Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations (SOR/86-131)
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Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2018-11-23. Previous Versions
PART IIISpecifications, Permission, Approval, Revocation and Withdrawal
12 (1) The director shall establish and make available on request the specifications relating to design, composition, construction and performance to which any meter or any class, type or design of meter shall conform before permission or approval with regard to that meter or such class, type or design of meter may be given pursuant to section 9 of the Act.
(2) The director shall establish and make available on request the specifications relating to the installation and use of any meter or any class, type or design of meter.
- SOR/87-212, s. 1
- SOR/95-532, s. 3(E)
Application for Permission or Approval
13 An application for a permission or an approval referred to in section 9 of the Act shall be made in writing to the director and shall contain the following information:
(a) the name and principal place of business of the applicant;
(b) information sufficient to describe clearly the design, composition, construction and performance of the meter or the class, type or design of meter to which the application relates;
(c) data that indicate whether the meter or the class, type or design of meter to which the application relates meets all applicable requirements of the Act, these Regulations and the specifications established pursuant to section 12;
(d) where the manner of installation or use affects the performance of the meter or meters of the class, type or design to which the application relates, the manner in which the meter or each meter of the class, type or design is to be installed and used;
(e) a copy of any promotional material, instructions and other information distributed or intended for distribution to purchasers or prospective purchasers of the meter or the class, type or design of meter to which the application relates; and
(f) such additional information in respect of the meter or the class, type or design of meter that is necessary for the purposes of the application.
14 An applicant shall make available to the director the meter or one or more meters representative of the class, type or design of meter to which the application referred to in section 13 relates, and shall also make available such equipment, material and services as are required to inspect and test the meter or meters.
15 Where the director grants an approval under subsection 9(3) or (4) of the Act, the director shall specify in writing in the approval any conditions to which the approval is subject.
Revocation of Permission or Approval
16 (1) A notice, referred to in paragraph 11(4)(a) of the Act, of a proposal to revoke a permission or an approval shall
(a) be sent by registered mail to the latest known principal place of business of the person to whom the permission or approval was granted; and
(b) contain the following information, namely,
(i) the terms and conditions of the permission or the conditions of the approval, as the case may be,
(ii) the meter or class, type or design of meter to which the notice relates,
(iii) the date the permission or approval, as the case may be, was granted and the permission or approval number, if any, and
(iv) the term or condition of the permission or the condition of the approval, as the case may be, not complied with.
(2) A notice, referred to in subsection 11(1) of the Act, of revocation of a permission and a notice, referred to in subsection 11(2) of the Act, of revocation of an approval shall
(a) be sent in the manner set out in paragraph (1)(a);
(b) contain the information referred to in paragraph (1)(b);
(c) in the case of a notice of revocation of a permission, contain a statement to the effect that, pursuant to subsection 11(3) of the Act, any meter that is in service pursuant to the permission being revoked shall be taken out of service; and
(d) in the case of a notice of revocation of an approval, contain a statement setting out any action to be taken pursuant to subsection 11(3) of the Act in respect of any meter that is in service pursuant to the approval being revoked.
Notice to Withdraw Meters from Service
17 A notice referred to in subsection 22(1) of the Act shall
(a) state the grounds on which the withdrawal is believed to be necessary,
(b) be dated,
(c) be signed by the director, and
(d) be sent by registered mail to the latest known principal place of business of the owner of the meter
and a copy of the notice shall be published forthwith in the Canada Gazette.
PART IVVerification and Reverification
18 The director shall establish and make available on request the specifications for the manner and circumstances in which meters of any class, type or design are to be tested, verified, sealed, reverified or resealed, and for the manner and circumstances in which any such meters are to be stamped, restamped, labelled, relabelled, tagged, retagged or otherwise marked.
- SOR/87-212, s. 2
- SOR/95-532, s. 3
19 The director is authorized to establish plans for the verification and reverification of meters of any class, type or design, or in any circumstances, by statistical means on the basis of sampling.
- SOR/95-532, s. 3(F)
20 A notice referred to in subsection 12(2) of the Act shall be sent, by registered mail, to such persons as are considered likely to be directly affected by the reverification referred to in the notice at least 180 days prior to the earliest date on which any meter to which the notice applies will be required to be reverified and a copy of the notice shall be published forthwith in the Canada Gazette.
21 (1) A certificate issued pursuant to section 14 of the Act in respect of a meter shall be numbered for identification and shall contain the following particulars:
(a) the address or location at which the meter was verified or reverified;
(b) the date of the verification or reverification;
(c) the identification numbers of the meter;
(d) the name of the manufacturer of the meter;
(e) the class, type or design of the meter;
(f) the identification numbers of all measuring apparatus used in verifying or reverifying the meter;
(g) the name and address of the owner of the meter;
(h) the errors, if any, of the meter at all points tested;
(i) the name and the signature of the person issuing the certificate;
(j) whether the person signing the certificate is an inspector, an accredited meter verifier or a person, referred to in paragraph 10(a) of the Act, acting on behalf of an accredited meter verifier and, in the case of a person acting on behalf of an accredited meter verifier, the name of the accredited meter verifier on whose behalf that person is acting; and
(k) in the case of a gas meter, whether it is converting or non-converting for temperature or pressure, or both.
(2) Where the verification or reverification of a meter has been done by statistical means on the basis of sampling, the certificate issued pursuant to section 14 of the Act shall include, in addition to the information required by subsection (1), an identification or listing of
(a) the parent group or lot; and
(b) the meters tested.
- SOR/95-532, s. 3
- SOR/2014-113, s. 3(F)
- SOR/2018-252, s. 1
PART VAccreditation
22 An application for accreditation pursuant to section 10 of the Act shall be made in writing and shall state
(a) the name and address of the applicant;
(b) whether the accreditation sought is with respect to electricity meters or gas meters;
(c) the class, type or design of meters to which the accreditation would apply; and
(d) that the applicant agrees, should accreditation be granted, to provide information relating to the execution of his functions as an accredited meter verifier.
- SOR/95-532, s. 3(F)
23 An application referred to in section 22 shall be accompanied by
(a) a description of the applicant’s meter record system;
(b) a copy of the most recent calibration certificate or accuracy check for each measuring apparatus to be used in the verification or reverification of meters;
(c) a sample or scale drawing of any seal to be used;
(d) a description of the applicant’s meter testing infrastructure and procedures and quality assurance infrastructure and procedures;
(e) in the case of an application regarding gas meters, a floor plan, with north indicated thereon, showing the location of provers, heaters, air conditioning ducts, windows, doors and any other feature likely to have an effect on temperature stability or air movement; and
(f) such additional information in respect of the meter or its installation as is necessary for the purposes of the application.
- SOR/87-212, s. 3
24 An applicant for accreditation pursuant to section 10 of the Act shall demonstrate through an accreditation audit
(a) that the applicant has implemented and is maintaining acceptable procedures for
(i) meter performance control,
(ii) quality assurance,
(iii) meter records,
(iv) ensuring the security of seals and sealing tools, and
(v) ensuring that only meters that have been properly verified or reverified are sealed; and
(b) that the facilities and test equipment of the applicant are such that all tests required by or pursuant to the Act can be carried out in accordance with the Act and these Regulations.
- SOR/87-212, s. 4
- SOR/95-532, s. 3(E)
- SOR/2009-76, s. 4(F)
25 The director shall, in granting an accreditation, specify in writing in the certificate of accreditation any conditions to which the grant of accreditation is subject.
26 A certificate of accreditation referred to in paragraph 10(b) of the Act shall be dated and signed by the director and shall contain, in addition to any conditions specified in accordance with section 25,
(a) the name and address of the accredited meter verifier;
(b) whether the accreditation is with respect to electricity meters or gas meters;
(c) the class, type and design of meters to which the accreditation applies; and
(d) a statement to the effect that, pursuant to subsection 11(2) of the Act, the accreditation may be revoked by the Minister for failure to comply with any condition to which the grant of accreditation was subject.
- SOR/95-532, s. 3(F)
27 (1) A notice, referred to in paragraph 11(4)(a) of the Act, of a proposal to revoke an accreditation shall be sent by registered mail to the latest known address of the accredited meter verifier to whom the accreditation was granted and a copy of the notice shall be published forthwith in the Canada Gazette.
(2) A notice given pursuant to subsection (1) shall be dated and signed by the director and shall contain
(a) the information referred to in paragraphs 26(a) to (c);
(b) the date of the grant of accreditation; and
(c) the reason, or reasons, for proposing revocation.
(3) A notice, referred to in subsection 11(2) of the Act, of revocation shall
(a) contain the information referred to in subsection (2);
(b) be dated and signed by the Minister; and
(c) be sent and a copy of the notice published in the manner specified in subsection (1).
- SOR/95-532, s. 3(F)
Accredited Meter Verifier’s Records
28 (1) For the purposes of section 17 of the Act, an accredited meter verifier’s records shall contain the following information and documentation for each meter verified or reverified in the course of the accredited meter verifier’s business:
(a) a copy of the certificate issued pursuant to section 14 of the Act and referred to in subsection 21(1); and
(b) where the verification or reverification was done
(i) by statistical means on the basis of sampling, the information referred to in subsection 21(2), or
(ii) by the owner of the meter, a statement by the owner confirming that the verification or reverification was completed in the manner established pursuant to section 18.
(2) For the purposes of section 17 of the Act, an accredited meter verifier’s records shall contain the following information and documentation for each measuring apparatus used in the course of the accredited meter verifier’s business, whether or not it is owned by the accredited meter verifier:
(a) a copy of the certificate referred to in subsection 8(2); and
(b) details of any associated test equipment and its calibration and maintenance.
(3) For the purposes of section 17 of the Act, an accredited meter verifier’s records shall contain information respecting the results of any tests carried out in the course of the accredited meter verifier’s business.
(4) An accredited meter verifier shall retain
(a) the records referred to in subsections (1) and (2) for a period of not less than six years after the date of the issue of the certificates referred to in those subsections; and
(b) the records referred to in subsection (3) for a period of not less than six years after the date the results first became available to the accredited meter verifier.
- SOR/89-317, s. 4(F)
- SOR/95-532, s. 3
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