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Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (United States Tariff) Import Regulations (SOR/89-58)

Regulations are current to 2024-12-23

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (United States Tariff) Import Regulations



Registration 1988-12-30

Regulations Respecting the Importation of Certain Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Entitled to the Benefit of the United States Tariff

P.C. 1988-2882 1988-12-30

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to subsection 60.2(10)Footnote * of the Customs TariffFootnote **, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations respecting the importation of certain fresh fruits and vegetables entitled to the benefit of the United States Tariff, effective January 1, 1989.

Short Title

 These Regulations may be cited as the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (United States Tariff) Import Regulations.


 In these Regulations,


container means a receptacle, package, wrapper, or confining band used in connection with the goods; (contenant)


goods means a fresh fruit or vegetable of heading No. 07.01, 07.02, 07.03, 07.04, 07.05, 07.06 (other than turnips), 07.07, 07.08, 07.09 (other than truffles), 08.09 or 08.10 (other than cranberries or blueberries) or subheading No. 0806.10 or 0808.20 that is entitled to the United States Tariff; (marchandises)

point of production

point of production means, in respect of the places where the goods were produced, the state of the United States, the District of Columbia or Puerto Rico; (point de production)

  • SOR/98-28, s. 1


 Every person who accounts for goods under subsection 32(1) of the Customs Act or who makes an interim accounting under subsection 32(2) of that Act shall provide, at the time of accounting or interim accounting and before the goods are released, a statement, in duplicate, signed by the vendor and the purchaser of the goods, or any authorized representative of the vendor or the purchaser, setting out

  • (a) the name and address of the vendor, purchaser and ultimate consignee and their authorized representatives;

  • (b) the name and address of the carrier of the goods and the identification number of the conveyance in which the goods were transported;

  • (c) a description of the goods, including the tariff item under which they are classified;

  • (d) the weight of the goods in each container and the number and size of all containers in the shipment;

  • (e) the point of production of the goods;

  • (f) the value for duty, determined in accordance with the Customs Act, of the goods in each container;

  • (g) the F.O.B. purchase price of the goods in each container;

  • (h) the delivered price of the goods in each container, if available; and

  • (i) the date of purchase of the goods and the date of shipment from the point of production.

  • SOR/98-28, s. 2

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