Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canada Oil and Gas Drilling and Production Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1517)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23

Auxiliary Means of Escape

  •  (1) Auxiliary means of escape from the fourble board or the principal working platform on every drilling derrick shall be provided by means of a specially rigged escape line from the working level to the ground.

  • (2) Each escape line shall be not less than 1/2 inch diameter soft iron wire rope smooth and free from obstructions.

  • (3) The escape line shall be tightened to such a tension that a man suspended on such a line 20 to 25 feet from the anchor will touch the ground.

  • (4) The escape line shall be attached to the derrick at a point to provide a ready and convenient means of escape for the derrick man at the fourble board or other principal working platform and shall extend to a securely anchored deadman.

  • (5) The length of the escape line shall be twice the height of the derrick to which it is attached.

  • (6) Each escape line shall be equipped with a safety buggy provided with a suitable hand brake that shall be kept at the fourble board or principal working platform at all times during which a workman is engaged thereon.

  • (7) The safety buggy shall be tested at weekly intervals and a record of such test shall be entered in the Rig Record Book by the toolpusher in charge at the well or other person authorized by the owner of the rig.

Safety Belt and Lines

  •  (1) Every safety belt shall be capable of withstanding a weight of 500 pounds dropping five feet.

  • (2) A safety belt securely fastened to the derrick shall be provided for and worn by each workman when engaged in working above the derrick floor.

  • (3) At any stabbing board the safety belt rope shall be attached to a 1 1/8 inch diameter manilla rope, or to a wire rope of equal strength, stretched across the derrick at approximately seven feet above the stabbing board.

  • (4) The safety belt rope worn by the derrickman shall be a manilla rope of at least 1 1/8 inches in diameter or wire rope of equal strength.

  • (5) The slack in the line of a safety belt rope shall not exceed five feet.

  • (6) A toolpusher shall ensure that every safety belt, line and fitting is kept in good repair.

Head Protection

 Hard hats shall be worn by all workmen when employed on the derrick floor including work on the erection and dismantling of derricks.

Eye Protection

 Properly fitting goggles of a type suitable for the purposes for which they are being used shall be provided by the employer and worn by the workman at all times when engaged in

  • (a) the mixing of chemicals;

  • (b) welding operations;

  • (c) the chipping of metal or any other operation involving the tapping or hammering of metal on metal;

  • (d) the grinding of metal; or

  • (e) cleaning by use of compressed air.

Pipe Hooks

 Where pipe hooks are used above the derrick floor, every pipe hook shall be secured to the derrick in such a manner as to prevent the hook from falling.

Loose Material in Derricks

 No tools, machine parts or material of any kind shall be kept in a derrick above the derrick floor unless there is occasion for their immediate use, and then adequate precaution shall be taken to prevent their falling on persons below.

Travelling Blocks, Hooks, Elevators and Weight Indicators

  •  (1) No employee shall ride the travelling block, hook or elevators, nor slide down pipes, kelly hose, cables or rope lines other than the escape line.

  • (2) On all types of travelling blocks the points where the cables run on the sheaves must be guarded against personal contact.

  • (3) Every drill-pipe casing, tubing and sucker-rod hook shall be provided with a latch or other device to prevent elevator links and other equipment becoming accidentally disengaged from the hook.

  • (4) Every drilling rig shall be equipped with a reliable weight indicator to enable the driller to determine the weight being carried on the drilling line.


 On rotary drilling rigs every counterbalance above the derrick floor, when not fully encased or running in permanent guides, shall be attached to the frame of the derrick with a separate wire-rope safety line not less than 5/8 inch in diameter so as to prevent the counterbalance from coming within eight feet of the floor.

Hand Tools

 All hand tools shall be kept in a state of good repair.

Well Completion and Work-over Jobs

  •  (1) On all occasions before wells are brought into production by swabbing, bailing or displacement with gas or oil, the siding shall be removed from three sides of the derrick below the derrick floor.

  • (2) Before bailing or swabbing operations are undertaken, and before work-over jobs are commenced, the siding shall be removed from any two opposite sides of the derrick to a height of not less than six feet above the derrick floor.

  • (3) The suction pit or tanks used for the circulation of oil shall not be located inside the pumphouse.

Oil and Gas Storage Tanks and Containers

  •  (1) No workman shall be required to enter any tank or other container used for the storage of oil or of any product thereof or any confined space unless and until

    • (a) all gases likely to prove injurious to each workman have been removed;

    • (b) such workman has been equipped with an air line mask or other breathing apparatus and whatever equipment is used must be of a type approved by the Oil Conservation Engineer; and

    • (c) such workman has been supplied with a rope that has been made fast to his body and also to a substantial support on the outside of the tank or other container; such rope must be of sufficient length to reach from the support on the outside to any point of work in the tank or container and shall be of sufficient strength to bear the weight of the workman, and the workman shall be attended by two men whose duty it is to stay on the outside of the tank and to keep a close watch over the workman inside.

  • (2) All work in any confined space where conditions are such as to produce nausea or indisposition on the part of the workman shall be arranged in short shifts with the men on the outside alternating with the workman inside.

  • (3) No flashlights or lanterns other than those that are approved for such use by the Oil Conservation Engineer shall be used around gas or oil wells.

Electrical Installations

  •  (1) All electrical installations at or within 75 feet of any drilling rig, well, separator, crude petroleum storage tank or other unprotected source of ignitable vapours shall be in accordance with the standards prescribed by the Canadian Electrical Code, except where those standards do not conform with the provisions of these Regulations.

  • (2) In lighting installations

    • (a) all wiring shall be in

      • (i) rigid, threaded and vapour-proof conduit with threaded vapour-proof fittings, or

      • (ii) assemblies of type S cord with vapour-proof fittings approved by the Oil Conservation Engineer;

    • (b) all switching and overcurrent protection shall be enclosed in a vapour-proof cabinet with all conductor raceways entering the cabinet properly sealed;

    • (c) all extension cords shall be so connected that accidental disconnection is impossible and when cord receptacle of the lock and switch type are not provided, instructions shall be issued to turn off the current before connecting or disconnecting extension cords;

    • (d) all lamps shall be provided with guards approved by the Oil Conservation Engineer; and

    • (e) all service conductors shall be enclosed in rigid, threaded and vapour-proof conduit or lead-covered or aluminum-covered cable extending at least 75 feet horizontally from any drilling rig, well, separator, crude petroleum storage or other unprotected source of ignitable vapours.

  • (3) In power installations

    • (a) all wiring shall be in

      • (i) rigid, threaded and vapour-proof conduit or lead covered armoured cable or aluminum-covered armoured cable, or

      • (ii) assemblies of type S cable with vapour-proof fittings if approved by the Oil Conservation Engineer; and

    • (b) all switches, control and overcurrent protective devices shall be of a vapour-proof type if fitted inside a derrick or derrick building or within 75 feet of any well, separator, crude petroleum storage or other unprotected source of ignitable vapours.

  • (4) Electric generators, motors and heaters within 75 feet of a drilling rig or well or of equipment in which ignitable vapours are contained shall be of totally enclosed construction.

  • (5) Electrical installations shall be properly maintained at all times.

Illumination of Rigs

 Lighting shall be sufficient to provide at all times for a minimum illumination of

  • (a) five foot candle power on all of the derrick floor;

  • (b) three foot candle power at the fourble board, pumps and catwalk; and

  • (c) one foot candle power at the shale shaker, stairways and other working areas.

Control of Static Electricity

 Metallic parts of containers and conductors of flammable fluids shall be in electrical contact with and connected to the ground in such manner as will prevent development of static electric charges.

Fire Extinguishers

  •  (1) Each drilling rig shall have not less than two 20-pound dry powder extinguishers and each boiler house shall have not less than two five-gallon non-freeze type fire extinguishers all of which shall be kept in good working condition.

  • (2) When a steam pressure of 100 pounds or more is used on or about any rig, there shall be placed in the derrick room thereof, apart from other snuff line, a steam hose of a diameter of not less than one inch and a length of hose of not less than 20 feet, securely connected to a steam line with the valve situated close to the exit therefrom.

Breathing Apparatus

  •  (1) Every employer shall keep on hand a sufficient number of air line respirators or other breathing apparatus all of which shall be of a type approved by the Oil Conservation Engineer.

  • (2) An employee, when working in an area where gas accumulations may present a hazard, shall use an air line mask or other breathing apparatus.

  • (3) All breathing apparatus shall be tested once in each month and the result of this test entered in a log book, or if the apparatus is provided in connection with a drilling operation, in the Rig Record Book, and the entry signed by a person authorized by the owner or operator of the apparatus.

Smoking and Fires

  •  (1) No person shall smoke

    • (a) on any rig, derrick or any derrick house;

    • (b) within 75 feet of any drilling rig, well or any equipment used for the storage, measurement, separation, pumping, transfer or processing of any oil and gas where oil or gas may be present.

  • (2) No fire shall be located less than 75 feet from any drilling rig, well or from any equipment in which ignitable vapours are contained.

  • (3) Any fire that is set shall be safeguarded by mechanical or other means so that no hazard to surrounding property is created.

  • (4) All waste material shall be burned in a manner so as not to create a fire hazard to wells, tanks or other equipment containing ignitable vapours or disposed of in such a manner so as not to pollute any stream or fresh water stratum.

  • (5) No heating or lighting apparatus involving the use of a flame or exposed electrical element shall be brought into a drilling rig doghouse.

  • (6) No stove, open flame heater or electric heater with exposed elements shall be used within 75 feet of any drilling rig, well or of any equipment in which ignitable vapours are contained.

  • (7) Steam boilers or open flame steam generators shall be located at a point not less than 150 feet distant from a well or any equipment containing ignitable vapours and on the side from which the prevailing wind blows.

  • (8) On all internal combustion engines on a derrick floor or in a drilling engine room or within 75 feet of any equipment containing ignitable vapours

    • (a) the exhaust systems, where the temperature of the parts in contact with hot gases exceeds 400°F, shall be thermally insulated and covered by metal so that no liquids can be absorbed by the insulating materials;

    • (b) engine air inlets shall be fitted with flame arrestors if located within 40 feet of a well head and the final engine exhaust to atmosphere shall be fitted with a flame trap if situated within 40 feet of the well head unless otherwise directed by the Oil Conservation Engineer;

    • (c) the exhaust pipes shall be directed away from the well or any equipment containing ignitable vapours; and

    • (d) the manifolds shall be shielded to prevent contact with liquids which might fall thereon.

  • (9) The cylinders, valve chests and other hot exposed parts of steam engines and steam pipes on a derrick or in a drilling engine room or within 75 feet thereof, whenever the steam temperature exceeds 400°F, shall be fitted with thermal insulation and the insulation shall be covered by metal so that no liquid can be absorbed by the insulating materials.

Fuel Tanks

  •  (1) Except for the fuel tanks actually connected to the operating equipment, no storage of gaseous or liquid fuel shall be permitted within 75 feet of a well.

  • (2) Drainage from such a location shall be such that the flow is in a direction away from the location of such well.

Drill Stem Tests

 Unless a rig is adequately lighted by natural light or by means of floodlights having no electrical equipment capable of igniting gas or oil within 75 feet of the well head, no drill pipe shall be disconnected during a drill stem test unless there is no possibility of any oil or gas being present in the drill pipe.

Test Plugs

 In addition to its regular means of attachment, every test plug shall be equipped with a safety line and attached thereby to the links when above the derrick floor.

Pipe Racks

 Pipe racks shall be substantially constructed and provision made to have the casing, drill pipe, drill collars and the like laid thereon adequately cleated to prevent them from rolling off the racks.


 When casing or drill pipes are being disconnected on drilling platforms, a metal guard that will prevent mud or water splashing on workmen shall be installed on every drilling rig.

Rotary Drilling Rig

  •  (1) On both sides of the draw works, guards of heavy metal shall be provided for all drive sprockets and chains, and such guards shall be strong enough to withstand the shock of breaking chains and shall be installed so that workmen cannot come in contact with the moving parts.

  • (2) The guard for the low gear drum driven sprockets and chain next to the driller shall be flanged with a steel plate so that a breaking chain cannot hit the driller or foul the brake lever.

  • (3) On every chain-driven rig, the pinion shaft, the couplings and the bevel gear shall be guarded with metal shields.

  • (4) On every shaft-driven rig, the drive pinion, the shaft, the coupling and the bevel gears shall be guarded with metal shields.

  • (5) The pump end of every rig hose shall be securely fastened to the derrick and the swivel end of such hose shall be securely fastened to the swivel housing with a safety chain or wire cable.

  • (6) The key seat and projecting key on every cathead shall be covered with a smooth thimble.

  • (7) Every cathead shall be provided with an adequate guard to separate the first turn of the catline.

  • (8) The tops and outer sides of the hoisting drum brake flanges shall be guarded by a steel plate of a thickness not less than 1/8 inch, and these guards shall be installed with a minimum working clearance from the brake and shall be securely bolted in place.

  • (9) All rotary rig tongs shall be provided with two separate wire-rope safety cables of a diameter not less than 5/8 inch.

  • (10) Every steam-driven drilling engine shall, in addition to the usual steam-control valve, be equipped with a quick closing steam valve to which is attached an extension handle of sufficient length so as to be readily available to the driller while at the controls of the rig.

  • (11) The rotary table shall not be used for final making up or initial breaking out of drill pipe.

  • (12) Where practicable, a locking device shall be installed on all control levers.

  • (13) The eye connection of all safety cables shall be securely fastened with at least three U type clamps.

  • (14) The suction pit shall be equipped on its outer edge with a two-rail railing of adequate height.


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