item 12 is not required to be submitted where an approved classification society certifies that the pumps have been designed and constructed in accordance with rules or codes except that the driving motor or engine of the pumps shall meet the requirements of Part II of the applicable schedule of Schedules I to XV.
Cooling Water Systems
16General arrangement of fresh and seawater cooling systems pumps, piping, valves and components including, as applicable, sea suction strainers, air vent piping, sea boxes, internal sea bays, keel coolers, ship structure tank coolers, make-up water tanks and means for draining systems that are susceptible to frost damage.
17Details of sea inlet and discharge arrangements including arrangements to ensure that no above waterline discharges are in the way of lifeboat and liferaft lowering locations and, where applicable, piping arrangements for internal sea bays, keel coolers and ship structure tank coolers.
18Structural details of tanks not forming part of the hull structure.
19Installation details of all water systems referred to in item 16 stating assigned working pressures, temperatures and flow rates.
20Materials, sizes, design working pressures, testing arrangements and procedures of pumps, piping, valves and other components.
21Details of
  • (a) pipe connections to flanges or other joining arrangements;

  • (b) securing arrangements for pumps, non-structural tanks and piping; and

  • (c) protection against overpressure to or from water systems when used for cooling purposes in integral jackets of machinery.

22Information for valves and similar minor components referred to in item 20 is not required to be submitted where a manufacturer or an approved classification society certifies that the types of valves or similar minor components have been designed and constructed in accordance with rules or codes.
23Information for pumps referred to in item 20 is not required to be submitted where an approved classification society certifies that the pumps have been designed and constructed in accordance with rules or codes except that the driving motor or engine of the pumps shall meet the requirements of Part II of the applicable schedule of Schedules I to XV.

PART III(Subsection 12(2))Construction and Installation Inspections

DIVISION IConstruction Inspection


DIVISION IIInstallation Inspection

1Identification from component inspection certificates, before installation is commenced, of pumps, piping, flexible hoses, components and materials to be used, including welding metal.
2Verification that welding was carried out by welders certified by a Provincial Government of Canada, or another authority having similar standards where the welding was carried out outside Canada, for the class of work to be done.
3Inspection of welds and verification of the heat treatment process in accordance with rules or codes.
4Witnessing of hydrostatic pressure tests in accordance with rules or codes.
5Inspection of securing arrangements, connections with associated systems and verification of correct adjustment and operational condition of safety, control and monitoring devices.
6Witnessing of operational tests of the system in accordance with rules or codes.

PART IVPeriodic General Inspections and Periodic Special Inspections

DIVISION I(Section 19)Periodic General Inspection

1For steam and exhaust systems, where applicable and, in the opinion of the inspector, practicable,
  • (a) inspection of securing arrangements and of locations where fluid leakage and excessive vibration may occur; and

  • (b) verification of correct adjustment and operational condition of reducing valves, safety valves and associated pressure gauges.

2For boiler water and cooling water systems, where applicable and, in the opinion of the inspector, practicable,
  • (a) inspection of securing arrangements, of locations where fluid leakage may occur and of sea inlet and discharge connections; and

  • (b) verification of correct adjustment and operational condition of valves and components within the systems.

3For pumps, where applicable and, in the opinion of the inspector, practicable,
  • (a) verification that the pumps are operational and in correct adjustment; and

  • (b) verification that all control, monitoring, alarm and safety devices are operational and in correct adjustment.

DIVISION IIPeriodic General Inspection

SUBDIVISION I(Subsection 20(1))Parts to be Inspected
1Except as prescribed in Schedules I to III, safety valves, pressure gauges and other components in steam, boiler water and cooling water systems and reducing valves in steam systems are to be inspected without opening up unless considered necessary by the inspector on the basis of the general condition of the steam, boiler water and cooling water systems.
2Subject to items 3 to 6, steam piping systems that have an external diameter in excess of 75 mm shall have selected pipes removed for
  • (a) external inspection of flange connections;

  • (b) internal inspection as far as practicable; and

  • (c) hydrostatic pressure testing to 1.5 times the assigned working pressure.

3Pipes selected for inspection shall be different from the pipes selected during the previous inspection so that in the course of successive inspections all pipes of the system are inspected and tested.
4Steam piping that has an external diameter in excess of 75 mm and that has welded joints between lengths of pipe or between pipes and valves shall have
  • (a) the insulation that is in the way of welds removed;

  • (b) the piping hydrostatically pressure tested to 1.5 times the assigned working pressure; and

  • (c) the joints inspected and where necessary examined by means of a magnetic-particle, dye-penetrant or other crack detection method.

5All copper steam pipes that have an external diameter in excess of 75 mm, shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test of twice the assigned working pressure of the system and all seams, including longitudinal seams where fitted, exposed for inspection.
6Copper steam pipes that have a diameter in excess of 75 mm and that are subject to flexing action through expansion or vibration and copper steam piping immediately adjacent to machinery shall be removed for annealing prior to being hydrostatically pressure tested in accordance with subitem 2(c).
7For pumps and driving components, where applicable,
  • (a) all internal and external parts including valves, bearings and safety devices; and

  • (b) all securing arrangements without dismantling if a general examination shows that the condition of the components is suitable for further service.

8For shipside sea inlet valves, strainers, overboard discharge valves and valves connected to internal sea bays, keel coolers, reserve feed water tanks and observation tanks,
  • (a) internal and external parts; and

  • (b) all securing arrangements without dismantling if a general examination indicates that the condition of the components is suitable for further service.

9No inspection is required for speed regulating governors and other complex mechanisms where written information is provided to the inspector from firms specializing in the reconditioning of these parts indicating that the parts are in good order and adjustment.
SUBDIVISION II(Subsection 20(2))Intervals
1Components listed in item 1 of Subdivision I, at intervals not exceeding five years.
2Subject to item 3, superheated steam pipes, at intervals not exceeding four years.
3Saturated steam pipes and superheated steam pipes that have an external diameter of less than 75 mm and not subject to temperatures exceeding 450°C, eight years after installation and thereafter at intervals not exceeding four years.
4Pumps and driving components, at intervals not exceeding five years.

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