Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Proclamations Certifying Who Are the High Contracting Parties to the Warsaw Convention (SI/85-25)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23

Proclamations Certifying Who Are the High Contracting Parties to the Warsaw Convention



Registration 1985-02-20

Proclamations Certifying Who Are the High Contracting Parties to the Warsaw Convention




ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories QUEEN, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

To All to Whom these Presents shall come or whom the same may in anyway concern,


Deputy Attorney General

A Proclamation

Whereas in and by subsection 2(3) of the Carriage by Air Act, being chapter C-14 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, it is provided that the Governor in Council may from time to time by proclamation published in the Canada Gazette certify who are the High Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on October 12, 1929, in respect of what territories they are respectively parties, to what extent they have availed themselves of the Additional Protocol to the said Convention and who are the parties to the Protocol set out in Schedule III to the said Act.

Now Know You that We, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada, do by this Our Proclamation certify

  • (a) each state named in Part I of Schedules I and II hereto is a High Contracting Party to the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on October 12, 1929, in respect of the territories described in that Part opposite the state named;

  • (b) each state named in Part II of Schedules I and II hereto is a High Contracting Party to the protocol to amend the said Convention signed at The Hague on September 28, 1955 as set out in Schedule III to the Carriage by Air Act; and

  • (c) each state that is a High Contracting Party named in Part III of Schedule I hereto has availed itself of the Additional Protocol to the said Convention to the extent that it has declared at the time of accession to the Convention that the first paragraph of Article 2 of the Convention shall not apply to international carriage by air performed directly by the state or any territory or possession under its jurisdiction.

Of All Which Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these Presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly.

In Testimony Whereof, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed. Witness: Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved Jeanne Sauvé, a Member of Our Privy Council for Canada, Chancellor and Principal Companion of Our Order of Canada, Chancellor and Commander of Our Order of Military Merit upon whom We have conferred Our Canadian Forces’ Decoration, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada.

At Our Government House, in Our City of Ottawa, this fifth day of February in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five and in the thirty-third year of Our Reign.

By Command,
Deputy Registrar General of Canada

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