Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Multi-Sector Air Pollutants Regulations (SOR/2016-151)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23 and last amended on 2023-01-01. Previous Versions

PART 2Stationary Spark-ignition Engines (continued)

Registry, Reporting and Recording of Information (continued)

Marginal note:Compliance reports

  •  (1) A compliance report must, on or before July 1 of a year, be provided that contains the information set out in Schedule 10 in respect of the preceding year to the Minister in respect of

    • (a) an engine or replacement unit that, during the preceding year, belongs to a subgroup; or

    • (b) an engine that, during the preceding year,

      • (i) is subject to a NOx emission intensity limit,

      • (ii) is low-use; or

      • (iii) combusts fuel for a period referred to in section 49.

  • Marginal note:Responsible person

    (2) The compliance report must be provided by the responsible person for the engine or replacement unit who

    • (a) provided updated information in accordance with paragraph 98(2)(a) in respect of an engine or replacement unit referred to in that paragraph, if that updated information was provided;

    • (b) provided updated information in accordance with paragraph 98(2)(b) in respect of an engine referred to in that paragraph, if that updated information was provided; or

    • (c) registered the engine in the engine registry in accordance with subsection 97((3) or (4) or re-registered it in the engine registry in accordance with subsection 97(5), in any other case.

Marginal note:Record-making

 In addition to any records otherwise required under these Regulations, a record in respect of an engine or replacement unit that contains the following information or documents must be made:

  • (a) if the engine is equipped with an emission control system after March 31, 2020, information that establishes that the engine is so equipped, along with the date on which it was equipped;

  • (b) the calculation of the mass flow for each period referred to in section 49, along with the dates on which the period begins and ends;

  • (c) for each low-use engine, the following information concerning any period of operation during an emergency referred to in paragraph 51(2)(e):

    • (i) the dates on which the period begins and ends,

    • (ii) its duration, in hours, and

    • (iii) an indication of whether paragraph (a) or (b), or both, of the definition emergency set out in section 45 describes that operation;

  • (d) for each pre-existing engine with a rated brake power of at least 250 kW that ceases to be a regular-use engine, the serial number — or, if the serial number is not known or cannot be obtained, the unique alphanumeric identifier — of the engine and the date of that cessation;

  • (e) information that establishes the date referred to in paragraph 56(3)(a) or 65(3)(a), subsection 66(3), paragraph 67(2)(a) or 77(c) or section 92 on which the responsible person referred to in that paragraph, subsection or section became an owner of the engine;

  • (f) for each engine designated as belonging to a group, the information referred to in paragraph 56(3)(a) or (b);

  • (g) for each engine that has had its designation as belonging to a group cancelled under paragraph 56(4)(b), the serial number — or, if the serial number is not known or cannot be obtained, the unique alphanumeric identifier — of the engine and the date of the cancellation;

  • (h) for each pre-existing engine or replacement unit belonging to a subgroup, the information referred to in paragraph 65(3)(a) or (b);

  • (i) for each performance test referred to in clause 66(2)(a)(i)(B) or section 77, 78, 92 or 93 that is conducted on the engine,

    • (i) the date on which the performance test was conducted,

    • (ii) the name of the person who conducted the performance test and, if that person is a corporation, the name of the individual who conducted the performance test, and

    • (iii) for each test run in the performance test,

      • (A) the brake power of the engine while the test run was conducted and the measurements and calculations used to determine that brake power, and

      • (B) the NOx emission intensity of the engine that was determined for that test run and the measurements and calculations that were used to make that determination;

  • (j) for each emissions check that is conducted under section 79, 92 or 93,

    • (i) the make, model and serial number of the analyzer that was used,

    • (ii) the date on which the emissions check was conducted,

    • (iii) the serial number — or, if the serial number is not known or cannot be obtained, the unique alphanumeric identifier — of the engine on which the emissions check was conducted,

    • (iv) the name of the person who conducted the emissions check and, if that person is a corporation, the name of the individual who conducted the emissions check,

    • (v) an estimate of the brake power of the engine while the emissions check was conducted,

    • (vi) for each minute of the sampling period for the emissions check referred to in subsection 88(1),

      • (A) each NO cell temperature that was recorded, and

      • (B) each reading of an electrochemical cell’s response to a concentration, or recording of the average of those responses, of O2, CO, NO and NO2 in the engine’s exhaust gas, and

    • (vii) the flow rate of the engine’s exhaust gas that was measured by the analyzer during the emissions check;

  • (k) for any electrochemical analyzer used to conduct a sequence of calibration error checks or an emissions check,

    • (i) the serial number, make and model of the electrochemical analyzer, and

    • (ii) a log of operations and maintenance of the electrochemical analyzer;

  • (l) for each sequence of calibration error checks of an analyzer that are conducted under section 83,

    • (i) the serial number, make and model of the analyzer,

    • (ii) the date on which the sequence was conducted,

    • (iii) the certified concentration of each zero gas and of each span gas for O2, CO, NO or NO2,

    • (iv) the stabilization periods recorded under subsection 83(5) for each cell’s response — following the introduction of a span gas for O2, CO, NO or NO2 into the analyzer — to the gas to which the cell is designed to respond,

    • (v) the reading of each cell’s response to a calibration gas referred to in subsection 83(2),

    • (vi) the calibration error described in subsection 83(6), for each zero gas and span gas for, as applicable, O2, CO, NO or NO2,

    • (vii) the flow rate of each span gas that is measured by the analyzer during the sequence,

    • (viii) the reading of the response referred to in subsection 84(1) for the CO cell and NO cell, and

    • (ix) the CO interference response that is determined under subsection 84(2) and the NO interference response that is determined under subsection 84(3);

  • (m) if a performance test or emissions check was conducted on the engine under paragraph 93(a), information that establishes that it was not operating for each day in the period of its non-operation referred to in that paragraph;

  • (n) a log of operations and maintenance of the systems and components related to the engine that are set out in subsection 95(2); and

  • (o) for each engine referred to in subsection 95(1), the type of equipment or method used to control the air-fuel ratio of the engine, and how that ratio was verified and maintained or adjusted, during the diverse ambient conditions in each year, so as to ensure that its NOx emission intensity does not exceed the NOx emission intensity limit or NOx emission value referred to in section 96.

PART 3Cement

Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Part and in Schedule 11.


cement means a powder that results from the grinding of clinker and the blending of the ground clinker with other materials. (ciment)


clinker means solid nodules that are produced by the pyroprocessing of feedstock in a kiln. (clinker)


feedstock means a ground blend of calcium carbonate, silica, alumina, ferrous oxide and any other material that is used to produce clinker. (matière première)

grey cement

grey cement means cement that is manufactured from clinker that contains more than 0.5% by weight of ferric oxide. (ciment gris)


kiln means a thermally insulated chamber into which blended feedstock is introduced for pyroprocessing in order to produce clinker. (four)

long dry kiln

long dry kiln means a kiln that

  • (a) is not equipped with a system for preheating dry feedstock; or

  • (b) is equipped with a system for preheating dry feedstock with at most two stages of preheating before the feedstock is introduced into the kiln. (four long à voie sèche)

precalciner kiln

precalciner kiln means a kiln that is equipped with a system for precalcining dry feedstock using, before the feedstock is introduced into the kiln, a secondary burner that has a tertiary supply of combustion air. (four à précalcinateur)

preheater kiln

preheater kiln means a kiln that is equipped with a system for preheating dry feedstock with at least three stages of preheating before the feedstock is introduced into the kiln. (four à préchauffeur)

wet kiln

wet kiln means a kiln into which feedstock is introduced as a fine slurry with a water content of more than 20% by weight. (four à voie humide)

Marginal note:Application — grey cement

 This Part applies in respect of cement manufacturing facilities that produce clinker for use in the manufacture of grey cement.

Marginal note:Obligation — over two consecutive years

  •  (1) As of January 1, 2020, a cement manufacturing facility must not — over any two consecutive years — emit NOx or SO2 in a quantity that exceeds the emission limit for each of those years for that substance, as determined in accordance with sections 104 and 105, respectively.

  • Marginal note:Obligation — yearly

    (2) If a cement manufacturing facility does not comply with that emission limit for either NOx or SO2 over a period of two consecutive years, it must not — during each year after that period — emit either NOx or SO2 in a quantity that exceeds its emission limit for that year, as determined in accordance with sections 104 and 105.

Marginal note:Emission limit — NOx

  •  (1) The emission limit for a year for the emission of NOx from a cement manufacturing facility is determined by the formula

    Σi(EINOxi × Pi)/ΣiPi


    is the maximum emission intensity for the year for the emission of NOx from the ith kiln stack in the cement manufacturing facility — namely, the maximum quantity of NOx emitted per tonne of clinker produced at the ith kiln in the cement manufacturing facility in the year — which is
    • (a) for preheater kilns and precalciner kilns, 2.25 kg/t, and

    • (b) for wet kilns and long dry kilns, as elected in accordance with subsection (2),

      • (i) 2.55 kg/t, or

      • (ii) determined by the formula

        EI2006 – (0.3 × EI2006)


        is the quantity of NOx, expressed in kg, that was emitted at the cement manufacturing facility in 2006 per tonne of clinker produced, as reported in respect of the cement manufacturing facility to the Minister in accordance with the Notice with respect to reporting of information on air pollutants, greenhouse gases and other substances for the 2006 calendar year, published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 141, No. 49, on December 8, 2007;
    is ith kiln in the cement manufacturing facility, where i goes from 1 to n and where n is the number of kilns in the cement manufacturing facility; and
    is the quantity of clinker, expressed in t, that is produced by the ith kiln in the cement manufacturing facility in the year.
  • Marginal note:Election — 2020

    (2) A responsible person for the cement manufacturing facility who provides the Minister with a compliance report required by section 108 in respect of the year 2020 must, in that compliance report, make the election referred to in paragraph (b) of the description of EINOxi in subsection (1).

  • Marginal note:Election — subsequent years

    (3) The maximum emission intensity for the emission of NOx from the ith kiln in the cement manufacturing facility for the year 2020 that is elected by the responsible person also applies for each subsequent year.

Marginal note:Emission limit — SO2

 The emission limit for a year for the emission of SO2 from a cement manufacturing facility is determined by the formula

Σi(EISO2i × Pi)/ΣiPi


is the maximum emission intensity for the year for the emission of SO2 from the ith kiln stack in the cement manufacturing facility — namely, the maximum quantity of SO2 emitted per tonne of clinker produced at the ith kiln in the cement manufacturing facility in the year — which is 3.0 kg/t;
is the ith kiln in the cement manufacturing facility, where i goes from 1 to n and where n is the number of kilns in the cement manufacturing facility; and
is the quantity of clinker, expressed in t, that is produced by the ith kiln in the cement manufacturing facility in the year.

Marginal note:Quantity of NOx and SO2 — CEMS

 As of January 1, 2018, the quantity, expressed in kg, of NOx and SO2 emitted, during a given year, from each kiln stack in a cement manufacturing facility must be determined by means of a CEMS.

Marginal note:Quantity of clinker

  •  (1) For the purpose of determining the value for Pi in sections 104 and 105, the quantity of clinker that is produced at each kiln in the cement manufacturing facility in the year must be determined by

    • (a) weighing that quantity directly using the measuring devices that were used for inventory purposes;

    • (b) using a method of calculation that is based on the measuring devices that were used for inventory purposes; or

    • (c) applying a feedstock-to-clinker conversion factor, specific to the kiln, to a direct measurement of the quantity of feedstock introduced into the kiln during that year, which accurately determines the quantity of clinker that is produced from a given quantity of feedstock introduced.

  • Marginal note:Accuracy of feedstock-to-clinker conversion factor

    (2) The accuracy of the feedstock-to-clinker conversion factor must be verified

    • (a) at least once per year, but at least four months after a previous verification; and

    • (b) as soon as feasible after a major change in the clinker production processes that could affect the accuracy of the factor.

  • Marginal note:Record-making

    (3) A record of that verification must be made that demonstrates the accuracy of the feedstock-to-clinker conversion factor.


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