Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Official Residences Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. O-4)

Act current to 2024-07-23

SCHEDULE I(Sections 2 and 6)

All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Ottawa, in the County of Carleton, in the Province of Ontario, being composed of part of lot 3 in the Ottawa and Rideau Junction Gore in the Township of Gloucester described as follows:

COMMENCING at a point on the westerly limit of Ottawa Street (now Sussex Street) distant one hundred and seventy three feet, eight inches (173′8″) more or less southerly from the intersection of the westerly limit of Ottawa Street aforesaid with the westerly prolongation of the northerly limit of MacKay Street in the Village of New Edinburgh, the said point being the south-east angle of that part of the said lot lastly described in Instrument registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the City of Ottawa as number 170475; thence westerly and parallel with the northerly limit of MacKay Street aforesaid, four hundred and fifty feet (450′) more or less to the high water mark of the Ottawa River; thence easterly and following the said high water mark with the stream to its intersection with the westerly limit of Ottawa Street aforesaid; thence southerly and following the westerly limit of Ottawa Street, five hundred and sixty three feet, eight inches (563′8″) more or less to the point of commencement. The whole containing an area of three acres and ninety-eight hundredths of an acre (3.98 acs.) more or less.

All that area composed of part of lot 2B, Range 10, of the cadastre of the Township of Eardley, County of Gatineau, Province of Quebec, described as follows:

COMMENCING in the westerly limit of the public road known as the Philippe Road at the point where it is intersected by the southerly shore of the creek running easterly out of Harrington Lake (Lac Mousseau); thence southerly along the said westerly limit of Philippe Road to a point in the said westerly limit which is at a distance of one thousand and eighty-nine and seventy-three hundredths feet (1089.73′) measured in a straight line having an assumed bearing of South fifteen degrees and forty-four minutes East (S.15°44′E.) from the point of commencement; thence North seventy-two degrees and thirty-three minutes West (N.72°33′W.) a distance of seventy-nine and thirty-four hundredths feet (79.34′); thence North fifty-six degrees and twenty-two minutes West (N.56°22′W.) a distance of six hundred and ninety-three and nineteen hundredths feet (693.19′); thence North forty-eight degrees and thirty-two minutes West (N.48°32′W.) a distance of three hundred and twenty-one and eighty-eight hundredths feet (321.88′); thence North forty-six degrees and twenty-five minutes West (N.46°25′W.) a distance of one hundred and fifty-six and one hundredth feet (156.01′) to a point in a small creek or drainage course flowing northerly into Harrington Lake (Lac Mousseau), the said point being a distance of forty-six and thirty-two hundredths feet (46.32′) westerly from the southwest corner of a white picket fence enclosing a garden; thence northerly following the said small creek to the southerly shore of Harrington Lake (Lac Mousseau); thence easterly following the southerly shore of Harrington Lake (Lac Mousseau) to the southerly shore of the above-mentioned creek running easterly out of Harrington Lake (Lac Mousseau); thence easterly along the said southerly shore of the said creek to the point of commencement.

  • R.S., c. P-20, Sch.
  • R.S., c. 20(2nd Supp.), s. 8

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