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Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (SOR/2002-227)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23 and last amended on 2024-06-19. Previous Versions

PART 20Transitional Provisions (continued)

DIVISION 5Refugee Protection (continued)

Marginal note:Ineligibility

 A determination made before the coming into force of this section that a person is not eligible to have their Convention refugee claim determined by the Convention Refugee Determination Division is deemed to be a determination that the claim is ineligible to be referred to the Refugee Protection Division.

Marginal note:Withdrawal and abandonment

 A claim to be a Convention refugee that was withdrawn or declared to be abandoned before the coming into force of this section is deemed to be a claim determined to be withdrawn or abandoned under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

Marginal note:Eligibility

 A claim made in Canada to be a Convention refugee in respect of which a determination of eligibility was not made before the coming into force of this section is deemed to be a claim for refugee protection made in Canada that is received on the day on which this section comes into force.

Marginal note:Redetermination of eligibility

 Subject to section 191 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, a claim of a person who was determined eligible before the coming into force of this section to have a claim to be a Convention refugee determined by the Convention Refugee Determination Division, and in respect of which no determination was made by that Division, is a claim that

  • (a) is referred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to the Refugee Protection Division unless an officer gives notice under subsection 104(1) of that Act; and

  • (b) is subject to the provisions of that Act.

Marginal note:Cessation of refugee protection

 A determination made in Canada before the coming into force of this section that a person has ceased to be a Convention refugee is deemed to be a determination by the Board that refugee protection has ceased.

Marginal note:Vacation

 A decision made in Canada before the coming into force of this section to approve an application to reconsider and vacate a determination that a person is a Convention refugee is deemed to be a determination by the Board to vacate a decision to allow a claim for refugee protection.

Marginal note:Post-determination refugee claimants in Canada class

  •  (1) An application for landing as a member of the post-determination refugee claimants in Canada class in respect of which no determination of whether the applicant is a member of that class was made before the coming into force of this section is an application for protection under sections 112 to 114 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and those sections apply to the application.

  • Marginal note:Notification re additional submissions

    (2) Before a decision is made on the application, the applicant shall be notified that they may make additional submissions in support of their application.

  • Marginal note:Decision

    (3) A decision on the application shall not be made until 30 days after notification is given to the applicant.

  • Marginal note:Giving notification

    (4) Notification is given

    • (a) when it is given by hand to the applicant; or

    • (b) if it is sent by mail, seven days after the day on which it was sent to the applicant at the last address provided by them to the Department.

  • Marginal note:Stay of removal

    (5) For greater certainty, the execution of a removal order made under the former Act against an applicant referred to in subsection (1) is stayed, and the stay is effective until the earliest of the applicable events described in section 232 occurs.

  • SOR/2004-167, s. 76

Marginal note:Application for landing — Convention refugees

  •  (1) If landing was not granted before the coming into force of this section, an application for landing submitted under section 46.04 of the former Act is an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident under subsection 21(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

  • Marginal note:Application for landing — undocumented Convention refugee in Canada class

    (2) If landing was not granted before June 28, 2002, an application for landing as a member of the undocumented Convention refugee in Canada class is an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident under subsection 21(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

  • Marginal note:Application for landing — post-determination refugee claimants in Canada class

    (3) If landing was not granted before the coming into force of this section, an application for landing submitted by a person pursuant to a determination that the person is a member of the post-determination refugee claimants in Canada class is an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident under subsection 21(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

  • SOR/2012-154, s. 16

DIVISION 6Court Proceedings

Marginal note:Judicial review

  •  (1) On the coming into force of this section, any application for leave to commence an application for judicial review and any application for judicial review or appeal from an application that was brought under the former Act that is pending before the Federal Court or the Supreme Court of Canada is deemed to have been commenced under Division 8 of Part 1 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and is governed by the provisions of that Division and section 87.

  • Marginal note:Application for non-disclosure

    (2) On the coming into force of this section, any application under subsection 82.1(10) of the former Act that is pending before the Federal Court is deemed to be an application under section 87 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

  • Marginal note:Where no leave required

    (3) Despite subsection (1), an application for judicial review that was not subject to the requirement of an application for leave under the former Act and was pending on the coming into force of this section does not require such an application under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

  • Marginal note:Judicial review after coming into force

    (4) Any judicial review proceeding brought in respect of any decision or order made or any matter arising under the former Act after the coming into force of this section is governed by Division 8 of Part 1 and section 87 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

  • Marginal note:Time for filing

    (5) A person in respect of whom the 30-day period provided by section 18.1 of the Federal Courts Act for making an application for judicial review from a decision or matter referred to in subsection 82.1(2) of the former Act has not elapsed on the coming into force of this section and who has not made such an application has 60 days from the coming into force of this section to file an application for leave under section 72 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

  • Marginal note:Validity or lawfulness of a decision or act

    (6) The validity or lawfulness of a decision or act made under the former Act that is the subject of a judicial review procedure or appeal referred to in subsection (1) is determined in accordance with the provisions of the former Act.

  • 2002, c. 8, s. 182
  • SOR/2009-163, s. 18(F)

Marginal note:Other court proceedings

 On the coming into force of this section, an appeal made under section 102.17 of the former Act or an application for an order made under section 102.2 of the former Act that is pending remains governed by the provisions of the former Act.

Marginal note:Decisions referred back

  •  (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), if a decision or an act of the Minister or an immigration officer under the former Act is referred back by the Federal Court or Supreme Court of Canada for determination and the determination is not made before this section comes into force, the determination shall be made in accordance with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

  • Marginal note:Decisions or acts not provided for by Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

    (2) If the decision or act referred to in subsection (1) was made under paragraph 46.01(1)(e), subsection 70(5) or paragraph 77(3.01)(b) of the former Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act makes no provision for the decision or act, no determination shall be made.

  • Marginal note:Skilled workers and self-employed persons

    (3) If a decision or an act of the Minister or an immigration officer under the former Act in respect of a person described in subparagraph 9(1)(b)(i) or paragraph 10(1)(b) of the former Regulations is referred back by the Federal Court or Supreme Court of Canada for determination and the determination is not made before December 1, 2003, the determination shall be made in accordance with subsections 361(4) and (5.2) of these Regulations.

  • Marginal note:Investors, entrepreneurs and provincial nominees

    (4) If a decision or an act of the Minister or an immigration officer under the former Act in respect of a person described in subparagraph 9(1)(b)(ii) or (iii) of the former Regulations is referred back by the Federal Court or Supreme Court of Canada for determination and the determination is not made before December 1, 2003, the determination shall be made in accordance with subsections 361(5), (5.1) and (6) of these Regulations.

  • Marginal note:Immigration Appeal Division decisions

    (5) If a decision of the Immigration Appeal Division made under the former Act is referred back by the Federal Court or Supreme Court of Canada for determination and the determination is not made before the date of the coming into force of this section, the Immigration Appeal Division shall dispose of the matter in accordance with the former Act.

  • Marginal note:Adjudication Division decisions

    (6) If a decision of the Adjudication Division made under the former Act is referred back by the Federal Court or Supreme Court of Canada for determination and the determination is not made before the date of the coming into force of this section, the Immigration Division shall dispose of the matter in accordance with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

  • SOR/2003-383, s. 7

DIVISION 7Undertakings

Marginal note:Application of the Act to existing undertakings

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), an undertaking referred to in section 118 of the former Act that was given before the day on which this section comes into force is governed by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

  • Marginal note:Recovery of social assistance payments

    (2) Payments that are made to or for the benefit of a person as social assistance or as financial assistance in the form of funds from a government resettlement assistance program referred to in subparagraph 139(1)(f)(ii) as a result of the breach of an undertaking, within the meaning of subparagraph (a)(ii) or paragraph (b) of the definition “undertaking” in subsection 2(1) of the former Regulations or of the definition “undertaking” in subsection 1(1) of the Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations, that was given before the day on which this section comes into force, may be recovered from the person or organization that gave the undertaking as a debt due to Her Majesty in right of Canada or in right of a province.

  • Marginal note:Duration

    (3) For greater certainty, the duration of an undertaking referred to in section 118 of the former Act that was given to the Minister before the day on which this section comes into force is not affected by these Regulations.

  • Marginal note:Duration and terms

    (4) For greater certainty, if an immigrant visa was issued to a person described in section 7 of the former Regulations or section 4 of the Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations before the day on which this section comes into force, the duration and terms of an undertaking, referred to in section 118 of the former Act, relating to that person are not affected by these Regulations.

DIVISION 8Non-Accompanying Family Members

Marginal note:Not required to be included

 A person is not required to include in an application a non-accompanying common-law partner or a non-accompanying child who is not a dependent son or a dependent daughter within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the former Regulations and is a dependent child as defined in section 2 of these Regulations if the application was made under the former Act before the day on which this section comes into force.

Marginal note:Requirements not applicable

 If a person has made an application under the former Act before the day on which this section comes into force, the following provisions do not apply to the person in respect of any of their non-accompanying dependent children, referred to in section 352, or their non-accompanying common-law partner:

  • (a) paragraph 70(1)(e);

  • (b) subparagraph 72(1)(e)(i); and

  • (c) paragraph 108(1)(a).

Marginal note:Requirements not applicable

 If a person makes an application under the former Act before June 28, 2002, their non-accompanying dependent children, referred to in section 352, and their non-accompanying common-law partner shall not, for the purposes of that application, be considered inadmissible non-accompanying family members, referred to in paragraph 42(1)(a) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, and are not subject to the requirements of paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act or 51(b) of these Regulations.

  • SOR/2012-154, s. 17
  • SOR/2014-269, s. 6

Marginal note:Family members not excluded from family class

 If a person who made an application under the former Act before June 28, 2002 sponsors a non-accompanying dependent child, referred to in section 352, who makes an application as a member of the family class or the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class, or sponsors a non-accompanying common-law partner who makes such an application, paragraph 117(9)(d) does not apply in respect of that dependent child or common-law partner.

  • SOR/2004-167, s. 77


Marginal note:Pending applications

 If a person referred to in paragraph (f) of the definition member of the family class in subsection 2(1) of the former Regulations made an application under those Regulations for a permanent resident visa, or their sponsor submitted a sponsorship application under those Regulations, before June 28, 2002, the person’s application or the sponsorship application, as the case may be, is governed by the former Act.

  • SOR/2004-167, s. 78


Marginal note:Remission — right of landing fee

 The fee set out in column III of item 19 of the schedule to the Immigration Act Fees Regulations is remitted and shall be repaid by the Minister to the person who paid it if the fee is paid in respect of a person before they become a permanent resident under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the person, at the time they made an application for landing under the former Regulations, was

  • (a) a member of the family class and 19 years of age or older and, on the day on which this section comes into force, is a foreign national referred to in paragraph 117(1)(b) or (e) of these Regulations; or

  • (b) an accompanying dependant of an immigrant, within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the former Regulations, 19 years of age or older and not a spouse of the principal applicant.

Marginal note:Fees to be reapplied

  •  (1) A fee paid for processing an application in respect of which no decision has been made before the day on which this section comes into force or an application that has been refused but the refusal has not been communicated to the applicant before that day shall be applied to the cost of completing the processing of the application under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

  • Marginal note:Exception

    (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of an application for a returning resident permit.


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