Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Aviation Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (SOR/2011-87)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2023-12-15. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE(Section 2.4)

Maximum Duration of Exposure to A-weighted Sound Pressure Levels in the Work Place

ItemColumn 1Column 2
A-weighted sound pressure level (dBA)Maximum duration of exposure in hours per employee per 24-hour period

PART 3Electrical Safety


 In this Part, electrical equipment means equipment for the generation, distribution or use of electricity.

In-flight Maintenance

 [Repealed, SOR/2019-246, s. 360]

 All testing or work performed on electrical equipment on board an aircraft shall be performed by a qualified person.

 If there is a risk that an employee may receive a hazardous electrical shock during the performance of the work referred to in section 3.3, the employee shall use insulated protection equipment and tools that will protect the employee from injury.

 If electrical equipment on board an aircraft is live or may become live, no employee shall work on the equipment unless

  • (a) the employer has instructed the employee in procedures that are safe for work on live conductors;

  • (b) a safety ground is connected to the equipment; or

  • (c) the equipment is separated or disconnected from every source of electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic or other kind of energy that is capable of making electrical equipment dangerous.

 If an employee is working on or near electrical equipment that is live or may become live, the employer shall ensure that the electrical equipment is guarded.

 If two or more employees are working on or in connection with electrical equipment, they shall be fully informed by the employer with respect to ensuring that the work is coordinated in a safe manner.

Safety Procedures

 If an employee identifies a defect in electrical equipment that may render it unsafe for use, the employee shall, as soon as possible, mark or tag the electrical equipment as unsafe for use and report the defect to the person in charge of the aircraft.

PART 4Sanitation


 The following definitions apply in this Part.

galley area

galley area means an area used for the storage or preparation of food on board an aircraft. (office)


washroom means a room on board an aircraft that contains a toilet or a washbasin. (salle d’eau)


  •  (1) If feasible, the employer shall provide a room that contains a toilet and a washbasin.

  • (2) If it is not feasible to comply with subsection (1), the employer shall, if feasible, provide a room that contains a toilet.

  • (3) If it is not feasible to comply with subsection (1) or (2), the employer shall, if feasible, provide a room that contains a washbasin.

  • (4) If feasible, the employer shall provide a washroom for the sole use of the employees.

  •  (1) Every employer shall ensure that each washroom and galley area used by employees is maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and cleaned at least once in every 24 hour period in which they are used.

  • (2) Employees who use washrooms and galley areas shall keep them as clean and in as sanitary a condition as possible.

  • (3) All work that may cause dusty or unsanitary conditions shall be carried out in a manner that will prevent the contamination of the air by dust or other substances injurious to health.

  •  (1) Each container that is used for solid or liquid waste, other than a disposable plastic garbage bag, shall be

    • (a) leak-proof;

    • (b) constructed so that it can be easily cleaned and maintained in a sanitary condition; and

    • (c) equipped with a tight-fitting cover or enclosed in a manner that does not present a health or safety hazard.

  • (2) Each container shall be emptied as soon as feasible after it becomes full and at least once in every 24-hour period in which it is used.

  • (3) If disposable plastic garbage bags are used, they shall be

    • (a) leak-proof;

    • (b) strong enough to support their contents when full; and

    • (c) closed and secured when full and disposed of at the first opportunity.

 Every washroom shall be enclosed in such a manner as to provide for a reasonable amount of privacy for its occupant.

 Toilet paper shall be provided in each washroom that contains a toilet.

  •  (1) The employer must provide the following items in each washroom that contains a toilet:

    • (a) menstrual products, including clean and hygienic tampons and menstrual pads; and

    • (b) a covered container for the disposal of menstrual products.

  • (2) If it is not feasible to provide menstrual products in a washroom, the employer shall provide them in another location in the same work place that is controlled by the employer, accessible by employees at all times and offers a reasonable amount of privacy.

 If vermin have entered any enclosed part of a work place, the employer shall, as soon as feasible, take all steps necessary to eliminate the vermin and prevent their re-entry.


  •  (1) In those washrooms that contain a washbasin, every employer shall ensure that the water supply to the washbasin is sufficient to serve the employees.

  • (2) In every washroom that contains a washbasin, the employer shall ensure that the following are provided:

    • (a) soap or other cleaning agent in a dispenser at each washbasin;

    • (b) single-use hand towels in sufficient quantity to serve the employees using the washroom; and

    • (c) a non-combustible container for the disposal of used towels.

  • (3) If hot water is provided for personal washing, it shall be maintained at a temperature of not more than 43°C.

  • (4) If it is not feasible to comply with subsection (1), the employer shall ensure that sufficient antiseptic agent is provided to employees.

Potable Water

  •  (1) Every employer shall ensure that employees are provided with potable water in sufficient quantity for drinking, personal washing and food preparation.

  • (2) The potable water shall meet the microbiological quality guidelines set out in the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality, prepared by the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water and published by the Department of Health.

 If a portable storage container for potable water is used,

  • (a) the container shall be equipped with an airtight cover that can be securely closed;

  • (b) the container shall be used only for the purpose of storing potable water;

  • (c) the container shall not be stored in a washroom; and

  • (d) the water shall be drawn from the container by a tap, a ladle used only for the purpose of drawing water from the container or any other means that precludes the contamination of the water.

 If potable water is not supplied by a drinking fountain the employer shall provide sanitary single-use drinking cups or bottled water.

 Any ice that is added to potable water or used for the contact refrigeration of foodstuffs shall be

  • (a) made from potable water; and

  • (b) stored and handled in a manner that prevents contamination.

Preparation, Handling, Storage and Serving of Food

  •  (1) Each employee who handles food as part of their duties shall be instructed and trained in food handling practices to follow in order to prevent the contamination of food.

  • (2) No employee who is suffering from a disease that can be transmitted through the handling of food shall handle food.

 Food stored by an employer for the consumption by employees shall be stored in conditions that will prevent the food from becoming a hazard to the employees when consumed.

 All equipment and utensils that come into contact with food shall be

  • (a) smooth and free from cracks, crevices, pitting or unnecessary indentations; and

  • (b) cleaned to maintain their surfaces in a sanitary condition.

 No person shall prepare, store or eat food

  • (a) in a place where a hazardous substance may contaminate food, dishes or utensils;

  • (b) in a washroom; or

  • (c) in any other place where food may be contaminated.

  •  (1) If dry ice is used for the refrigeration of food, it shall be

    • (a) contained in a manner that prevents injury to employees; and

    • (b) marked, tagged or otherwise identified in a manner that assists employees in using it safely.

  • (2) An employee who handles or is exposed to dry ice shall be instructed and trained in precautions to be taken for its safe use and procedures to follow in the event of injury.


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