Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Minor Works Order (SOR/2021-170)

Full Document:  

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23

Designations (continued)

Submarine Cables (continued)

Marginal note:Re-lay, rebury or remove cables

 If a submarine cable that was designated as a minor work under section 17 is no longer lying on or buried under the bed of the navigable water, the owner of the submarine cable must, as soon as feasible, re-lay the cable on the bed of the navigable water, rebury the cable under the bed of the navigable water or remove the cable.

Buried Pipelines

Marginal note:Designation — buried pipelines

 A pipeline that meets the following criteria is designated as a minor work:

  • (a) the pipeline is buried under the bed of the navigable water;

  • (b) the pipeline is not in an area where routine dredging occurs; and

  • (c) the pipeline is not in an area that is identified as an anchorage area on a nautical chart produced by the Canadian Hydrographic Service or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States.

Marginal note:Requirement — water with width of more than 50 m

 During the construction or placement of a pipeline that is intended to be designated as a minor work under section 19 in navigable water the width of which is more than 50 m at the location of the burial, the owner of the pipeline must ensure that the pipeline is buried using the horizontal directional drilling method.

Marginal note:Horizontal directional drilling method with guiding cables

 If the owner of a pipeline that is intended to be designated as a minor work under section 19 buries the pipeline using the horizontal directional drilling method with guiding cables placed in the navigable water, the owner must ensure that

  • (a) no equipment is placed in the navigable water, except the guiding cables and equipment required to use those cables; and

  • (b) the guiding cables and equipment required to use those cables do not extend vertically above the bed of the navigable water more than

    • (i) if the navigable water is less than 15 m in depth, 5% of the depth of the water, or

    • (ii) in any other case, 1 m.

Marginal note:Bed contours of navigable water

 If the construction, placement, alteration, rebuilding, removal, decommissioning, repair or maintenance of a pipeline that is designated, or intended to be designated, as a minor work under section 19 disturbs the bed contours of a navigable water to the point of interfering or likely to interfere with navigation, the owner of the pipeline must ensure, on completion of the activity, that the bed contours of the navigable water do not and are not likely to interfere with navigation.

Marginal note:Rebury or remove pipelines

 If a pipeline that was designated as a minor work under section 19 is no longer buried under the bed of the navigable water, the owner of the pipeline must, as soon as feasible, rebury the pipeline under the bed of the navigable water or remove the pipeline.

Pipelines and Cables Used for Power or Telecommunication Purposes Attached to an Existing Work

Marginal note:Designation — pipelines and certain cables

 A pipeline or a cable used exclusively for power or telecommunication purposes that meets the following criteria is designated as a minor work:

  • (a) the pipeline or cable is attached to an existing work that was approved, validly constructed or placed under the Act; and

  • (b) the pipeline or cable does not increase the interference with navigation caused by the existing work.

Works Within an Area Bounded by a Boom

Marginal note:Designation — certain works

 A work that meets the following criteria is designated as a minor work:

  • (a) the work is within an area bounded by a boom that was approved, validly constructed or placed under the Act upstream or downstream of a water control structure that was approved, validly constructed or placed under the Act;

  • (b) the work does not adversely affect the efficacy of the boom;

  • (c) the work does not alter either the level or the flow of the navigable water outside the area bounded by the boom;

  • (d) the work is not related to rebuilding or altering the boom or the water control structure; and

  • (e) the work is owned by the owner of the boom or the water control structure.

Outfalls and Water Intakes

Marginal note:Designation — outfalls and water intakes

 An outfall or a water intake that meets the following criteria is designated as a minor work:

  • (a) the outfall or water intake does not extend vertically above the bed of the navigable water more than

    • (i) if the navigable water is less than 15 m in depth, 5% of the depth of the water, or

    • (ii) in any other case, 1 m;

  • (b) the outfall or water intake does not alter either the level or the flow of the navigable water to the point of interfering with navigation;

  • (c) the outfall or water intake is more than 30 m from a navigation channel; and

  • (d) the outfall or water intake is not associated with an existing or proposed dam or weir or an existing or proposed reservoir of water created by the construction of a dam or weir.

Marginal note:Reposition or remove

 If an outfall or water intake that was designated as a minor work under section 26 no longer meets the criteria set out in paragraph 26(a), the owner of the outfall or water intake must, as soon as feasible, reposition the outfall or water intake to meet this criteria or remove the outfall or water intake.


Marginal note:Designation — dredging

 Dredging to maintain the charted width or depth of a charted navigable water or the width or depth of any other navigable water is designated as a minor work.

Marginal note:Requirements

  •  (1) The owner of dredging designated as a minor work under section 28 must ensure that

    • (a) if the dredging uses floating pipes,

      • (i) the pipes are not situated in, on, over or across a navigation channel, and

      • (ii) the pipes are visible from sunset to sunrise and during periods of restricted visibility by the placement of

        • (A) cautionary buoys with yellow flashing lights,

        • (B) cautionary buoys with retro-reflective material, or

        • (C) floats with retro-reflective material;

    • (b) if the dredging uses submerged pipes,

      • (i) the pipes are not situated in, under, through or across a navigation channel,

      • (ii) the portion of the pipes not lying on the bed of the navigable water are marked by the placement of

        • (A) cautionary buoys with yellow flashing lights, or

        • (B) cautionary buoys with retro-reflective material, and

      • (iii) the pipes do not extend vertically above the bed of the navigable water more than

        • (A) if the navigable water is less than 15 m in depth, 5% of the depth of the water, or

        • (B) in any other case, 1 m;

    • (c) the dredging does not use cables that are situated in, on, over, through or across the navigable water;

    • (d) the dredging does not include blasting; and

    • (e) all materials removed by the dredging are disposed of

      • (i) on land above the ordinary high water mark, or

      • (ii) in water where the disposal is authorized by or under an Act of Parliament.

  • Marginal note:Exception — turbidity curtain

    (2) Subparagraphs (1)(a)(ii) and (b)(ii) do not apply if the owner of the dredging

    • (a) uses a turbidity curtain with a yellow or orange flotation system marked with retro-reflective material; and

    • (b) ensures that all dredging equipment is located within the area demarcated by the turbidity curtain.

Marginal note:Bed contours of navigable water

 If dredging designated as a minor work under section 28 disturbs the bed contours of a navigable water to the point of interfering, or likely to interfere, with navigation, the owner of the dredging must ensure, on completion of the activity, that the bed contours of the navigable water do not and are not likely to interfere with navigation.

Mooring Systems

Marginal note:Designation — mooring systems

  •  (1) A mooring system that meets the following criteria is designated as a minor work:

    • (a) on completion of its construction or placement, the mooring system consists of the following components:

      • (i) an anchor that is set in or on the bed of a navigable water,

      • (ii) a single anchor line,

      • (iii) a single mooring buoy, and

      • (iv) a mooring line that attaches to a vessel;

    • (b) when a vessel is moored to the mooring system, the swing area

      • (i) is more than 20 m from a work, other than an overhead cable, or from the swing area of another mooring system that is not owned by the owner of the mooring system,

      • (ii) is more than 50 m from a marina or public boat-launching ramp,

      • (iii) is more than 50 m from a navigation channel or, if there is no navigation channel, is not in, on, through or across a navigation route, and

      • (iv) does not exceed the maximum diameter set out in column 2 of the table to this section when

        • (A) if the mooring system is situated in tidal waters, the location where the mooring system is situated has the depth set out in column 1 of the table according to nautical charts produced by the Canadian Hydrographic Service or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States, or

        • (B) in any other case, the location where the mooring system is situated has the depth set out in column 1 of the table;

    • (c) the mooring system is not associated with an existing or proposed marina;

    • (d) the mooring system is situated in a location where the width of the navigable water is more than 100 m; and

    • (e) the anchor of the mooring system remains in the location where it was set in or on the bed of the navigable water.


    Column 1Column 2
    ItemDepth of Navigable WaterMaximum Diameter of the Swing Area
    16 m or less50 m
    2More than 6 m but not more than 10 m70 m
    3More than 10 m but not more than 14 m80 m
    4More than 14 m100 m
  • Marginal note:Definition of swing area

    (2) In this section, swing area means the area created by the swinging of a vessel moored to a mooring system.

Marginal note:Vessels of more than 12 m

 The owner of a mooring system that is designated as a minor work under subsection 31(1) must not moor, or permit others to moor, to the mooring system a vessel that is more than 12 m in length, as measured between the fore and aft extremities of the vessel.

Marginal note:Removal of mooring system

 The owner of a mooring system that is designated as a minor work under subsection 31(1) must remove the mooring system as soon as feasible if

  • (a) any component of the mooring system has been removed; or

  • (b) during any two-year period, no vessel has moored to the mooring system.

Watercourse Crossings

Marginal note:Designation — watercourse crossings

 A watercourse crossing, including its abutments, footings and armouring, that meets the following criteria is designated as a minor work:

  • (a) the watercourse crossing is not a major work;

  • (b) the watercourse crossing is not a zipline or other cable used for transportation;

  • (c) the watercourse crossing is situated over or across a navigable water and the width of the navigable water is 30 m or less;

  • (d) the watercourse crossing is situated above the ordinary high water mark; and

  • (e) the watercourse crossing is designed to ensure that the clearance available below the watercourse crossing is at least 1 m more than the height of the tallest vessel that may navigate on the navigable water at the site where the watercourse crossing is situated.

Marginal note:Infilling

 During the construction, placement, alteration, rebuilding, removal, decommissioning, repair or maintenance of a watercourse crossing that is designated, or intended to be designated, as a minor work under section 34, the owner of the watercourse crossing must ensure that there is no infilling of navigable water.

Swim Areas

Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this section and in sections 37 and 38.

Indigenous governing body

Indigenous governing body means a council, government or other entity that is authorized to act on behalf of an Indigenous group, community or people that holds rights recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. (corps dirigeant autochtone)

local authority

local authority means a government of a municipality, township, county or regional district, an Indigenous governing body, any other government constituted under the laws of a province or territory or a department of a provincial or territorial government or of the federal government. (administration locale)

swim area

swim area means an area for swimming that has been demarcated with ropes by, or on behalf of, a local authority. (zone de baignade)

Marginal note:Designation — swim areas

 A swim area that meets the following criteria is designated as a minor work:

  • (a) the swim area is situated 30 m or more from a navigation channel or, if there is no navigation channel, is not situated in, on, over, through or across a navigation route;

  • (b) the swim area does not extend more than 30 m into or on the navigable water;

  • (c) the swim area does not occupy more than one-third of the width of the navigable water;

  • (d) the ropes used to demarcate the swim area are marked by line floats;

  • (e) the perimeter of the swim area is marked by swimming buoys; and

  • (f) the swim area is situated 5 m or more from the adjacent property boundaries and property line extensions.

Marginal note:Designation — works used by swimmers

 A work that is used by swimmers in a swim area that is designated as a minor work under section 37 is designated as a minor work.


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