Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian National Montreal Terminals Act, 1929 (S.C. 1929, c. 12)

Act current to 2024-07-23


  • (a) Central Passenger Terminal facilities, and office buildings, including baggage, mail and express facilities, on the site of the present Tunnel Station, and generally covering the area bounded by Cathcart Street, St. Antoine Street; Inspector and Mansfield Streets, and St. Genevieve Street;

  • (b) Viaduct and elevated railway between Inspector and Dalhousie Streets, and St. David’s Lane and Nazareth Street to near Wellington Street, and thence along Wellington Street to Point St. Charles Yard and Victoria Bridge, crossing over existing streets, and with connections to existing railway facilities and Harbour Commissioners’ trackage;

  • (c) Coach yard facilities at various points, with principal yard at Point St. Charles;

  • (d) Grade separation by means of elevated, or depressed, or underground tracks, or streets, as may be determined on the existing railway between Bonaventure and Turcot and connection to the viaduct referred to in paragraph (b);

  • (e) Grade separation by means of elevated, or depressed, or underground tracks, or streets, as may be determined between St. Henri and Point St. Charles;

  • (f) Railway from Longue Pointe yard to the Northwest and thence Southwest to connect with the existing railway at and near Eastern Junction;

  • (g) Railway from the Cornwall Subdivision in the vicinity of Pointe Claire to the L’Orignal Subdivision in the vicinity of Val Royal;

  • (h) Railway between the Cornwall Subdivision near Lachine and the Lachine, Jacques Cartier and Maisonneuve Railway, near Western Junction;

  • (i) Railway from a point on the line between St. Henri and Point St. Charles near Atwater Avenue, along the River St. Pierre and the Aqueduct Tail Race to the waterfront, and construction of yard facilities on the Waterfront with connection to existing lines and Harbour Commission trackage;

  • (j) Local station facilities, engine and other railway facilities, signalling, electrification, and electrical equipment on present and proposed railways;

  • (k) Connections and transfer facilities to the tracks of the Montreal Harbour Commission near Longue Pointe, and/or at a point further East, and connections and transfer facilities to the C.P.R. East and South of the Lachine Canal, and at other points, except at Forsythe (now Rouen Street.) The Company to pay part cost, to be determined, of facilities jointly owned or jointly used.

The estimated cost of the said works is $51,409,000.

Nothing in this Schedule is to be taken to restrict the general powers of the Company as expressed in the foregoing Act, or other Acts relating to the Company.


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