Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Greenhouse Gas Offset Credit System Regulations (SOR/2022-111)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23

SCHEDULE 1(Subsections 8(1), 16(2) and paragraphs 42(1)(a) and 43(1)(c) and (2)(b))Information to Include in Application for Registration

  • 1 The following information with respect to the proponent:

    • (a) their name (including any trade name or other name used by them) and civic address;

    • (b) the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address of their authorized official;

    • (c) the federal Business Number assigned to the proponent by the Canada Revenue Agency or, if the proponent is a charity that does not have a federal Business Number, the registered charity number assigned to them by the Canada Revenue Agency;

    • (d) if the registration is with respect to a sequestration project, a statement indicating whether the proponent is the owner of the land within the geographic boundaries provided under paragraph 2(c), or, if not, the name of the owner of that land;

    • (e) a statement that the proponent has exclusive entitlement to claim the credits issued for the GHG reductions generated by the project and that they have documents that demonstrate that entitlement;

    • (f) information relating to any direct financial incentives received in respect of the project, including the name of the program in the case of a program providing the incentive, and, if applicable, the percentage of credits that the proponent agrees to forgo in accordance with an agreement pertaining to those direct financial incentives;

    • (g) a statement that the proponent has the necessary authorizations to carry out the project activities and that they have documents that demonstrate those authorizations, including, in the case of a project that is located, in part or in whole, on private property that is not owned by the proponent or that uses equipment that is not owned by the proponent, a declaration signed by the owner stating that they authorize the use of their land or their equipment, as the case may be, to implement the project;

    • (h) a statement that the proponent is in compliance with the legislative and regulatory requirements applicable to the project;

    • (i) a statement that a previous registration by the proponent of the same project under these Regulations has not been cancelled as a result of a voluntary reversal; and

    • (j) a statement that neither the proponent nor their authorized official has been found guilty of an offence under section 380 of the Criminal Code within five years prior to submitting the application for registration.

  • 2 Information with respect to the project:

    • (a) the civic address of the physical site, if applicable;

    • (b) the coordinates (latitude and longitude), expressed in decimal places to five decimal degrees, of the site where the project activities are undertaken;

    • (c) the geographic boundaries of the site where the project activities are undertaken and the site plan, established in accordance with the protocol;

    • (d) the title of the protocol that is applicable to the project and, if more than one version of the protocol is included in the Compendium of Federal Offset Protocols, the date of the applicable version;

    • (e) the project start date or, if the project has not yet started, the anticipated start date;

    • (f) the baseline conditions, set out in the protocol, that must be met prior to the start of the project to be eligible under that protocol and a description of how those conditions are met;

    • (g) a description of the project, including its name, the activities set out in the protocol that are undertaken to prevent GHGs from being emitted or to remove GHGs from the atmosphere, as applicable, and the equipment set out in the protocol used for those activities;

    • h) a list of the sources, sinks and reservoirs that in accordance with the protocol, must be included in the quantification of the aggregate of all of the GHGs emitted and the GHGs removed from the atmosphere based on the project activities undertaken, a statement indicating whether, in accordance with the protocol, those sources, sinks and reservoirs are part of the baseline scenario or project scenario and, if applicable, the reasons for not including certain sources, sinks and reservoirs in the quantification;

    • (i) a list of the GHGs that must be quantified in accordance with the protocol, as applicable based on the sources, sinks and reservoirs relevant to the project;

    • (j) if applicable, the leakage discount factor set out in the protocol;

    • (k) an estimate of the GHG reductions that will be achieved for the crediting period of the project, expressed in CO2e tonnes;

    • (l) with respect to a project other than a sequestration project, if more than one quantification method is provided for in the protocol, the quantification methods that will be used and the reasons those methods were chosen;

    • (m) with respect to a sequestration project, if provided for in the protocol, which of the tonne-tonne, tonne-year or hybrid tonne-year quantification methods will be used for the duration of the project and the reason that method was chosen;

    • (n) if a quantification method provides for options, the option that will be used and the reason that option was chosen;

    • (o) in the case of a sequestration project for which the tonne-tonne or hybrid-tonne-year quantification method will be used, a copy of the reversal risk management plan and the sum of 3% and the percentage set out in the protocol and based on the reversal risk mitigation measures and monitoring activities implemented for the project;

    • (p) a statement that the project is not registered in another offset credit system and, if the project was previously registered in another offset credit system, the name of the other system, along with the project’s project registration number under the other system, if one was assigned, its registration date in the other system and the date on which its registration was cancelled;

    • (q) a statement that credits will not be attributed under another GHG reduction mechanism for the GHG reductions generated by the project;

    • (r) a statement indicating whether the project is registered to receive any type of credit or payment for environmental attributes resulting from the project; and

    • (s) a statement that the GHG reductions will be additional.


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