Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Student Employment Programs Participants Regulations (SOR/2010-148)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23 and last amended on 2022-06-24. Previous Versions

Student Employment Programs Participants Regulations



Registration 2010-06-17

Student Employment Programs Participants Regulations

P.C. 2010-774 2010-06-17

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Canadian Heritage and the Public Service Commission, pursuant to section 21 of the Public Service Employment ActFootnote a, hereby makes the annexed Student Employment Programs Participants Regulations.


 The following definitions apply in these Regulations.


Act means the Public Service Employment Act. (Loi)

student employment program

student employment program means the Federal Student Work Experience Program, the Research Affiliate Program, the Post-Secondary Co-op/Internship Program or any other student employment program established by the Treasury Board after consultation with the Commission. (programme d’embauche d’étudiants)


 These Regulations apply to participants in a student employment program who are excluded, for the purposes of hiring and during the course of their employment under the program, from the application of the provisions of the Act other than section 2, subsections 15(1) and (2), and sections 16 to 21, 24, 25, 29, 34, 54, 55, 66 to 72, 111 to 122, 134 and 135.

Dealing with Excluded Persons

 A participant may be appointed to the public service under a student employment program if the participant meets the qualifications for the work to be performed and the appointment is free from personal favouritism or political influence.

 A participant who is a Canadian citizen, within the meaning of the Citizenship Act, or a permanent resident, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, must be appointed to the public service under a student employment program ahead of other persons who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents and who have not previously been appointed to the public service under a student employment program if the participant meets the qualifications for the work to be performed.

 A participant appointed to the public service under the student employment program is not eligible to participate in an internal appointment process unless it is advertised and the following conditions are met:

  • (a) participants in a student employment program are specifically included in the area of selection determined for the advertised internal appointment process;

  • (b) the participant meets the other criteria established for that area of selection; and

  • (c) the participant is able to demonstrate that they are capable of completing, within the period indicated in the advertisement for the appointment process, the post-secondary education program or vocational training program in which they were registered at the time of their most recent appointment under the student employment program.

 A participant appointed to the public service under a student employment program who is selected as a result of an advertised internal appointment process may not be appointed under that process before they have successfully completed their post-secondary education program or vocational training program.

 If a participant accepts an appointment to the public service that is outside a student employment program during the period in which they are appointed to the public service under that program, the participant must, for the purposes of section 61 of the Act, be dealt with as though they were appointed from outside the public service.



Coming into Force

 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.


  • — SOR/2022-163, s. 2

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