Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Iqaluit Airport Zoning Regulations (SOR/2014-16)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23 and last amended on 2014-03-20. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE(Sections 1 and 2)

In this schedule, all grid coordinates are in metres (m) and refer to the 1983 North American Datum, Zone 19, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection. Grid coordinates have been computed using an average combined scale factor of 0.99959894.

In this schedule, all elevation values are in metres (m) and are based on the Canadian Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1928 (CGVD28).

PART 1Airport Reference Point

The airport reference point, as shown on the zoning plan, is the geometric centre of the runway thresholds, at grid coordinates 7 069 965.22 N, 521 899.94 E (latitude 63°45′23.67089″ N, longitude 68°33′22.01292″ W). It is located on the centre line of the strip surface at a distance of 1 371.43 m from the end of the strip surface associated with runway 17-35, and its assigned elevation is 21.24 m above sea level.

PART 2Approach Surfaces

The approach surfaces, as shown on the zoning plan, are described as follows:

  • (a) an imaginary inclined surface abutting the end of the strip surface associated with runway approach 17 and ascending, from an assigned elevation of 33.01 m above sea level, at a ratio of 1.00 m measured vertically to 50.00 m measured horizontally, to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip surface and distant 15 000.00 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 2 400.00 m from the projected centre line and 300.00 m above the assigned elevation at the end of the strip surface associated with runway approach 17; and

  • (b) an imaginary inclined surface abutting the end of the strip surface associated with runway approach 35 and ascending, from an assigned elevation of 21.24 m above sea level, at a ratio of 1.00 m measured vertically to 50.00 m measured horizontally, to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip surface and distant 15 000.00 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 2 400.00 m from the projected centre line and 300.00 m above the assigned elevation at the end of the strip surface associated with runway approach 35.

The elevation of an approach surface at any point is equal to the elevation of the nearest point on the centre line of that approach surface. The elevation of an approach surface centre line is calculated from the elevation of the abutting end of the strip surface and increases at the constant ratios set out in this Part.

PART 3Outer Surface

The outer surface, as shown on the zoning plan, is an imaginary surface situated at a constant elevation of 45.00 m above the airport reference point, but at 9.00 m above the ground when that elevation would place the outer surface at less than 9.00 m above the ground.

The limit of the outer surface is described as follows:

commencing at the airport reference point;

thence northerly along a radial line on a bearing of N 09°09′37″ E for a distance of 4 000.00 m;

thence generally westerly, southerly, easterly and northerly, along the arc of a circle with a radius of 4 000.00 m centred on the airport reference point, for a distance of 16 336.28 m to the intersection with the centre line of the approach surface associated with runway approach 35;

thence northwesterly along the centre line of the said approach surface and along the centre line of the strip surface to the point of commencement.

PART 4Strip Surface

The elevation of a strip surface at any point is equal to the elevation of the nearest point on the centre line of that strip surface. The elevation of the strip surface centre line between the strip surface end and the closest strip surface threshold is equal to the elevation of the strip surface end. The strip surface centre line between the strip surface thresholds has a slope that decreases at the constant ratio set out in Column 7 of the table below. The elevation of any point along the centre line is calculated using the data set out in that table.

The strip surface, as shown on the zoning plan, is an imaginary rectangular surface described as follows:

the strip surface associated with runway 17-35 is 300.00 m in total width, being 150.00 m on either side of the centre line of the runway. The strip surface commences 60.00 m to the northwest of threshold 17 and ends 60.00 m to the southeast of threshold 35, having a total length of 2 742.86 m. The 17 end of the strip surface has an assigned elevation of 33.01 m and the 35 end of the strip surface has an assigned elevation of 21.24 m. The bearing of the centre line of runway 17-35 is S 44°50′23″ E. Threshold 17 is defined as the northwestern limit of the existing runway surface and intersects with the centre line of the runway at grid coordinates 7 070 894.76 N and 520 975.59 E. Threshold 35 is defined as the southeastern limit of the existing runway surface and intersects with the centre line of the runway at grid coordinates 7 069 035.68 N and 522 824.29 E.

Data for Calculating Elevation Between Thresholds Along Centre Line of Runway 17-35

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7
ItemStarting pointAssigned elevation of starting point (m)End pointDistance between starting and end points (m)Assigned elevation of end point (m)Constant ratio for calculating elevation of any point along centre line
1Threshold 1733.01Threshold 352 622.8621.24-1 : 222.8428

PART 5Transitional Surfaces

Each transitional surface, as shown on the zoning plan, is an imaginary inclined surface ascending at a ratio of 1.00 m measured vertically to 7.00 m measured horizontally at right angles to the centre line and projected centre line of the strip surface, extending upward and outward from the lateral limits of the strip surface and its approach surfaces to the intersection with the outer surface, whose description is limited, for the purposes of this Part, to the first paragraph of Part 3.

The elevation of a point on the lower edge of a transitional surface abutting a strip surface is equal to the elevation of the nearest point on the centre line of the abutting strip surface. The elevation of a point on the lower edge of a transitional surface abutting an approach surface is equal to the elevation of the nearest point on the centre line of the abutting approach surface.

PART 6Limit of Area Containing Lands to Which These Regulations Apply

The limit of the area containing the lands to which these Regulations apply, as shown on the zoning plan, is generally defined by the limit of the area covered by the approach surfaces, outer surface, strip surfaces and transitional surfaces, and is more particularly described as follows:

commencing at a point located at the intersection of the northern boundary of the airport with the eastern limit of the outer surface, being a point located 614.05 m, more or less, from the airport reference point along the eastern limit of the outer surface, being a radial line on a bearing of N 09°09′37″ E;

thence northerly along the said eastern limit of the outer surface for a distance of 3 385.95 m, more or less, to the northern limit of the outer surface;

thence westerly along the limit of the outer surface for a distance of 3 229.36 m, more or less, to the intersection with the northeastern limit of the approach surface associated with runway approach 17;

thence northwesterly along the said approach surface for a distance of 12 546.82 m, more or less, to the northwestern corner thereof;

thence southwesterly along the northwestern limit of the said approach surface for a distance of 4 800.00 m to the southwestern corner thereof;

thence southeasterly along the southwestern limit of the said approach surface for a distance of 12 546.82 m, more or less, to the intersection with the limit of the outer surface;

thence southerly and easterly along the limit of the outer surface for a distance of 11 485.63 m, more or less, to the intersection with the southwestern limit of the approach surface associated with runway approach 35;

thence southeasterly along the southwestern limit of the said approach surface for a distance of 12 546.82 m, more or less, to the southwestern corner thereof;

thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of the said approach surface for a distance of 4 800.00 m to the northeastern corner thereof;

thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of the said approach surface for a distance of 12 892.64 m, more or less, to the intersection with the northeastern limit of the transitional surface associated with runway approach 35;

thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of the said transitional surface for a distance of 2 250.00 m, more or less, to a point of deflection northerly therein, being a point located 315.00 m northeast of the northeastern corner of the strip surface on the straight production northeasterly of the southeastern limit thereof;

thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of the said transitional surface for a distance of 131.13 m, more or less, to the intersection with the northeastern boundary of the airport;

thence generally northwesterly along the airport boundary to the intersection with the northeastern limit of the said transitional surface;

thence along the northeastern limit of the said transitional surface for a distance of 282.27 m, more or less, to the intersection with the northeastern boundary of the airport;

thence generally northwesterly along the airport boundary to the point of commencement.


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