Territorial Sea Geographical Coordinates (Area 7) Order (SOR/85-872)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04
Territorial Sea Geographical Coordinates (Area 7) Order
Registration 1985-09-10
Order Respecting Geographical Coordinates of Points from which Baselines May Be Determined
P.C. 1985-2739 1985-09-10
Whereas Canada has long maintained and exercised sovereignty over the waters of the Canadian Arctic archipelago.
Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Secretary of State for External Affairs, pursuant to subsection 5(1)Footnote * of the Territorial Sea and Fishing Zones Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Order respecting geographical coordinates of points from which baselines may be determined, effective January 1, 1986.
Return to footnote *R.S.C. 1970, c. 45 (1st Supp.), s. 3
Short Title
1 This Order may be cited as the Territorial Sea Geographical Coordinates (Area 7) Order.
2 In this Order,
- Act
Act means the Territorial Sea and Fishing Zones Act; (Loi)
- Area 7
Area 7 means the Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland and includes all islands and low-tide elevations adjacent to the Area; (région 7)
- C.H.S. Chart
C.H.S. Chart means Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart. (carte S.H.C.)
3 (1) The lists of geographical coordinates of points set out in Schedules I, II and III are hereby issued as lists of geographical coordinates of points from which baselines may be determined pursuant to the Act in respect of Area 7.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the geographical coordinates of points set out in columns II and III of an item of the schedules are those determined from the chart and edition set out in column IV of that item.
4 (1) In respect of the portion of Area 7 for which the geographical coordinates of points are listed in Schedule I, the baselines are straight lines joining the points so listed.
(2) In respect of the portion of Area 7 for which the geographical coordinates of points are listed in Schedule II, the baseline is the low-water line along the coast joining the points so listed.
(3) In respect of the portion of Area 7 for which the geographical coordinates of points are listed in Schedule III, the baselines are the low-water lines of the islands and of the low-tide elevations.
SCHEDULE I(Subsection 4(1))
Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland
Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV | |
Item | Locality | Latitude | Longitude | C.H.S. Chart and Edition |
1. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Nunaluk Spit | 69°36′54″N. | 139°54′10″W. | 7601 (1979) |
2. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Herschel Island | 69°38′30″N. | 139°07′24″W. | 7601 (1979) |
3. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Collinson Head | 69°34′40″N. | 138°50′25″W. | 7601 (1979) |
4 | Kay Point | 69°17′54″N. | 138°23′20″W. | 7602 (1981) |
5 | Pitt Island | 69°10′55″N. | 136°16′00″W. | 7602 (1981) |
6 | Garry Island | 69°29′55″N. | 135°49′03″W. | 7602 (1981) |
7. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Pelly Island | 69°35′18″N. | 135°35′30″W. | 7602 (1981) |
8. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Pelly Island | 69°38′22″N. | 135°29′00″W. | 7602 (1981) |
9 | Hooper Island | 69°41′45″N. | 134°55′15″W. | 7604 (1984) |
10. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Pullen Island | 69°47′08″N. | 134°23′18″W. | 7604 (1984) |
11. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Pullen Island | 69°46′45″N. | 134°16′18″W. | 7604 (1984) |
12 | Hendrickson Island | 69°32′25″N. | 133°31′50″W. | 7604 (1984) |
13. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Tuft Point | 69°44′15″N. | 132°32′15″W. | 7604 (1984) |
14. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Warren Point | 69°45′50″N. | 132°17′24″W. | 7604 (1984) |
15 | Atkinson Point | 69°57′10″N. | 131°26′15″W. | 7605 (1984) |
16 | Relief Islet | 70°10′20″N. | 130°46′40″W. | 7605 (1984) |
17 | Cape Dalhousie | 70°16′12″N. | 129°45′36″W. | 7605 (1984) |
18 | Observation Point | 70°38′15″N. | 128°16′06″W. | 7606 (1984) |
19. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Kellet | 71°59′10″N. | 126°01′00″W. | 7081 (1971) |
20. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Meek Point | 72°52′20″N. | 125°07′00″W. | 7832 (1971) |
21. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Liot Point | 73°06′03″N. | 124°52′20″W. | 7832 (1971) |
22. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Unnamed Point | 73°29′00″N. | 124°18′40″W. | 7832 (1971) |
23 | Bernard Island | 73°34′45″N. | 124°20′30″W. | 7832 (1971) |
24. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Norway Island | 73°41′50″N. | 124°41′00″W. | 7832 (1971) |
25. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Norway Island | 73°42′50″N. | 124°43′00″W. | 7832 (1971) |
26 | Robilliard Island | 73°55′30″N. | 124°32′00″W. | 7832 (1971) |
27 | Phillips Island | 74°05′05″N. | 124°35′40″W. | 7832 (1971) |
28 | Gore Islands | 74°17′45″N. | 125°04′00″W. | 7832 (1971) |
29 | Gore Islands | 74°18′45″N. | 125°01′30″W. | 7832 (1971) |
30 | Cape Prince Alfred | 74°20′30″N. | 124°46′00″W. | 7832 (1971) |
31 | Perseverance Point | 75°54′10″N. | 122°40′20″W. | 7832 (1971) |
32 | Unnamed Island | 76°00′20″N. | 123°01′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
33 | Unnamed Island | 76°01′24″N. | 123°03′30″W. | 7952 (1972) |
34 | Unnamed Island | 76°03′00″N. | 123°05′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
35 | Unnamed Island | 76°12′20″N. | 122°59′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
36 | Lands End | 76°21′24″N. | 122°58′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
37 | Unnamed Island | 76°27′05″N. | 122°09′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
38 | Tullett Point | 76°44′36″N. | 121°12′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
39 | Unnamed Island | 77°16′00″N. | 119°23′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
40 | Cape Andreason | 77°19′30″N. | 119°10′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
41 | Unnamed Island | 77°22′30″N. | 118°47′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
42 | Unnamed Island | 77°24′30″N. | 118°12′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
43 | Satellite Bay | 77°31′15″N. | 117°16′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
44 | Cape Leopold M’Clintock | 77°32′36″N. | 116°54′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
45 | Ballantyne Strait | 77°35′50″N. | 116°34′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
46 | Polynia Islands | 77°38′55″N. | 116°08′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
47 | Polynia Islands | 77°45′55″N. | 115°54′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
48 | Polynia Islands | 77°48′50″N. | 115°47′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
49 | Brock Island | 77°54′00″N. | 115°26′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
50 | Brock Island | 78°05′20″N. | 115°02′30″W. | 7952 (1972) |
51 | Wilkins Strait | 78°20′25″N. | 114°12′00″W. | 7952 (1972) |
52 | Borden Island | 78°27′50″N. | 113°07′00″W. | 7953 (1972) |
53 | Borden Island | 78°34′40″N. | 112°30′00″W. | 7953 (1972) |
54 | Borden Island | 78°37′18″N. | 112°12′50″W. | 7953 (1972) |
55 | Borden Island | 78°48′00″N. | 110°46′00″W. | 7953 (1972) |
56 | Isachsen Peninsula | 79°22′45″N. | 105°32′00″W. | 7953 (1972) |
57 | Meighen Island | 80°08′53″N. | 99°46′00″W. | 7953 (1972) |
58 | Perley Island | 80°11′12″N. | 99°18′00″W. | 7953 (1972) |
59 | Cape Northwest | 80°21′36″N. | 96°34′00″W. | 7953 (1972) |
60 | Rum Islands | 80°32′10″N. | 96°15′00″W. | 7953 (1972) |
61 | Bjarnason Island | 80°40′15″N. | 96°07′00″W. | 7953 (1972) |
62 | Axel Heiberg Island | 81°00′15″N. | 95°14′00″W. | 7953 (1972) |
63 | Cape Thomas Hubbard | 81°20′12″N. | 94°18′00″W. | 7953 (1972) |
64 | Kleybolte Peninsula | 81°43′50″N. | 91°42′00″W. | 7954 (1974) |
65 | Cape Bourne | 81°56′40″N. | 90°35′00″W. | 7954 (1974) |
66 | Cape Armstrong | 82°06′06″N. | 88°03′00″W. | 7954 (1974) |
67 | Cape Woods | 82°13′06″N. | 86°50′00″W. | 7954 (1974) |
68 | Alert Point | 82°27′30″N. | 85°47′00″W. | 7954 (1974) |
69 | Cape Bicknor | 82°48′54″N. | 81°31′00″W. | 7954 (1974) |
70. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Fanshawe Martin | 82°56′50″N. | 79°53′00″W. | 7954 (1974) |
71. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Richards | 82°58′20″N. | 79°22′00″W. | 7954 (1974) |
72 | Cape Discovery | 83°05′20″N. | 76°53′00″W. | 7954 (1974) |
73 | Ward Hunt Island | 83°08′10″N. | 74°07′30″W. | 7304 (1978) |
74 | Cape Nares | 83°05′55″N. | 71°33′00″W. | 7304 (1978) |
75 | Cape Aldrich | 83°06′40″N. | 69°42′00″W. | 7304 (1978) |
76 | Stuckberry Point | 82°57′00″N. | 66°44′00″W. | 7304 (1978) |
77 | Cape Hecla | 82°54′30″N. | 64°52′00″W. | 7304 (1978) |
78 | Cape Joseph Henry | 82°49′40″N. | 63°33′00″W. | 7304 (1978) |
79. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Sheridan | 82°28′30″N. | 61°32′00″W. | 7304 (1978) |
80. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Wrangel Bay | 82°00′15″N. | 62°19′00″W. | 7304 (1978) |
81. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Wrangel Bay | 81°58′30″N. | 62°30′00″W. | 7304 (1978) |
82. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | St. Patrick Bay | 81°47′35″N. | 63°54′00″W. | 7304 (1978) |
83. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Baird | 81°29′40″N. | 64°28′30″W. | 7072 (1971) |
84. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Back | 80°55′30″N. | 67°21′00″W. | 7072 (1971) |
85. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Von Buch | 80°53′05″N. | 67°34′00″W. | 7072 (1971) |
86. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Lawrence | 80°20′54″N. | 69°36′00″W. | 7072 (1971) |
87. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Knorr | 79°50′00″N. | 71°14′00″W. | 7071 (1964) |
88. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Louis Napoleon | 79°37′20″N. | 72°40′00″W. | 7071 (1964) |
89 | Cape Hawks | 79°30′27″N. | 73°32′00″W. | 7071 (1964) |
90 | Victoria Head | 79°13′50″N. | 74°27′00″W. | 7071 (1964) |
91. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Henry | 79°09′06″N. | 74°35′00″W. | 7071 (1964) |
92. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Albert | 79°02′56″N. | 74°24′00″W. | 7071 (1964) |
93 | Cape Sabine | 78°43′55″N. | 74°06′00″W. | 7071 (1964) |
94 | Brevoort Island | 78°40′40″N. | 74°07′00″W. | 7071 (1964) |
95 | Cape Herschel | 78°35′06″N. | 74°35′00″W. | 7071 (1964) |
96 | Cape Isabella | 78°19′40″N. | 75°02′00″W. | 7071 (1964) |
97. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Paget Point | 78°06′24″N. | 75°33′30″W. | 7302 (1978) |
98. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Dunsterville | 77°57′20″N. | 75°53′00″W. | 7302 (1978) |
99 | Orne Island | 77°52′24″N. | 76°19′00″W. | 7302 (1978) |
100. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Mouat | 77°35′45″N. | 77°42′00″W. | 7302 (1978) |
101. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Eskimo Bluff | 77°26′24″N. | 78°14′30″W. | 7302 (1978) |
102. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Combermere | 76°58′20″N. | 77°58′30″W. | 7302 (1978) |
103. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Norton Shaw | 76°27′24″N. | 78°23′30″W. | 7302 (1978) |
104 | Phillips Point | 76°03′00″N. | 78°49′50″W. | 7302 (1978) |
105 | Princess Charlotte Monument | 75°50′30″N. | 78°49′50″W. | 7302 (1978) |
106. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Johnson Point | 75°22′45″N. | 79°29′30″W. | 7302 (1978) |
107. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Parker | 75°13′25″N. | 79°30′50″W. | 7302 (1978) |
108 | Cape Cockburn | 74°53′00″N. | 79°19′00″W. | 7220 (1979) |
109 | De Ros Islands | 74°48′00″N. | 79°32′20″W. | 7220 (1979) |
110 | Cape Sherard | 74°36′00″N. | 80°13′00″W. | 7220 (1979) |
111. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Hay | 73°44′12″N. | 80°01′40″W. | 7220 (1979) |
112. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Graham Moore | 72°52′12″N. | 76°03′30″W. | 7220 (1979) |
113. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Bowen | 72°33′30″N. | 75°33′00″W. | 7220 (1979) |
114. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Coutts | 72°15′26″N. | 74°55′06″W. | 7217 (1983) |
115 | Cape Antrobus | 72°14′00″N. | 74°41′20″W. | 7217 (1983) |
116 | Cape Jameson | 72°04′45″N. | 74°14′20″W. | 7217 (1983) |
117 | Cape Cargenholm | 71°46′30″N. | 73°35′50″W. | 7217 (1983) |
118 | Cape Lord Rutherford | 71°41′42″N. | 73°10′30″W. | 7217 (1983) |
119. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Hunter | 71°39′30″N. | 72°32′50″W. | 7217 (1983) |
120. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Scott Inlet | 71°15′00″N. | 71°08′50″W. | 7217 (1983) |
121 | Cape Come Again | 71°07′10″N. | 70°46′45″W. | 7217 (1983) |
122 | Erik Point | 70°51′50″N. | 69°46′25″W. | 7217 (1983) |
123. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Eglinton | 70°47′12″N. | 69°14′30″W. | 7217 (1983) |
124. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Christian | 70°33′40″N. | 68°18′40″W. | 7053 (1970) |
125 | Agnes Monument | 70°31′12″N. | 68°11′30″W. | 7053 (1970) |
126. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Hewett | 70°16′00″N. | 67°44′30″W. | 7053 (1970) |
127. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Raper | 69°44′30″N. | 66°56′30″W. | 7053 (1970) |
128. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Henry Kater Peninsula | 69°16′00″N. | 66°29′00″W. | 7053 (1970) |
129. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Henry Kater | 69°12′20″N. | 66°28′20″W. | 7053 (1970) |
130 | Satigsun Island | 68°31′40″N. | 66°33′20″W. | 7053 (1970) |
131 | Manitung Island | 68°08′40″N. | 65°29′30″W. | 7053 (1970) |
132. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Kangeeak Point | 68°02′20″N. | 64°57′30″W. | 7053 (1970) |
133. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Kangeeak Point | 67°58′40″N. | 64°44′00″W. | 7053 (1970) |
134 | Cape Broughton | 67°39′12″N. | 63°56′00″W. | 7053 (1970) |
135 | Merchants Bay | 67°20′24″N. | 63°05′30″W. | 7053 (1970) |
136 | Cape Searle | 67°13′40″N. | 62°27′30″W. | 7053 (1970) |
137 | Durban Island | 67°07′20″N. | 62°05′30″W. | 7052 (1966) |
138 | Unnamed Island | 66°56′05″N. | 61°42′00″W. | 7052 (1966) |
139. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Dyer | 66°46′00″N. | 61°26′00″W. | 7052 (1966) |
140. Footnote for AREA 7 Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland* | Cape Dyer | 66°36′12″N. | 61°15′30″W. | 7052 (1966) |
141 | Exeter Sound | 66°20′36″N. | 61°28′00″W. | 7052 (1966) |
142 | Cape Walsingham | 66°00′05″N. | 61°57′00″W. | 7052 (1966) |
143 | Angijak Island | 65°40′06″N. | 62°06′30″W. | 7052 (1966) |
144 | Angijak Island | 65°37′30″N. | 62°08′30″W. | 7052 (1966) |
145 | Muingmak Island | 65°16′30″N. | 62°56′00″W. | 7052 (1966) |
146 | Saxe-Coburg Island | 64°52′06″N. | 63°15′30″W. | 7052 (1966) |
147 | Leybourne Islands | 64°18′40″N. | 64°29′30″W. | 7051 (1973) |
148 | Lemieux Islands | 64°02′20″N. | 64°14′30″W. | 7051 (1973) |
149 | Lemieux Islands | 63°54′50″N. | 64°08′00″W. | 7051 (1973) |
150 | Lemieux Islands | 63°37′50″N. | 63°55′00″W. | 7051 (1973) |
151 | Lemieux Islands | 63°25′15″N. | 63°53′00″W. | 7050 (1961) |
152 | Lady Franklin Island | 62°56′24″N. | 63°41′00″W. | 7050 (1961) |
153 | Lady Franklin Island | 62°55′10″N. | 63°41′30″W. | 7050 (1961) |
154 | Monumental Island | 62°46′00″N. | 63°45′00″W. | 7050 (1961) |
155 | North Foreland | 62°31′12″N. | 64°05′00″W. | 7050 (1961) |
156 | Loks Land | 62°16′24″N. | 64°26′40″W. | 7050 (1961) |
157 | Edgell Island | 61°48′10″N. | 64°44′00″W. | 7050 (1961) |
158 | Resolution Island | 61°37′50″N. | 64°36′30″W. | 7050 (1961) |
159 | Resolution Island | 61°31′20″N. | 64°33′15″W. | 7050 (1961) |
160 | Hatton Headland | 61°19′00″N. | 64°46′30″W. | 7050 (1961) |
161 | Lacy Island | 60°41′06″N. | 64°35′00″W. | 4773 (1963) |
162 | Knight Group | 60°34′30″N. | 64°31′30″W. | 4773 (1963) |
163 | Cabot Island | 60°26′20″N. | 64°25′47″W. | 4773 (1963) |
Return to footnote *See Schedule II
SCHEDULE II(Subsection 4(2))
Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland
Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV | |
Item | Locality | Latitude | Longitude | C.H.S. Chart and Edition |
1 | Demarcation Point | 69°38′46″N. | 141°00′00″W. | 7601 (1979) |
Nunaluk Spit | 69°36′54″N. | 139°54′10″W. | 7601 (1979) | |
2 | Herschel Island | 69°38′30″N. | 139°07′24″W. | 7601 (1979) |
Collinson Head | 69°34′40″N. | 138°50′25″W. | 7601 (1979) | |
3 | Pelly Island | 69°35′18″N. | 135°35′30″W. | 7602 (1981) |
Pelly Island | 69°38′22″N. | 135°29′00″W. | 7602 (1981) | |
4 | Pullen Island | 69°47′08″N. | 134°23′18″W. | 7604 (1984) |
Pullen Island | 69°46′45″N. | 134°16′18″W. | 7604 (1984) | |
5 | Tuft Point | 69°44′15″N. | 132°32′15″W. | 7604 (1984) |
Warren Point | 69°45′50″N. | 132°17′24″W. | 7604 (1984) | |
6 | Cape Kellet | 71°59′10″N. | 126°01′00″W. | 7081 (1971) |
Meek Point | 72°52′20″N. | 125°07′00″W. | 7832 (1971) | |
7 | Liot Point | 73°06′03″N. | 124°52′20″W. | 7832 (1971) |
Unnamed Point | 73°29′00″N. | 124°18′40″W. | 7832 (1971) | |
8 | Norway Island | 73°41′50″N. | 124°41′00″W. | 7832 (1971) |
Norway Island | 73°42′50″N. | 124°43′00″W. | 7832 (1971) | |
9 | Cape Fanshawe Martin | 82°56′50″N. | 79°53′00″W. | 7954 (1974) |
Cape Richards | 82°58′20″N. | 79°22′00″W. | 7954 (1974) | |
10 | Cape Sheridan | 82°28′30″N. | 61°32′00″W. | 7304 (1978) |
Wrangel Bay | 82°00′15″N. | 62°19′00″W. | 7304 (1978) | |
11 | Wrangel Bay | 81°58′30″N. | 62°30′00″W. | 7304 (1978) |
St. Patrick Bay | 81°47′35″N. | 63°54′00″W. | 7304 (1978) | |
12 | Cape Baird | 81°29′40″N. | 64°28′30″W. | 7072 (1971) |
Cape Back | 80°55′30″N. | 67°21′00″W. | 7072 (1971) | |
13 | Cape Von Buch | 80°53′05″N. | 67°34′00″W. | 7072 (1971) |
Cape Lawrence | 80°20′54″N. | 69°36′00″W. | 7072 (1971) | |
14 | Cape Knorr | 79°50′00″N. | 71°14′00″W. | 7071 (1964) |
Cape Louis Napoleon | 79°37′20″N. | 72°40′00″W. | 7071 (1964) | |
15 | Cape Henry | 79°09′06″N. | 74°35′00″W. | 7071 (1964) |
Cape Albert | 79°02′56″N. | 74°24′00″W. | 7071 (1964) | |
16 | Paget Point | 78°06′24″N. | 75°33′30″W. | 7302 (1978) |
Cape Dunsterville | 77°57′20″N. | 75°53′00″W. | 7302 (1978) | |
17 | Cape Mouat | 77°35′45″N. | 77°42′00″W. | 7302 (1978) |
Eskimo Bluff | 77°26′24″N. | 78°14′30″W. | 7302 (1978) | |
18 | Cape Combermere | 76°58′20″N. | 77°58′30″W. | 7302 (1978) |
Cape Norton Shaw | 76°27′24″N. | 78°23′30″W. | 7302 (1978) | |
19 | Johnson Point | 75°22′45″N. | 79°29′30″W. | 7302 (1978) |
Cape Parker | 75°13′25″N. | 79°30′50″W. | 7302 (1978) | |
20 | Cape Hay | 73°44′12″N. | 80°01′40″W. | 7220 (1979) |
Cape Graham Moore | 72°52′12″N. | 76°03′30″W. | 7220 (1979) | |
21 | Cape Bowen | 72°33′30″N. | 75°33′00″W. | 7220 (1979) |
Cape Coutts | 72°15′26″N. | 74°55′06″W. | 7217 (1983) | |
22 | Cape Hunter | 71°39′30″N. | 72°32′50″W. | 7217 (1983) |
Scott Inlet | 71°15′00″N. | 71°08′50″W. | 7217 (1983) | |
23 | Cape Eglinton | 70°47′12″N. | 69°14′30″W. | 7217 (1983) |
Cape Christian | 70°33′40″N. | 68°18′40″W. | 7053 (1970) | |
24 | Cape Hewett | 70°16′00″N. | 67°44′30″W. | 7053 (1970) |
Cape Raper | 69°44′30″N. | 66°56′30″W. | 7053 (1970) | |
25 | Henry Kater Peninsula | 69°16′00″N. | 66°29′00″W. | 7053 (1970) |
Cape Henry Kater | 69°12′20″N. | 66°28′20″W. | 7053 (1970) | |
26 | Kangeeak Point | 68°02′20″N. | 64°57′30″W. | 7053 (1970) |
Kangeeak Point | 67°58′40″N. | 64°44′00″W. | 7053 (1970) | |
27 | Cape Dyer | 66°46′00″N. | 61°26′00″W. | 7052 (1966) |
Cape Dyer | 66°36′12″N. | 61°15′30″W. | 7052 (1966) |
SCHEDULE III(Subsection 4(3))
Canadian Arctic Islands and Mainland
Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV | |
Item | Locality | Latitude | Longitude | C.H.S. Chart and Edition |
1 | Crescent Bank | 70°13′05″N. | 130°31′05″W. | 7605 (1984) |
2 | Rabbit Island | 72°36′50″N. | 125°09′30″W. | 7832 (1971) |
3 | Haswell Point | 72°40′24″N. | 125°06′50″W. | 7832 (1971) |
4 | Terror Island | 72°50′30″N. | 125°13′00″W. | 7832 (1971) |
5 | Unnamed Island | 66°37′20″N. | 61°16′00″W. | 7052 (1966) |
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