Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SOR/2018-108)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23 and last amended on 2022-06-21. Previous Versions

PART 11Labelling (continued)

DIVISION 3Specific Requirements for Certain Foods (continued)

SUBDIVISION BDeclaration of Net Quantity (continued)

Marginal note:Exceptions

 Despite section 244.2, the declaration of net quantity must be,

  • (a) in the case of a prepackaged dairy product,

    • (i) in metric units or Canadian units, or both (in which case the units must be grouped together), if a standard is set out in Volume 1 of the Standards of Identity Document for the dairy product, or

    • (ii) in metric units, if no standard is set out in Volume 1 of the Standards of Identity Document for the dairy product; and

  • (b) in the case of fresh fruits or vegetables, in metric units or Canadian units, or both (in which case the units must be grouped together), unless the declaration of net quantity is shown by numerical count.

Marginal note:Exceptions

 The declaration of net quantity must be shown on the principal display panel of

  • (a) prepackaged dairy products;

  • (b) fish that is in a hermetically sealed package and commercially sterile;

  • (c) prepackaged processed fruit or vegetable products; and

  • (d) prepackaged edible meat products.

Marginal note:Prepackaged edible meat products

 In the case of prepackaged edible meat products, the declaration of net quantity must be shown in the manner required by sections 233 to 236 and 239 as if it were a consumer prepackaged food.

SUBDIVISION CLocation of Information

Marginal note:Food or container

  •  (1) A label that bears the information required by this Division in respect of a food must be applied or attached

    • (a) in the case of a prepackaged food, to its container; or

    • (b) in the case of food that is not prepackaged, to the food.

  • Marginal note:Any part of label

    (2) The information may be shown on any part of the label, unless otherwise provided by this Division in respect of the food.

  • Marginal note:Bottom of food or container

    (3) Despite subsection (2), if the information is shown on any part of the label that is applied or attached to the bottom of the prepackaged food or container, that information must also be shown

    • (a) on any part of the label where it is required to be shown under another provision of this Division in respect of the food; or

    • (b) if paragraph (a) does not apply, on any part of the label that is not applied or attached to the bottom of the food or container.


Marginal note:Prepackaged dairy products

 The principal display panel of a prepackaged dairy product must bear

  • (a) in the case of butter, calorie-reduced butter, light butter or lite butter, dairy spread and whey butter, the following words or expressions:

    • (i) “Cultured” or “de culture”, preceding the common name in English or following the common name in French, if the dairy product has been prepared from cream to which a bacterial culture has been added,

    • (ii) “Whipped” or “fouetté”, preceding the common name in English or following the common name in French, if the dairy product has had air or inert gas uniformly incorporated into it as a result of whipping,

    • (iii) “Unsalted” or “non salé”, in close proximity to the common name, if the dairy product is unsalted and has not been cultured, and

    • (iv) “Salted” or “salé”, in close proximity to the common name, if the dairy product is salted and has been cultured;

  • (b) in the case of a combination of skim milk powder and whey powder, the percentage of each powder; and

  • (c) in the case of partly skimmed milk powder, dairy spread and calorie-reduced butter, the percentage of milk fat.

  • (d) [Repealed, SOR/2022-144, s. 27]

Marginal note:Prepackaged dairy products — not consumer prepackaged

 The principal display panel of a prepackaged dairy product, other than a consumer prepackaged dairy product, must bear

  • (a) in the case of cheese in its original shape, made from pasteurized milk, the word “Pasteurized” or “pasteurisé”, unless the list of ingredients indicates that the cheese is made from pasteurized milk;

  • (b) in the case of buttermilk powder, the percentage of milk fat;

  • (c) in the case of skim milk powder that has a whey protein nitrogen content of not less than 6.0 mg/g, the expression “Low Heat” or “Low Temperature” or “basse température” or the abbreviation “Low Temp.” or “basse temp.”; and

  • (d) in the case of skim milk powder that has a whey protein nitrogen content of not more than 1.5 mg/g, the expression “High Heat” or “High Temperature” or “haute température” or the abbreviation “High Temp.” or “haute temp.”.

Marginal note:Consumer prepackaged dairy products

 The principal display panel of a consumer prepackaged dairy product must bear

  • (a) in the case of cheese, except cottage cheese and creamed cottage cheese, and in the case of cheese curd, the percentage of moisture;

  • (b) in the case of cheese, cheese curd and evaporated partly skimmed milk or concentrated partly skimmed milk, the percentage of milk fat; and

  • (c) in the case of a dairy product that consists of or was manufactured or prepared wholly or partly from milk that is obtained from an animal other than a cow, the source of the milk, unless the source is indicated in the common name.

  • (d) [Repealed, SOR/2022-144, s. 28]

Marginal note:Consumer prepackaged cheese

  •  (1) The principal display panel of a consumer prepackaged cheese must bear

    • (a) the relative firmness of the cheese;

    • (b) except in the case of a soft white cheese, the principal ripening characteristic of the cheese; and

    • (c) in the case of a mixture of grated or shredded cheeses, the varieties of the cheeses, in descending order of their proportion in the mixture.

    • (d) [Repealed, SOR/2022-144, s. 29]

  • Marginal note:Exception

    (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of

    • (a) cheddar cheese;

    • (b) cream cheese with or without added ingredients;

    • (c) cream cheese spread with or without added ingredients;

    • (d) whey cheese;

    • (e) processed cheese with or without added ingredients;

    • (f) processed cheese food with or without added ingredients;

    • (g) processed cheese spread with or without added ingredients;

    • (h) cold-pack cheese with or without added ingredients;

    • (i) cold-pack cheese food with or without added ingredients;

    • (j) cottage cheese;

    • (k) creamed cottage cheese; and

    • (l) any cheese that is listed in Part I or II of the table to section B.08.033 of the Food and Drug Regulations.

  • Marginal note:Relative firmness

    (3) The relative firmness of the cheese must be identified by the expressions that correspond to the applicable moisture on fat-free basis content set out in the Descriptive Words, Expressions and Identification Names Document.

  • Marginal note:Principal ripening characteristic

    (4) The principal ripening characteristic of the cheese must be identified by the words or expressions that correspond to the applicable ripening process set out in the Descriptive Words, Expressions and Identification Names Document.

Marginal note:Imported dairy products

  •  (1) The label of the following dairy products must bear the expression “Product of” or “produit de”, followed by the name of the foreign state of origin:

    • (a) an imported prepackaged dairy product; and

    • (b) a consumer prepackaged cheese that is packaged in Canada from imported bulk cheese for which a standard is set out in Volume 1 of the Standards of Identity Document.

  • Marginal note:Principal display panel

    (2) In the case of the cheese referred to in paragraph (1)(b), the information must be shown on the principal display panel.

Marginal note:Exception

 Subsection 239(2) and sections 244.3, 246, 248 and 250 do not apply in respect of an individual portion of a consumer prepackaged dairy product that is sold

  • (a) by means of an automatic vending machine or mobile canteen; or

  • (b) by a restaurant or other commercial enterprise if it is served with meals or snacks.

 [Repealed, SOR/2022-144, s. 31]

Marginal note:Type size

 The information that is required by section 250 must be shown in boldface type in characters that are at least 16 mm in height, in the case of a prepackaged dairy product other than a consumer prepackaged dairy product.


Marginal note:Graded eggs

 The label of prepackaged eggs that are graded in accordance with these Regulations and that are pasteurized in the shell must bear the words “Pasteurized” and “pasteurisé”, as well as the expressions “Graded Canada A Before Pasteurization” and “classifié Canada A avant pasteurisation” or the expressions “Graded Grade A Before Pasteurization” and “classifié catégorie A avant pasteurisation”, as the case may be.

 [Repealed, SOR/2022-144, s. 32]

Marginal note:Imported eggs

  •  (1) The label of imported prepackaged eggs must bear the expressions “Product of” and “produit de”, followed by the name of the foreign state of origin.

  • Marginal note:Location and type size

    (2) That information must be shown in characters that are

    • (a) in the case of a tray with an overwrap or an egg carton, on the top or side of the tray or egg carton, at least 1.5 mm in height; and

    • (b) in the case of a container other than a tray with an overwrap or an egg carton, at least 6 mm in height.

 [Repealed, SOR/2022-144, s. 33]

SUBDIVISION FProcessed Egg Products

Marginal note:Prepackaged processed egg products

 The label of a prepackaged processed egg product must bear

  • (a) the inspection legend set out in Figure 1 of Schedule 2, if the prepackaged processed egg product is sent or conveyed from one province to another or exported; and

  • (b) the official inspection mark of the foreign state of origin, if the prepackaged processed egg product is imported.

  • (c) [Repealed, SOR/2022-144, s. 34]

  • (d) [Repealed, SOR/2022-144, s. 34]

Marginal note:Imported prepackaged processed egg products

 The label of an imported prepackaged processed egg product must also bear the expression “Product of” or “produit de”, followed by the name of the foreign state of origin.

Marginal note:Prepackaged dried egg blends

 The label of the following prepackaged processed egg products must bear the expression “Product of Canada and” or “produit du Canada et”, followed by the name of the foreign state of origin:

  • (a) dried whole egg that is a blend of imported and Canadian dried whole egg;

  • (b) dried yolk that is a blend of imported and Canadian dried yolk; and

  • (c) dried egg white or dried albumen that is a blend of imported and Canadian dried egg white or dried albumen.


Marginal note:Definition of salted fish

 In this Subdivision, salted fish means fish of the Gadidae family that has been preserved by salt and that has a salt content of 12% or more by wet weight and a moisture content of not more than 65%.

Marginal note:Prepackaged fish

  •  (1) The label of prepackaged fish must bear

    • (a) in the case of bivalve molluscs in the shell that are not in a hermetically sealed package, the date of processing and an expression, code or identifier that indicates the area from which they were harvested; and

    • (b) in the case of tuna that is in a hermetically sealed package, one of the expressions to describe the applicable colour of the fish flesh based on the indicated condition as set out in the Descriptive Words, Expressions and Identification Names Document.

  • Marginal note:Prepackaged salted fish

    (2) In the case of prepackaged salted fish, if the label bears one of the expressions set out in the Descriptive Words, Expressions and Identification Names Document to describe the salted fish, the applicable salt or moisture content after salting is complete as indicated for that expression must be met.


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