Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Allowance Exclusion Order (SOR/92-535)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-20

Allowance Exclusion Order



Registration 1992-08-31

Order Specifying the Circumstances in Respect of which any Allowance, Bonus, Differential, Premium or Other Emolument or Benefit Paid to Employees of the Public Sector Is Not Included for the Purposes of the Definition “Wage Rate” in Subsection 2(1) of the Public Sector Compensation Act

T.B. 818994 1992-08-24

The Treasury Board, pursuant to the definition wage rate in subsection 2(1) of the Public Sector Compensation ActFootnote *, hereby makes the annexed Order specifying the circumstances in respect of which any allowance, bonus, differential, premium or other emolument or benefit paid to employees of the public sector is not included for the purposes of the definition wage rate in subsection 2(1) of the Public Sector Compensation Act.

Short Title

 This Order may be cited as the Allowance Exclusion Order.


 In this Order,


Act means the Public Sector Compensation Act; (Loi)


allowance means any allowance, bonus, differential, premium or other emolument or benefit referred to in the definition wage rate in subsection 2(1) of the Act; (allocation)


group means a group of employees identified by a code and listed in Schedule II. (groupe)


 For the purposes of the definition wage rate in subsection 2(1) of the Act, the allowances that are not included are the allowances set out in column I of an item of Schedule I that are paid to an employee of a group set out in column II of that item in the circumstances set out in the provision referred to in column III of that item.

SCHEDULE I(Section 3)

Column IColumn IIColumn III
ItemAllowanceEmployee GroupProvisionFootnote for (1)
1Additional Amount Paid in Lieu of OvertimeSOAppendix “F”
2Armed Boarding AllowanceSCAppendix “C”
SOAppendix “M”
3Assistant Principal’s AllowanceEDClause 38.02
4Canadian Coast Guard Officer Cadet AllowanceSOAppendix “E”, section 5
5Canoe AllowanceGLTB Minute 687058
GSTB Minute 687058
6Mileage AllowanceASClause 19.12
CMClause 29.03
CRClause 26.06
CSClauses 8.09, 9.03 and 10.05
DAClause 29.03
DDClause 26.02
EGClauses 22.16(c) and 26.02
ELClauses 25.07 and 28.02
FRClause 26.03
GLClause 23.20
ISClause 30.02
NUPIPSC Master Agreement — Part F, clause NU-2.02
OEClause 25.06
PIClause 25.02
PMClause 19.12
PYClause 25.02
ROClauses 24.02 and 25.02
SCClause 22.19
SOClause 31.02
STClause 25.06
7Dean’s AllowanceUTTB Minute 814126
8Department Head’s AllowanceEDClause 38.03
UTTB Minute 814126
9Development of Employees and Examiner PremiumELLetter 22-89
10Diving Duty AllowanceCHClause B16.01
EGAppendix “B”, clause B-1.01 and Memorandum of Agreement Number 5
ELClause 56.01
GLAppendix “J”
SCClause 33.01
SOClause 34.01
BI, HR, SEPIPSC Master Agreement — clause 22.01
11Dog Handlers’ AllowanceCXClause 37.01
12Education AllowancesNUPIPSC Master Agreement — Appendix “A”, Pay Note (1)B
13Extra Duty AllowanceAOClause 46.01
SOAppendix “G”
14Field Research AllowanceHRPIPSC Master Agreement — Part F, clause HR-1.01
SEPIPSC Master Agreement — Part F, clause SE-3.01
15First Aid AllowanceAll GroupsTB Minute 766604 and Personnel Management Manual, Chapter 1-11
16Flying AllowanceDSPIPSC Master Agreement — Part F, clause DS-1.01
GLAppendix “G”, sections 2 and 4 (AIM/EIM)
17Flying Pay (e.g. Flight  Calibration)ELClauses 33.01 and 33.02
18Assignment Scheduling AllowanceAOClause 33.03
19Horse AllowanceGLAppendix “E”, section 3
20Interpretation DutiesTRClause 15.06
21Lead Hand Differential — Level “A”PR(NS)Clause 23.11(a)
22Lightkeepers’ Supplementary AllowanceLIAppendix “B”, page B-2
23Long Service PayFRClause 27.01
24Maintenance Duties AllowanceROAppendix “C”, clause     C-2.01
25Marine DisasterCSAppendix “E”, clause E-2.01
ELClause 49.02
HSClause M-18.04
ROAppendix “C”, clause C-1.01
SCClause M-18.04
SOClause 28.01
SR(East)Clause 26.02
SR(West)Clause 26.02
SR(CH)Clause B14-02
AS, CM, CR, CX, DA, DD, EG, EU, FR, GL, GS, GT, HP, IS, LI, LS, OE, PG, PI, PM, PY, SI, ST, TIPSAC Master Agreement — clause M-18.04
26Meals and Quarters AllowanceSCClauses 24.02 and 24.03
SOClauses 25.02 and 25.03
27Meteorological AllowanceLILetter of Understanding 89-6
28Night Shift DifferentialPR (NS)Addenda A, B, C, D and E, clauses 1.4
29One-Room School AllowanceEDClause 38.07
30On-the-Job Training BonusAIClause 14.08
On-the-Job Training AllowanceROAppendix “C”, clause C-4.01
31Operational Facility PremiumAIClauses 31.01 and 31.02 and Appendix “B”
32Overtime Meal AllowanceAOClause 19.05
ARClause 9.06
ASClause 19.08
AUClause 26.09
CHClause B2.06
CMClause 25.07
CRClause 26.11
CSClause 8.02
CXClause 21.16
DAClause 25.08
DDClause 22.14
EDLetter of Understanding C-1
EGClause 22.12
ELClauses 25.05 and 28.04
ENClause 17.07
ESClause 14.07
EUClause 28.11
FIClause 19.08
FRClause 22.13
GLClause 23.23
GSClause 19.17
GTClause 22.14
HPClause 23.18
HSClause 22.06
ISClause 26.08
LSClause 15.10
OEClause 25.11
PCClause 13.06
PGClause 19.08
PIClause 21.16
PMClause 19.08
PR(S)Clause 23.09
PSClause 9.06
PYClause 21.15
ROClause 21.12
SCClauses 22.16 and 31.02 (for security duty)
SG-PATClause 9.06
SIClause 22.14
SOClauses 30.09 and 33.03 (for security duty)
SR(East)Clause 15.17
SR(West)Clause 15.15
SR(CH)Clause B1-17
STClause 25.11
TIClause 22.14
TRClause 13.11
WPClause 19.09
AC, AG, BI, CO, DE, FO, HR, HE, MA, MT, NU, OP, PH, SG, SE, SW, VM, DSPIPSC Master Agreement — clause 9.06
33Penological Factor AllowanceCHClause E1.04
CSAppendix “D”, section 4
CXLetter of Understanding 89-3
EDClause 51.05
ELAppendix “A”, section 4
FIClause 28.05
HSClause M-26.05
MDAppendix “B”, section 4
PR(S)Clause 26.05
PSClause 45.04
WPClause M-26.05
AS, CM, CR, DA, DD, EG, EU, FR, GL, GS, GT, HP, IS, LI, LS, OE, PG, PI, PM, PY, SI, ST, TIPSAC Master Agreement — clause M-26.05
AC, AG, BI, CO, DE, DS, FO, HR, HE, MA, MT, NU, OP, PH, SG, SE, SW, VMPIPSC Master Agreement — clause 45.04
34Principal’s AllowanceEDClause 38.01
35Remote Level “B” DifferentialPR(NS)Clause 23.11(b)
36Responsibility AllowanceCXClause 37.02
NUPIPSC Master Agreement — Appendix “A”, Pay Note (1)A
37Sea Duty AllowanceELClause 31.01
38Sea Research AllowanceSEPIPSC Master Agreement — Part F, clause SE-4.01
39Sea Training AllowanceSOAppendix “E”, paragraph 6
40Senior Teacher’s AllowanceEDSchedule “A2”
41Shift PremiumAIClause 27.01
CHClause B5.01
CSClause 11.01
EDClause 20.01
ELClause 30.01
HSClause M-31.01
MTPIPSC Master Agreement — Part F, clause MT-2.01
NUPIPSC Master Agreement — Part F, clause NU-1.01
PR(S)Clause 31.01
ROClause 23.01
SGPIPSC Master Agreement — Part F, clause SG-2.01
TRClause 15.07
VMPIPSC Master Agreement — Part F, clause VM-3.01
WPClause M-31.01
AS, CM, CR, CX, DA, DD, EG, GL, GS, GT, HP, LS, OE, PI, PM, PY, SI, ST, TIPSAC Master Agreement — clause M-31.01
42Sleeping-In PremiumGSClause 47.01
WPAppendix “E”, clause E-7.01
43Split Shift PremiumGSClause M-GS31.03
44Standby PaymentAUClause 30.01
EDClause 46.01
ELClause 29.01
FIClause 32.01
FSClause 8.01
HSClause M-30.01
PR(S)Clause 30.01
ROClause 26.01
WPClause M-30.01
AS, CM, CR, CX (certain levels), DD, EG, EU, GL, HP, IS, LS, OE, PG, PI, PM, PY, STPSAC Master Agreement — clause M-30.01
45Summer School AllowanceEDClause 38.06
EUClause 34.01
46Supervisory Level “C” DifferentialPR(NS)Clause 23.11(c)
47Teachers’ Aides’ and Counsellor Technicians’ Course AllowanceEUClause 34.03
48Teachers of Specialist Subjects’ AllowanceEDClause 38.05
49Telephone AllowanceSCClause 25.02
50Transfer at Sea AllowanceEGAppendix “B”, clause B-4.01
ELClause 31.04
GLClause 26.02
SR (East)Clause 23.05
SR (West)Clause 23.04
51Trials, tests & experiments remunerationEG (former DRB employees at DND)Memorandum of Agreement Number 3
TI (former DRB employees at DND)Appendix “B”
52Vocational Training Instructors’ AllowanceGLAppendix “K”, section 1
53Volunteer Firefighters’ AllowanceAll GroupsTB Minute 652249 (DVA)
54Weekend PremiumCHClause B5.02
CSClause 11.02
EDClause 20.02
ELClause 30.03
HEPIPSC Master Agreement — Part F, clause HE-1.01
HSClause M-31.02
MTPIPSC Master Agreement — Part F, clause MT-2.02
NUPIPSC Master Agreement — Part F, clause NU-1.02
PHPIPSC Master Agreement — Part F, clause PH-1.01
PR(NS)Clause 23.12
PR(S)Clause 31.02
ROClause 23.02
TRClause 15.07
WPClause M-31.02
AS, CM, CR, CX, DA, DD, EG, GL, GS, GT, HP, LS, OE, PI, PM, PY, SI, ST, TIPSAC Master Agreement — clause M-31.02
  • Return to footnote (1)Unless otherwise specified, a reference in column III of the Schedule refers to the applicable collective agreement.

  • SOR/96-458, s. 1(F)

SCHEDULE II(Section 2)Occupational Categories and Groups

Scientific and Professional Category

Actuarial ScienceAC
Architecture and Town PlanningAR
Biological SciencesBI
Defence Scientific ServiceDS
Economics, Sociology and StatisticsES
Engineering and Land SurveyEN
Historical ResearchHR
Home EconomicsHE
Library ScienceLS
Occupational and Physical TherapyOP
Physical SciencesPC
Scientific RegulationSG
Scientific ResearchSE
Social WorkSW
University TeachingUT
Veterinary MedicineVS

Administrative and Foreign Service Category

Administrative ServicesAS
Computer Systems AdministrationCS
Financial AdministrationFI
Foreign ServiceFS
Information ServicesIS
Programme AdministrationPM
Purchasing and SupplyPG
Welfare ProgrammesWP

Technical Category

Aircraft OperationsAO
Air Traffic ControlAI
Drafting and IllustrationDD
Educational SupportEU
Engineering and Scientific SupportEG
General TechnicalGT
Primary Products InspectionPI
Radio OperationsRO
Ships’ OfficersSO
Social Science SupportSI
Technical InspectionTI

Administrative Support Category

Clerical and RegulatoryCR
Data ProcessingDA
Office EquipmentOE
Secretarial, Stenographic and TypingST

Administrative Support Category

General Labour and TradesGL
General ServicesGS
Heating, Power and Stationary Plant OperationsHP
Hospital ServicesHS
Printing Operations (non-Supervisory)PR(NS)
Printing Operations (Supervisory)PR(S)
Ships’ CrewsSC
Ship Repair (East)SR
Ship Repair (West)SR
Ship Repair (All Chargehand Employees Located on the East Coast)SR

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