Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Environmental Studies Research Fund Regions Regulations (SOR/87-641)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22

Environmental Studies Research Fund Regions Regulations



Registration 1987-11-06

Regulations Prescribing Regions for the Purposes of Subsection 76(1) of the Canada Petroleum Resources Act

P.C. 1987-2254 1987-11-06

Whereas, pursuant to subsection 107(2) of the Canada Petroleum Resources ActFootnote *, a copy of the proposed Regulations prescribing regions for the purposes of subsection 76(1) of the Canada Petroleum Resources Act, in the form set out in the schedule hereto, was published in the Canada Gazette Part I on May 23, 1987 and a reasonable opportunity was thereby afforded to interested persons to make representations to the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources or to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development with respect thereto;

And Whereas no representations were made to the Ministers with respect thereto.

Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources and the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, pursuant to paragraph 83(c) of the Canada Petroleum Resources ActFootnote *, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations prescribing regions for the purposes of subsection 76(1) of the Canada Petroleum Resources Act.

Short Title

 These Regulations may be cited as the Environmental Studies Research Fund Regions Regulations.

Prescribed Regions

 For the purposes of paragraph 76(1)(a) of the Canada Petroleum Resources Act, the prescribed regions are the regions described in Part I of the schedule and illustrated in Part III of the schedule.

 For the purposes of paragraph 76(1)(b) of the Canada Petroleum Resources Act, the prescribed regions are the regions described in Part II of the schedule and illustrated in Part III of the schedule.


PART I(Section 2)Environmental Studies Research Fund (EMR) Prescribed Regions

  • 1 Prescribed Region 1: Queen Charlottes North

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at a point at latitude 54°42′27.93″ North and longitude 130°36′50.05″ West on the international boundary (the Line A-B as illustrated on Map A in Part III) between Canada and the United States; thence runs westerly along that international boundary to a point at latitude 54°39′45.16″ North and longitude 132°40′57.18″ West; thence westerly along the maritime boundary between Canada and the United States to the outer edge of the continental margin or to a line that is two hundred nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Canada is measured, whichever is the further; thence south along that outer limit to latitude 52°10′ North; thence east along latitude 52°10′ North to the coast of Moresby Island; thence in a generally northerly direction along that coast and the west coast of Graham Island to Cape Knox; thence easterly along the north coast of Graham Island to Rose Point; thence south along the east coast of Graham Island to its intersection with latitude 54° North; thence east along latitude 54° North to the coast of the Province of British Columbia; thence north along that coast to its intersection with latitude 54°40′ North; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the starting point.

  • 2 Prescribed Region 2: Hecate Strait

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of the coast of the Province of British Columbia and latitude 54° North; thence runs west along latitude 54° North to the eastern coast of Graham Island; thence south along that coast and the coast of Moresby Island to latitude 52°10′ North; thence east along latitude 52°10′ North to the coast of the Province of British Columbia; thence north along that coast to the starting point.

  • 3 Prescribed Region 3: Queen Charlottes South

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of latitude 52°10′ North and the coast of the Province of British Columbia; thence runs west along latitude 52°10′ North to the coast of Moresby Island thence around the southern tip of Moresby Island to the intersection of latitude 52°10′ North and the western coast of Moresby Island; thence west along latitude 52°10′ North to the outer edge of the continental margin or to a line that is two hundred nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Canada is measured, whichever is the further; thence south along that outer limit to latitude 50°40′ North; thence east along latitude 50°40′ North to its intersection with the Vancouver Island coast; thence north and east along that coast to a straight line drawn across Queen Charlotte Strait from Greeting Point on Nigei Island to McEwan Point on Bramham Island; thence north along the coast of the Province of British Columbia to the starting point.

  • 4 Prescribed Region 4: Vancouver Island

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of the west coast of Vancouver Island and latitude 50°40′ North; thence runs west along latitude 50°40′ North to the outer edge of the continental margin or to a line that is two hundred nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Canada is measured, whichever is the further; thence south along that outer limit to the maritime boundary between Canada and the United States; thence east along that boundary to a point at latitude 48°29′37.10″ North and longitude 124°43′33.19″ West; thence north to the west coast of Vancouver Island; thence northwest along that coast to the starting point.

  • 5 Prescribed Region 5: Labrador North

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the southernmost point of Resolution Island; thence runs east along latitude 61°18′ North to the maritime boundary between Canada and Greenland (Denmark); thence south along that boundary to the outer edge of the continental margin or to a line that is two hundred nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Canada is measured, whichever is the further; thence south along that outer limit to latitude 57° North; thence west along latitude 57° North to the coast of Labrador; thence northwest along the coast of Labrador to the border between Labrador and the Province of Quebec; thence along the coast of the Province of Quebec to longitude 72° West; thence north along longitude 72° West to the coast of Baffin Island; thence southeast along the coast of Baffin Island to the southeastern tip of Baffin Island; thence in a straight line to the southernmost point of land in the Lower Savage Islands; thence in a straight line to the northwest corner of Resolution Island; thence along the low water mark of the southwestern shore of Resolution Island to the starting point.

  • 6 Prescribed Region 6: Labrador Central

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of the Labrador coast and latitude 57° North; thence runs east along latitude 57° North to the outer edge of the continental margin or to a line that is two hundred nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Canada is measured, whichever is the further; thence south along that outer limit to latitude 55°10′ North; thence west along latitude 55°10′ North to the Labrador coast; thence north along that coast to the starting point.

  • 7 Prescribed Region 7: Labrador South

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of the Labrador coast and latitude 55°10′ North; thence runs east along latitude 55°10′ North to the outer edge of the continental margin or to a line that is two hundred nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Canada is measured, whichever is the further; thence south along that outer limit to latitude 52° North; thence west along latitude 52° North to the Labrador coast; thence north along that coast to the starting point.

  • 8 Prescribed Region 8: Northeast Newfoundland

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of the Labrador coast and latitude 52° North; thence runs east along latitude 52° North to longitude 50°30′ West; thence south along longitude 50°30′ West to latitude 50°10′ North; thence east along latitude 50°10′ North to longitude 50° West; thence south along longitude 50° West to latitude 48°40′ North; thence east along latitude 48°40′ North to longitude 49°30′ West; thence south along longitude 49°30′ West to latitude 48°20′ North; thence east along latitude 48°20′ North to longitude 49° West; thence south along longitude 49° West to latitude 48°10′ North; thence east along latitude 48°10′ North to longitude 48° West; thence south along longitude 48° West to latitude 47°50′ North; thence west along latitude 47°50′ North to the coast of Newfoundland; thence north along that coast past Cape Norman to longitude 56° West; thence north along longitude 56° West to the Labrador coast; thence north along that coast to the starting point.

  • 9 Prescribed Region 9: Newfoundland Slope

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of latitude 52° North and longitude 50°30′ West; thence south along longitude 50°30′ West to latitude 50°10′ North; thence east along latitude 50°10′ North to longitude 50° West; thence south along longitude 50° West to latitude 48°40′ North; thence east along latitude 48°40′ North to longitude 49°30′ West; thence south along longitude 49°30′ West to latitude 48°20′ North; thence east along latitude 48°20′ North to longitude 49° West; thence south along longitude 49° West to latitude 48°10′ North; thence east along latitude 48°10′ North to longitude 48° West; thence south along longitude 48° West to latitude 47°50′ North; thence east along latitude 47°50′ North to longitude 47°15′ West; thence south along longitude 47°15′ West to latitude 46°30′ North; thence east along latitude 46°30′ North to the outer edge of the continental margin or to a line that is two hundred nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Canada is measured, whichever is the further; thence in a generally northwesterly direction along that outer limit to latitude 52° North; thence west along latitude 52° North to the starting point.

  • 10 Prescribed Region 10: Grand Banks North

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of the coast of Newfoundland and latitude 47°50′ North; thence runs east along latitude 47°50′ North to longitude 47°15′ West; thence south along longitude 47°15′ West to latitude 46°30′ North; thence west along latitude 46°30′ North to longitude 47°52′30″ West; thence south along longitude 47°52′30″ West to latitude 46°25′ North; thence west along latitude 46°25′ North to longitude 48° West; thence south along longitude 48° West to latitude 46°20′ North; thence west along latitude 46°20′ North to longitude 48°7′30″ West; thence south along longitude 48°7′30″ West to latitude 46°15′ North; thence west along latitude 46°15′ North to longitude 48°15′ West; thence south along longitude 48°15′ West to latitude 46°10′ North; thence west along latitude 46°10′ North to longitude 53° West; thence north along longitude 53° West to the coast of Newfoundland; thence north along that coast to the starting point.

  • 11 Prescribed Region 11: Grand Banks South

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the southernmost intersection of the coast of Newfoundland and longitude 59°15′ West; thence runs in a straight line to a point at latitude 47°25′28″ North and longitude 59°43′33″ West; thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 46°54′50″ North and longitude 59°00′30″ West; thence southeasterly on an azimuth of 135° to the outer edge of the continental margin or to a line that is 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Canada is measured, whichever is the further; thence easterly along that outer edge to latitude 46°30′ North; thence west along latitude 46°30′ North to longitude 47°52′30″ West; thence south along longitude 47°52′30″ West to latitude 46°25′ North; thence west along latitude 46°25′ North to longitude 48° West; thence south along longitude 48° West to latitude 46°20′ North; thence west along latitude 46°20′ North to longitude 48°07′30″ West; thence south along longitude 48°07′30″ West to latitude 46°15′ North; thence west along latitude 46°15′ North to longitude 48°15″ West; thence south along longitude 48°15′ West to latitude 46°10′ North; thence west along latitude 46°10′ North to longitude 53° West; thence north along longitude 53° West to the coast of Newfoundland; thence in a generally westerly direction along that coast to the starting point.

    Excluded from Prescribed Region 11 is: that part of Maritime Areas between Canada and France as fixed by the Decision of a Court of Arbitration dated June 10, 1992, said part of Maritime Areas lying northeasterly of said azimuth of 135°.

  • 12 Prescribed Region 12: Scotian Shelf East

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the most easterly intersection of latitude 47° North and the coast of Cape Breton Island; thence runs in a straight line to a point at latitude 47°25′28″ North and longitude 59°43′33″ West; thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point at latitude 46°54′50″ North and longitude 59°00′30″ West; thence southeasterly on an azimuth of 135° to latitude 44°30′ North; thence west along latitude 44°30′ North to longitude 57°15′ West; thence south along longitude 57°15′ West to latitude 44°25′ North; thence west along latitude 44°25′ North to longitude 57°30′ West; thence south along longitude 57°30′ West to latitude 44°20′ North; thence west along latitude 44°20′ North to longitude 57°45′ West; thence south along longitude 57°45′ West to latitude 44°15′ North; thence west along latitude 44°15′ North to longitude 58° West; thence south along longitude 58° West to latitude 44°10′ North; thence west along latitude 44°10′ North to longitude 58°30′ West; thence south along longitude 58°30′ West to latitude 44° North; thence west along latitude 44° North to longitude 58°45′ West; thence south along longitude 58°45′ West to latitude 43°55′ North; thence west along latitude 43°55′ North to longitude 59°07′30″ West; thence south along longitude 59°07′30″ West to latitude 43°40′ North; thence west along latitude 43°40′ North to longitude 59°30′ West; thence south along longitude 59°30′ West to latitude 43°35′ North; thence west along latitude 43°35′ North to longitude 59°45′ West; thence south along longitude 59°45′ West to latitude 43°30′ North; thence west along latitude 43°30′ North to longitude 60° West; thence south along longitude 60° West to latitude 43°25′ North; thence west along latitude 43°25′ North to longitude 60°37′30″ West; thence south along longitude 60°37′30″ West to latitude 43°20′ North; thence west along latitude 43°20′ North to longitude 60°45′ West; thence south along longitude 60°45′ West to latitude 43°15′ North; thence west along latitude 43°15′ North to longitude 61° West; thence north along longitude 61° West to the coast of the Province of Nova Scotia; thence in a generally northerly direction along that coast to the starting point on Cape Breton Island.

    Excluded from Prescribed Region 12 is: that part of Maritime Areas between Canada and France as fixed by the Decision of a Court of Arbitration dated June 10, 1992, said part of Maritime Areas lying north of latitude 44°30′.

  • 13 Prescribed Region 13: Scotian Shelf West

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the most southerly intersection of longitude 61° West and the coast of the Province of Nova Scotia; thence runs south along longitude 61° West to latitude 43°15′ North; thence west along latitude 43°15′ North to longitude 61°22′30″ West; thence south along longitude 61°22′30″ West to latitude 43°10′ North; thence west along latitude 43°10′ North to longitude 61°30′ West; thence south along longitude 61°30′ West to latitude 43° North; thence west along latitude 43° North to longitude 61°52′30″ West; thence south along longitude 61°52′30″ West to latitude 42°55′ North; thence west along latitude 42°55′ North to longitude 62°30′ West; thence south along longitude 62°30′ West to latitude 42°50′ North; thence west along latitude 42°50′ North to longitude 64° West; thence south along longitude 64° West to latitude 42°40′ North; thence west along latitude 42°40′ North to longitude 64°15′ West; thence south along longitude 64°15′ West to latitude 42°35′ North; thence west along latitude 42°35′ North to longitude 64°30′ West; thence south along longitude 64°30′ West to latitude 42°30′ North; thence west along latitude 42°30′ North to longitude 64°45′ West; thence south along longitude 64°45′ West to latitude 42°20′ North; thence west along latitude 42°20′ North to longitude 65° West; thence south along longitude 65° West to latitude 42°15′ North; thence west along latitude 42°15′ North to longitude 65°15′ West; thence south along longitude 65°15′ West to latitude 42°10′ North; thence west along latitude 42°10′ North to longitude 65°37′30″ West; thence north along longitude 65°37′30″ West to latitude 42°15′ North; thence west along latitude 42°15′ North to longitude 65°45′ West; thence north along longitude 65°45′ West to latitude 42°25′ North; thence west along latitude 42°25′ North to longitude 66° West; thence north along longitude 66° West to latitude 42°35′ North; thence west along latitude 42°35′ North to longitude 66°45′ West; thence north along longitude 66°45′ West to latitude 42°40′ North; thence west along latitude 42°40′ North to its intersection with the maritime boundary between Canada and the United States as fixed by the Chamber of the International Court of Justice in its judgment of October 12, 1984, at approximate longitude 67°34′42″ West; thence in a northerly direction along that boundary to a point at latitude 44°11′12″ North and longitude 67°16′46″ West; thence in a northeasterly direction to a point at latitude 44°46′35.346″ North and longitude 66°54′11.253″ West; thence in a generally northerly direction along the International Boundary between Canada and the United States to the coast of the Province of New Brunswick; thence following the coasts of the Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia around the Bay of Fundy; thence along the coast of the Province of Nova Scotia to the starting point.

  • 13a) Prescribed Region 13a): Georges Bank Exclusion Zone

    The boundary of the exclusion zone starts at the intersection of latitude 42°40′ North at approximate longitude 67°34′42″ West with the maritime boundary between Canada and the United States as fixed by the Chamber of the International Court of Justice in its judgment of October 12, 1984; thence east along latitude 42°40′ North to longitude 66°45′ West; thence south along longitude 66°45′ West to latitude 42°35′ North; thence east along latitude 42°35′ North to longitude 66° West; thence south along longitude 66° West to latitude 42°25′ North; thence east along latitude 42°25′ North to longitude 65°45′ West; thence south along longitude 65°45′ West to latitude 42°15′ North; thence east along latitude 42°15′ North to longitude 65°37′30″ West; thence south along longitude 65°37′30″ West to latitude 42°10′ North; thence east along latitude 42°10′ North to longitude 65°15′ West; thence south along longitude 65°15′ West to latitude 41°50′ North; thence west along latitude 41°50′ North to longitude 65°22′30″ West; thence south along longitude 65°22′30″ West to latitude 41°30′ North; thence west along latitude 41°30′ North to longitude 65°30′ West; thence south along longitude 65°30′ West to latitude 41°10′ North; thence west along latitude 41°10′ North to longitude 65°37′30″ West; thence south along longitude 65°37′30″ West to latitude 41° North; thence west along latitude 41° North to longitude 65°45′ West; thence south along longitude 65°45′ West to latitude 40°55′ North; thence west along latitude 40°55′ North to longitude 66° West; thence south along longitude 66° West to its intersection with the maritime boundary between Canada and the United States as fixed by the Chamber of the International Court of Justice in its judgment of October 12, 1984, said intersection being at approximate latitude 40°48′09″ North; thence in a northwesterly direction along said maritime boundary to the starting point.

  • 14 Prescribed Region 14: Scotian Slope

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of latitude 44°30′ North and the line drawn on an azimuth of 135° from the point at latitude 46°54′50″ North and longitude 59°00′30″ West; thence runs west along latitude 44°30′ North to longitude 57°15′ West; thence south along longitude 57°15′ West to latitude 44°25′ North; thence west along latitude 44°25′ North to longitude 57°30′ West; thence south along longitude 57°30′ West to latitude 44°20′ North; thence west along latitude 44°20′ North to longitude 57°45′ West; thence south along longitude 57°45′ West to latitude 44°15′ North; thence west along latitude 44°15′ North to longitude 58° West; thence south along longitude 58° West to latitude 44°10′ North; thence west along latitude 44°10′ North to longitude 58°30′ West; thence south along longitude 58°30′ West to latitude 44° North; thence west along latitude 44° North to longitude 58°45′ West; thence south along longitude 58°45′ West to latitude 43°55′ North; thence west along latitude 43°55′ North to longitude 59°07′30″ West; thence south along longitude 59°07′30″ West to latitude 43°40′ North; thence west along latitude 43°40′ North to longitude 59°30′ West; thence south along longitude 59°30′ West to latitude 43°35′ North; thence west along latitude 43°35′ North to longitude 59°45′ West; thence south along longitude 59°45′ West to latitude 43°30′ North; thence west along latitude 43°30′ North to longitude 60° West; thence south along longitude 60° West to latitude 43°25′ North; thence west along latitude 43°25′ North to longitude 60°37′30″ West; thence south along longitude 60°37′30″ West to latitude 43°20′ North; thence west along latitude 43°20′ North to longitude 60°45′ West; thence south along longitude 60°45′ West to latitude 43°15′ North; thence west along latitude 43°15′ North to longitude 61°22′30″ West; thence south along longitude 61°22′30″ West to latitude 43°10′ North; thence west along latitude 43°10′ North to longitude 61°30′ West; thence south along longitude 61°30′ West to latitude 43° North; thence west along latitude 43° North to longitude 61°52′30″ West; thence south along longitude 61°52′30″ West to latitude 42°55′ North; thence west along latitude 42°55′ North to longitude 62°30′ West; thence south along longitude 62°30′ West to latitude 42°50′ North; thence west along latitude 42°50′ North to longitude 64° West; thence south along longitude 64° West to latitude 42°40′ North; thence west along latitude 42°40′ North to longitude 64°15′ West; thence south along longitude 64°15′ West to latitude 42°35′ North; thence west along latitude 42°35′ North to longitude 64°30′ West; thence south along longitude 64°30′ West to latitude 42°30′ North; thence west along latitude 42°30′ North to longitude 64°45′ West; thence south along longitude 64°45′ West to latitude 42°20′ North; thence west along latitude 42°20′ North to longitude 65° West; thence south along longitude 65° West to latitude 42°15′ North; thence west along latitude 42°15′ North to longitude 65°15′ West; thence south along longitude 65°15′ West to latitude 41°50′ North; thence west along latitude 41°50′ North to longitude 65°22′30″ West; thence south along longitude 65°22′30″ West to latitude 41°30′ North; thence west along latitude 41°30′ North to longitude 65°30′ West; thence south along longitude 65°30′ West to latitude 41°10′ North; thence west along latitude 41°10′ North to longitude 65°37′30″ West; thence south along longitude 65°37′30″ West to latitude 41° North; thence west along latitude 41° North to longitude 65°45′ West; thence south along longitude 65°45′ West to latitude 40°55′ North; thence west along latitude 40°55′ North to longitude 66° West; thence south along longitude 66° West to its intersection with the maritime boundary between Canada and the United States as fixed by the Chamber of the International Court of Justice in its judgment of October 12, 1984, said intersection being at approximate latitude 40°48′09″ North; thence in a southerly direction along said maritime boundary to a point at latitude 40°27′05″ North and longitude 65°41′49″ West, said point being defined in the above agreement; thence southerly along the maritime boundary between Canada and the United States to the outer edge of the continental margin or to a line that is 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Canada is measured, whichever is the further; thence northeasterly along said outer edge to the intersection of the line drawn on an azimuth of 135° from the point at latitude 46°54′50″ North and longitude 59°00′30″ West; thence northwest along that azimuth to the starting point.

    Excluded from Prescribed Region 14 is: that part of Maritime Areas between Canada and France as fixed by the Decision of a Court of Arbitration dated June 10, 1992, said part of Maritime Areas lying south of latitude 44°30′.

  • 15 Prescribed Region 15: Gulf of St. Lawrence

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the southernmost intersection of the coast of Newfoundland and longitude 59°15′ West; thence runs north along the coast of Newfoundland to longitude 56° West; thence north along longitude 56° West to the coast of Labrador; thence southwest along that coast and the coast of the Province of Quebec to the mouth of the St. Jean River; thence southwesterly in a straight line to Pointe de l’Ouest on Anticosti Island; thence southerly in a straight line to Cap des Rosiers on the Gaspé Peninsula; thence in a generally southeasterly direction along the coasts of the Provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and along the west coast of Cape Breton Island to the most easterly intersection of the coast of Cape Breton Island and latitude 47° North; thence in a straight line to a point at latitude 47°25′28″ North and longitude 59°43′33″ West; thence in a straight line to the starting point.

  • 16 Prescribed Region 16: Hudson Bay

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of latitude 60° North and the west coast of Hudson Bay; thence runs north along the low water mark of Hudson Bay to Cape Fullerton; thence in a straight line to Cape Kendall on Southampton Island; thence along the south shore of Southampton Island to Seahorse Point; thence in a straight line to Lloyd Point on Foxe Peninsula; thence along the low water mark of the southern part of Baffin Island to longitude 72° West; thence south along longitude 72° West to the coast of the Province of Quebec; thence westerly along the coasts of the Provinces of Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba to the starting point.

PART II(Section 3)Environmental Studies Research Fund (IAND) Prescribed Regions

  • 1 Prescribed Region 17: Beaufort South

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of latitude 70°30′ North and longitude 137° West; thence runs south along longitude 137° West to the coast of the Yukon Territory; thence in a generally easterly direction along the coasts of the Yukon and Northwest Territories to latitude 70° North near longitude 129°30′ West; thence east along latitude 70° North to longitude 129° West; thence north along longitude 129° West to latitude 71° North; thence west along latitude 71° North to longitude 130°30′ West; thence south along longitude 130°30′ West to latitude 70°30′ North; thence west along latitude 70°30′ North to the starting point.

  • 2 Prescribed Region 18: Beaufort North

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of longitude 141° West and the outer edge of the continental margin or a line that is two hundred nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Canada is measured, whichever is the further; thence runs south along longitude 141° West to the coast of the Yukon Territory; thence in a generally easterly direction along the coast of the Yukon Territory to longitude 137° West; thence north along longitude 137° West to latitude 70°30′ North; thence east along latitude 70°30′ North to longitude 130°30′ West; thence north along longitude 130°30′ West to latitude 71° North; thence east along latitude 71° North to longitude 129° West; thence south along longitude 129° West to latitude 70° North; thence east along latitude 70° North to the coast of the Northwest Territories; thence in a generally easterly direction along that coast to longitude 119° West; thence north along longitude 119° West to latitude 71°10′ North; thence west along latitude 71°10′ North to the coast of Banks Island; thence southerly along that coast past Cape Lambton and in a generally northerly direction along the west coast of Banks Island to longitude 124° West; thence north along longitude 124° West to latitude 75°40′ North; thence west along latitude 75°40′ North to the outer edge of the continental margin or to a line that is two hundred nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Canada is measured, whichever is the further; thence southwest along that outer limit to the starting point.

  • 3 Prescribed Region 19: Western Archipelago — Offshore

    This prescribed region includes all of the frontier lands below the low water mark that are west of longitude 101° West and north of the Yukon Territory mainland and the Northwest Territories mainland. It does not include the frontier lands included in prescribed regions 17, 18 and 20, or frontier lands north of latitude 78°10′ North and east of longitude 103° West.

  • 4 Prescribed Region 20: Central Archipelago — Offshore

    This prescribed region includes all of the frontier lands below the low water mark within the area bounded by a line that starts at the intersection of latitude 78°10′ North and longitude 100° West; thence runs west along latitude 78°10′ North to longitude 111°30′ West; thence south along longitude 111°30′ West to latitude 76°10′ North; thence east along latitude 76°10′ North to longitude 100° West; thence north along longitude 100° West to the starting point.

  • 5 Prescribed Region 21: Eastern Archipelago — Offshore

    This prescribed region includes all of the frontier lands below the low water mark that are east of prescribed regions 19 and 20 and north of straight lines drawn between Cape Fullerton and Cape Kendall and between Seahorse Point on Southampton Island and Lloyd Point on Foxe Peninsula. It does not include the frontier lands included in prescribed region 22.

  • 6 Prescribed Region 22: Baffin Bay

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of latitude 78° North and the east coast of Ellesmere Island; thence runs east along latitude 78° North to the maritime boundary between Canada and Greenland (Denmark); thence south along that boundary to latitude 61°18′ North; thence west along latitude 61°18′ North to the southernmost point of Resolution Island; thence northwesterly along the low water mark of the southwestern shore of Resolution Island to its northwest corner; thence in a straight line to the southernmost point of land in the Lower Savage Islands; thence in a straight line to the low water mark of the southeastern tip of Baffin Island; thence in a generally northerly direction along the east coast of Baffin Island to the intersection of latitude 73°50′ North and the west coast of the Brodeur Peninsula near longitude 87° West; thence west along latitude 73°50′ North to Somerset Island; thence in a generally northerly direction along the east coast of that island to longitude 92° West; thence north along longitude 92° West to the south coast of Devon Island; thence in a generally easterly and northerly direction along that coast to the intersection of the north coast of Devon Island and longitude 81° West; thence north along longitude 81° West to the south coast of Ellesmere Island; thence in a generally northerly direction along the east coast of Ellesmere Island to the starting point.

  • 7 Prescribed Region 23: Yukon North

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of longitude 141° West and the coast of the Yukon Territory; thence runs in a generally easterly direction along the Yukon coast to the territorial boundary between the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories; thence south along that boundary to latitude 65°30′ North; thence west along latitude 65°30′ North to the international boundary between Canada and the United States at longitude 141° West; thence north along that boundary to the starting point.

  • 8 Prescribed Region 24: Yukon South

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of latitude 65°30′ North and longitude 141° West; thence runs east along latitude 65°30′ North to the territorial boundary between the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories; thence south along that boundary to latitude 60° North; thence west along latitude 60° North to the international boundary between Canada and the United States at longitude 141° West; thence north along that boundary to the starting point.

  • 9 Prescribed Region 25: Mackenzie Delta

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of the Beaufort Sea coast and the territorial boundary between the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories; thence runs in a generally easterly direction along the coast of the Northwest Territories to its intersection with latitude 70° North near longitude 129°30′ West; thence east along latitude 70° North to longitude 129° West; thence south along longitude 129° West to latitude 68° North; thence west along latitude 68° North to the territorial boundary between the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories; thence north along that boundary to the starting point.

  • 10 Prescribed Region 26: Mackenzie North

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of latitude 68° North and the territorial boundary between the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories; thence runs east along latitude 68° North to longitude 129° West; thence north along longitude 129° West to latitude 70° North; thence east along latitude 70° North to the coast of the Northwest Territories; thence in a generally easterly direction along that coast to longitude 101° West; thence south along longitude 101° West to latitude 65°30′ North; thence west along latitude 65°30′ North to the territorial boundary between the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories; thence north along that boundary to the starting point.

  • 11 Prescribed Region 27: Mackenzie Central

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of latitude 65°30′ North and the territorial boundary between the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories; thence runs east along latitude 65°30′ North to longitude 101° West; thence south along longitude 101° West to latitude 62° North; thence west along latitude 62° North to the territorial boundary between the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories; thence north along that boundary to the starting point.

  • 12 Prescribed Region 28: Mackenzie South

    The boundary of this prescribed region starts at the intersection of latitude 62° North and the territorial boundary between the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories; thence runs east along latitude 62° North to longitude 101° West; thence south along longitude 101° West to latitude 60° North; thence west along latitude 60° North to the territorial boundary between the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories; thence north along that boundary to the starting point.

  • 13 Prescribed Region 29: Western Archipelago — Onshore

    This prescribed region includes all of the frontier lands above the low water mark north of the Northwest Territories mainland and to the west of a line that starts at the intersection of the coast of the Northwest Territories mainland and longitude 101° West; thence north along longitude 101° West to latitude 74°10′ North; thence west along latitude 74°10′ North to longitude 116°30′ West; thence north along longitude 116°30′ West to latitude 78°10′ North; thence east along latitude 78°10′ North to longitude 103° West; thence north along longitude 103° West to its intersection with the northern boundary of the frontier lands.

  • 14 Prescribed Region 30: Central Archipelago — Onshore

    This prescribed region includes all of the frontier lands above the low water mark within the area bounded by a line that starts at the intersection of latitude 78°10′ North and longitude 101° West; thence runs south along longitude 101° West to latitude 74°10′ North; thence west along latitude 74°10′ North to longitude 116°30′ West; thence north along longitude 116°30′ West to latitude 78°10′ North; thence east along latitude 78°10′ North to the starting point.

  • 15 Prescribed Region 31: Eastern Archipelago — Onshore

    This prescribed region includes all of the frontier lands above the low water mark to the east and north of a line that starts at the intersection of longitude 103° West and the northern boundary of the frontier lands; thence runs south along longitude 103° West to latitude 78°10′ North; thence east along latitude 78°10′ North to longitude 101° West; thence south along longitude 101° West to latitude 60° North; thence east along latitude 60° North to its intersection with the coast of Hudson Bay; thence along the low water mark of Hudson Bay to Cape Fullerton; thence in a straight line to Cape Kendall on Southampton Island; thence along the south shore of Southampton Island to Seahorse Point; thence in a straight line to Lloyd Point on Foxe Peninsula; thence along the low water mark of the southern part of Baffin Island to the southeastern tip of Baffin Island; thence in a straight line to the southernmost point of land in the Lower Savage Islands; thence in a straight line to the northwest corner of Resolution Island; thence along the low water mark of the southwest shore of Resolution Island to its southernmost point; thence east along latitude 61°18′ North.

PART III(Sections 2 and 3)Environmental Studies Research Funds Prescribed Regions

Map A


Map B


Map C


Map D


  • SOR/90-108, s. 1(F)
  • SOR/97-104, ss. 1, 2

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