Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Federal Real Property and Federal Immovables Regulations

Version of section 2 from 2020-06-18 to 2025-02-04:

 The following definitions apply in these Regulations.


acquisition means an acquisition on behalf of Her Majesty of real property or an immovable, including

  • (a) by lease as lessee;

  • (b) by acceptance of a gift, devise or legacy;

  • (c) by acceptance of a surrender or resiliation of a lease of federal real property or federal immovable; or

  • (d) by acceptance of a relinquishment of an easement on federal real property or by abandonment of a servitude on federal immovables.

It does not include an acceptance of a transfer of administration or an acceptance of a transfer of administration and control. (acquisition)


Act means the Federal Real Property and Federal Immovables Act. (Loi)


disposition means a disposition by Her Majesty of federal real property or a federal immovable, including

  • (a) by lease as lessor;

  • (b) by gift;

  • (c) by surrender or resiliation of a lease as lessee; or

  • (d) by relinquishment of an easement of real property or by abandonment of a servitude on immovables where Her Majesty is the holder of the easement or servitude.

It does not include a transfer of administration or transfer of administration and control. (disposition)

  • SOR/2020-134, s. 3

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