Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations (SOR/2012-167)

Regulations are current to 2024-08-18 and last amended on 2018-11-30. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 2(Paragraph 9(2)(c))Technical Feasibility Study — Information Required

  • 1 The following information respecting the capture element of the carbon capture and storage system:

    • (a) a description of how the emissions are to be captured, including a preliminary engineering design and a description of the preferred technology and processes to be used;

    • (b) a description of the principal modifications to the unit that are needed for its integration with the capture element to enable the responsible person to comply with subsection 3(1) of these Regulations;

    • (c) an identification of any major equipment to be installed and of any other significant equipment to be modified or replaced;

    • (d) process flow diagrams and mass and energy balances, including external energy inputs;

    • (e) a summary of auxiliary energy loads;

    • (f) an estimate of the unit’s production capacity when it is operating with an integrated capture element;

    • (g) an estimate of the unit’s gross quantity of electricity produced for a calendar year — set out in the description of Ggross in subsection 19(1) of these Regulations — when it is operating with an integrated capture element;

    • (h) an estimate of the rate of capture of CO2 emissions and of the volume of CO2 emissions, expressed in standard m3, to be captured for a calendar year and for the operating life of the unit;

    • (i) a preliminary resource analysis for the unit when it is operating with an integrated capture element, including water consumption, heat and power consumption, raw material consumption and fuel consumption;

    • (j) documents establishing that adequate space has been set aside at the power plant in which the unit is located and that adequate access is to be provided for the purpose of installing the required equipment, including site plans that show

      • (i) the outline and location of all significant electricity generating equipment, carbon capture equipment and compression equipment, as well as any ancillary equipment necessary, sized to capture the sufficient volume of CO2 referred to in subparagraph 9(2)(c)(i) of these Regulations,

      • (ii) all areas that are to be used for carrying out the construction of the capture element, and

      • (iii) the point of exit of the pipeline to transport the captured CO2 emissions from the power plant to the storage site, if the captured CO2 emissions are not stored at the power plant;

    • (k) an identification of the potential risks and obstacles, based on the preferred capture technology, to the construction and operation of the capture element integrated with the unit;

    • (l) a list of each environmental, safety and other approval or permit that is required for the construction or operation of the unit integrated with the capture element; and

    • (m) a list of potential suppliers of equipment, materials or services that are needed for the construction and operation of the unit integrated with the capture element.

  • 2 The following information respecting the transportation element of the carbon capture and storage system:

    • (a) an identification of, and justification for, one or more preferred transport methods and routes to an appropriate geological storage site referred to in paragraph 3(b), supported by a routing map and a geographic information system (GIS) file for each method and route;

    • (b) the expected location and size of pumping stations, of receipt and delivery points and of any interconnects on the pipeline for each preferred route;

    • (c) an estimation of the diameter of the pipeline for each preferred route that is required to transport the sufficient volume of CO2 referred to in subparagraph 9(2)(c)(i) of these Regulations;

    • (d) if applicable, a detailed description of how any tankers that are to be used to transport the captured CO2 emissions are to be obtained and, if required, commissioned and a plan detailing how any required port infrastructure for shipping the captured CO2 emissions on those tankers is to be developed;

    • (e) an identification of the potential risks and obstacles, for each preferred route, to the construction and operation of the pipeline or shipping network along that route, including any surface or subsurface land use that may conflict with that construction or operation, along with an explanation of how those risks and obstacles are to be overcome ;

    • (f) a list of each environmental, safety and other approval or permit that is required for the construction or operation of the transportation element; and

    • (g) a list of potential suppliers of equipment, materials or services that are needed for the construction and operation of the transportation element.

  • 3 The following information respecting the storage element of the carbon capture and storage system:

    • (a) an estimation of the volume of CO2 emissions, expressed in standard m3, to be captured and stored during each calendar year and over the anticipated operating life of the unit;

    • (b) an identification of one or more suitable geological sites for storage that are expected to be used to store the captured CO2 emissions, supported by a delineation of the geographical extent of each storage site and at least one study showing that the required capacity to store the sufficient volume of CO2 referred to in subparagraph 9(2)(c)(i) of these Regulations is available based on generally accepted national or international protocols for storage capacity estimation;

    • (c) an identification of any requirement under federal or provincial laws for the purity of captured CO2 emissions, along with an explanation of how that requirement is to be met;

    • (d) a preliminary assessment of the integrity of the storage element in preserving an impervious barrier to leakage of stored CO2 emissions and of any risk to breaching that integrity, at each feasible storage site referred to in paragraph (b), along with a preliminary strategy to mitigate the risk;

    • (e) a preliminary plan for measuring and verifying the volume of stored CO2 emissions and for monitoring any leak of the stored CO2 emissions from the storage element;

    • (f) an identification of any surface or subsurface land use that may conflict with the operation of the storage element at each feasible storage site referred to in paragraph (b), along with an explanation of how the conflict is to be resolved in order to ensure access to each of those sites;

    • (g) a list of each environmental, safety and other approval or permit that is required for the construction or operation of the storage element; and

    • (h) a list of potential suppliers of equipment, materials or services that are needed for the construction and operation of the storage element for each feasible site referred to in paragraph (b).


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