Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations

Version of the schedule from 2011-02-10 to 2025-02-04:

SCHEDULE II(Subsection 2(1))

Inland Water Boundaries

ItemColumn IColumn II
River, Stream or BrookBoundary or Reference Point
Nova Scotia
Annapolis County
1Annapolis RiverThe highway bridge on Queen Street in Bridgetown.
2Moose RiverThe Highway 1 bridge.
Antigonish County
3Monastery BrookThe Highway 104 bridge.
4Pomquet RiverThe CN Railway bridge.
5Rights RiverThe CN Railway bridge east of Antigonish.
6South RiverThe Highway 104 bridge.
7Tracadie RiverThe Highway 104 bridge.
8West RiverThe CN Railway bridge east of Antigonish.
Cape Breton County
9Catalone RiverThe highway bridge at Catalone.
10Fifes Brook (Aconi Brook)The highway bridge at Mill Pond.
11Gerratt Brook (Gerards Brook)The highway bridge on Main Street in Louisbourg.
12Mira RiverThe highway bridge at Victoria Bridge.
13Six Mile Brook (Lorraine Brook)The first bridge upstream from Big Lorraine Harbour.
14Sydney RiverThe Sysco Dam at Sydney River.
Colchester County
15Bass RiverThe highway bridge at Bass River.
16Chiganois RiverThe Highway 2 bridge.
17Debert RiverThe confluence of the Folly and Debert Rivers.
18Economy RiverThe highway bridge at Economy.
19Folly RiverThe confluence of the Debert and Folly Rivers.
20French RiverThe Highway 6 bridge.
21Great Village RiverThe aboiteau at the dyke.
22North RiverThe confluence of the Salmon and North Rivers.
23Portapique RiverThe highway bridge at Portapique.
24Salmon RiverThe confluence of the North and Salmon Rivers.
25Stewiacke RiverThe highway bridge at Stewiacke.
26Waughs RiverThe Highway 6 bridge.
Cumberland County
27East Apple RiverThe highway bridge at East Apple River.
28Fox RiverThe highway bridge at Fox River.
29Harrington RiverThe Highway 2 bridge.
30Maccan RiverThe mouth of Reid Brook near South Athol.
31Moose RiverThe Highway 2 bridge.
32Pugwash RiverThe highway bridge at Conns Mills.
33Ramshead RiverThe highway bridge at Diligent River.
34River HébertThe highway bridge at the mouth of Haycock Brook.
35River PhillipA line drawn from grid reference 36626778 to grid reference 36726761 at the foot of Hannons Falls. Refer to map Pugwash 11 E/13.
36Sand RiverThe highway bridge at Sand River.
37Shinimicas RiverThe highway bridge at Lower Shinimicas.
38Tidnish RiverThe confluence of the West Branch Tidnish River and the Tidnish River.
39Wallace RiverThe CN Railway bridge.
Digby County
40Bear RiverThe bridges at the confluence of the West Branch Bear River and Bear River.
41Mavillette RiverThe Highway 1 bridge.
42Meteghan RiverThe foot of Indian Falls.
43Grosses Coques RiverThe Highway 1 bridge.
44Salmon RiverThe Leo Deveau Bridge.
45Sissiboo RiverThe power dam at Sissiboo Falls.
Guysborough County
46Basin BrookThe highway bridge at Gammon Cove.
47Cole Harbour RiverThe highway bridge at Cole Harbour.
48Country Harbour River50 m downstream from the highway bridge at Country Harbour Mines.
49Ecum Secum River75 m downstream from the highway bridge nearest to Fleet Settlement.
50Gaspereau Brook (Gaspereaux Brook)The rapids 140 m downstream from the Highway 7 bridge.
51Indian RiverThe Highway 211 bridge.
52Isaacs Harbour RiverThe Highway 316 bridge.
53Larrys RiverThe highway bridge at Larrys River.
54Liscomb River70 m upstream from the highway bridge at Liscomb Mills.
55Milford Haven River (Guysborough River)The three highway bridges at Guysborough Intervale.
56New Harbour RiverSalmon Rock, located on the south side of the river at grid reference 14050961. Refer to maps Country Harbour 21 F/14 and 11 C/13.
57Salmon RiverThe highway bridge at West Cooks Cove.
58St. Mary’s RiverThe highway bridge at Sherbrooke.
Halifax County
59Chezzetcook RiverThe highway bridge at grid reference 81405470. Refer to map West Chezzetcook 11 D/11.
60East River Sheet HarbourThe Department of Fisheries and Oceans barrier dam.
61Ingram RiverThe Highway 3 bridge at Ingramport.
62Moser RiverThe highway bridge at Moser River.
63Musquodoboit River300 m downstream from the Highway 7 bridge.
64Quoddy River90 m upstream from the third highway bridge upstream from Quoddy Harbour.
65Salmon River (Port Dufferin)The first falls upstream from the highway bridge.
66Ship Harbour River365 m downstream from the highway bridge at Ship Harbour.
67Shubenacadie RiverThe CN Railway bridge at East Milford.
68Tangier RiverThe Highway 7 bridge.
69West River Sheet HarbourThe concrete piers located downstream from the Highway 7 bridge.
Hants County
70Avon RiverThe Highway 101 causeway at Windsor.
71Herbert RiverThe confluence of the Herbert and Meander Rivers.
72Kennetcook RiverThe highway bridge at Stanley.
73Meander RiverThe confluence of the Herbert and Meander Rivers.
74St. Croix RiverThe Highway 101 bridge.
Inverness County
75Cheticamp RiverThe Cabot Trail highway bridge.
76Fiset BrookThe Cabot Trail highway bridge.
77Mabou RiverThe CN Railway bridge.
78Margaree RiverThe highway bridges at East Margaree.
79Southwest Mabou River600 m downstream from the CN Railway bridge.
Kings County
80Cornwallis RiverThe highway bridge on Cornwallis Street in Kentville.
81Dodge Brook (Mill Brook)The railway bridge in Kentville.
82Gaspereau RiverThe highway bridge at Melanson.
Lunenburg County
83East RiverThe Highway 3 bridge.
84Gold RiverThe Highway 3 bridge.
85LaHave RiverThe mouth of Silver Hill Brook, located approximately 825 m downstream from the CN railway bridge.
86Martins River140 m upstream from the CN Railway bridge.
87Mushamush RiverThe Highway 3 bridge.
88Middle River60 m upstream from the Highway 3 bridge.
89Petite Rivière185 m upstream from the Highway 331 bridge.
Pictou County
90Barneys River500 m downstream from the Highway 245 bridge.
91East River of PictouThe highway bridge on George Street in New Glasgow.
92French River500 m downstream from the Highway 245 bridge.
93Middle River of PictouThe sluice fish ladder at the dam near Granton.
94River JohnThe CN Railway bridge.
95Sutherlands RiverThe CN Railway bridge.
96West River of PictouThe Lochbroom Bridge on the Alma Road.
Queens County
97Broad RiverThe Highway 103 bridge.
98Five RiversThe bridge at White Point Estates.
99Medway RiverThe Highway 103 bridge.
100Mersey RiverThe highway bridge on Bridge Street in Milton.
Richmond County
101Framboise RiverThe Highway 327 bridge at Framboise.
102Grand RiverThe highway bridge at Grand River.
103Marie Joseph BrookThe head of Lower Marie Joseph Lake.
104River InhabitantsThe Highway 4 bridge.
105River TillardThe Highway 4 bridge.
Shelburne County
106Barrington RiverThe CN Railway bridge.
107Clyde RiverThe Highway 103 bridge.
108East RiverThe Highway 3 bridge.
109Jordan RiverThe CN Railway bridge.
110Roseway RiverThe Highway 3 bridge.
111Sable RiverThe footbridge upstream from the CN Railway bridge.
Victoria County
112Baddeck RiverThe Harris Pool.
113Barrachois RiverThe Tidal Pool.
114Ingonish RiverThe Cabot Trail Highway bridge.
115Middle RiverThe Highway 105 bridge.
116Middle Aspy RiverThe old Department of Highways causeway.
117North RiverThe Tidal Pool.
118North Aspy RiverWhere the North Aspy River empties into North Pond Harbour.
119Washabuck RiverThe highway bridge near Washabuck Bridge.
Yarmouth County
120Annis RiverThe Highway 3 bridge.
121Tusket RiverThe Highway 3 bridge.
New Brunswick
Albert County
122Point Wolfe RiverThe covered bridge in Fundy National Park.
123Shepody RiverThe floodgate at Harvey Bank.
124Upper Salmon RiverThe abutment above the old mill dam in Alma.
Charlotte County
125Digdeguash RiverThe highway bridge at Digdeguash.
126Magaguadavic RiverThe Magaguadavic No. 1 highway bridge on South Street in St. George.
127New River60 m downstream from the Highway 1 bridge.
128Pocologan RiverThe Highway 1 causeway at Pocologan.
129St. Croix RiverThe Ferry Point International bridge in St. Stephen.
130Waweig RiverThe Highway 1 bridge at Waweig.
Gloucester County
131Bass RiverA line drawn from grid reference 06378083 to grid reference 06408083. Refer to map Bathurst 21 P/12.
132Big Tracadie RiverThe mouth of Aimée Brook.
133Elmtree RiverThe Basin Road Bridge.
134Haché BrookA line drawn from grid reference 97658496 to grid reference 97708496. Refer to map Bathurst 21 P/12.
135Little RiverThe Highway 11 bridge.
136Little Tracadie RiverA line drawn from grid reference 49256457 to grid reference 49266457. Refer to map Burnsville 21 P/11.
137Middle RiverThe CN Railway bridge.
138Millstream RiverThe CN Railway bridge.
139Nepisiguit RiverThe Consolidated Bathurst pumping station dam.
140Nigadoo RiverThe mouth of Comeau Brook.
141North Caraquet RiverThe mouth of Ruisseau des Prairies.
142Peters RiverA line drawn from grid reference 99738268 to grid reference 99788260. Refer to map Bathurst 21 P/12.
143Pokemouche RiverThe mouth of Pollard Brook.
144South Caraquet RiverA line drawn from grid reference 40728827 to grid reference 40748825. Refer to map Burnsville 21 P/11.
145Saint-Simon RiverThe mouth of Ruisseau de la Cernu.
146Teagues BrookThe highway bridge near Janeville.
147Tetagouche RiverThe downstream end of Minnie’s Pool.
Kent County
148Buctouche RiverThe highway bridge at Coates Mills.
149Cocagne RiverThe Highway 525 bridge.
150Kouchibouguac RiverThe Highway 11 bridge.
151Kouchibouguacis RiverThe bridge at Pont-du-Milieu.
152Little Buctouche RiverThe highway bridge at McKees Mills.
153Richibucto RiverThe mouth of Coal Branch River.
154Saint-Charles River (Aldouane River)A line drawn from grid reference 51337357 to grid reference 51227374. Refer to map Richibucto 21 I/10.
Kings County
155Hammond RiverThe CN Railway bridge at Nauwigewauk.
156Kennebecasis RiverThe power line crossing at Bloomfield.
157Nerepis RiverThe Highway 102 bridge.
Northumberland County
158Barnaby RiverA line drawn from grid reference 00849654 to grid reference 00939654. Refer to map Newcastle 21 I/13.
159Bartibog RiverEgans Quarry.
160Bay du Vin RiverGulliver Bridge at Auburnville.
161Black RiverMcColl’s Swinging Bridge.
162Burnt Church RiverThe Highway 11 bridge.
163Little Bartibog RiverThe Highway 11 bridge at Russellville.
164Little Southwest Miramichi RiverThe oxbow on the north boundary line of the Red Bank Indian Reserve No. 7.
165Napan RiverThe School Bridge.
166Northwest Millstream RiverThe Highway 425 bridge.
167Northwest Miramichi RiverThe downstream end of Scott’s Rapid Pool.
168Oyster RiverThe Highway 11 bridge.
169Renous RiverThe Highway 8 bridge.
170Southwest Miramichi RiverA line drawn from grid reference 87948796 to grid reference 87048802 (the Oldsquaw Rock above the mouth of the Renous River). Refer to map Newcastle 21 I/13.
171Tabusintac RiverHead of Tide Island.
Queens County
172Canaan RiverHighway 10 bridges at Coles Island.
173Salmon RiverThe Highway 123 bridge.
Restigouche County
174Armstrong BrookThe CN Railway bridge.
175Belledune RiverA line drawn from grid reference 83751030 to grid reference 83761029. Refer to map Pointe Verte 21 P/13.
176Benjamin RiverThe CN Railway bridge.
177Charlo RiverThe CN Railway bridge.
178Eel RiverThe dam at the mouth of Eel River Cove.
179Jacquet RiverThe Highway 11 bridge.
180Restigouche RiverA line drawn from grid reference 61631743 to grid reference 61631836 (Morrissey Rock). Refer to map Atholville 21 O/15.
Saint John County
181Big Salmon River200 m downstream from a line drawn across the river at the mouth of Cranberry Brook.
182Black River100 m upstream from the public wharf in the estuary.
Westmorland County
183Aboujagane RiverA line drawn from grid reference 91151585 to grid reference 91291585 (Cormier’s Point). Refer to map Port Elgin 21 I/1.
184Gaspereau RiverThe sign placed by a fishery officer at grid reference 13960166. Refer to map Port Elgin 21 I/1.
185Kinnear RiverA line drawn from grid reference 91151585 to grid reference 91291585 (Cormier’s Point). Refer to map Port Elgin 21 I/1.
186Kouchibouguac RiverA line drawn from grid reference 95311676 to grid reference 95461680. Refer to map Port Elgin 21 I/1.
187Memramcook RiverThe causeway at College Bridge.
188Petitcodiac RiverThe Highway 114 causeway between Moncton and Riverview.
189Scoudouc RiverA line drawn from grid reference 81771660 to grid reference 81751652. Refer to map Moncton 21 I/2.
190Shediac RiverThe covered bridge on the Evangeline Road.
191Tantramar RiverThe Highway 2 bridge at Sackville.
York County
192Keswick RiverThe Highway 105 bridge at Mouth of Keswick.
193Nashwaak RiverThe bridge on Bridge Street in Fredericton.
194Saint John RiverA line drawn from grid reference 68429155 at the McKinley Ferry site to grid reference 68229192 on Crocks Point. Refer to map Fredericton 21 G/15.
Prince Edward Island
Kings County
195Marie RiverThe CN Railway bridge.
196Midgell RiverThe Highway 2 bridge.
197Morell RiverThe Highway 2 bridge.
Prince County
198Brae RiverThe Highway 138 bridge.
199Wilmot RiverThe Highway 1A bridge.
Queens County
200West RiverSt. Catherines Bridge on Highway 9.
  • SOR/93-55, err.(E), Vol. 127, No. 7
  • SOR/2001-452, s. 34
  • SOR/2011-39, ss. 11, 12

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