Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Multi-Sector Air Pollutants Regulations (SOR/2016-151)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23 and last amended on 2023-01-01. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 12(Subsection 110(2))Auditor’s Report — Information Required

  • 1 The name, civic address and telephone number of the responsible person.

  • 2 For each CEMS used to determine under Part 1 a NOx emission intensity of one or more boilers or heaters located in a facility or under section 106 a quantity of emissions of one or more kilns located in a cement manufacturing facility,

    • (a) the identifier of each of those boilers or heaters within the facility where it is located or of each of those kilns within the cement manufacturing facility where it is located,

    • (b) the following information respecting that facility or cement manufacturing facility:

      • (i) its civic address or, if there is no civic address, its latitude and longitude

      • (ii) its National Pollutant Release Inventory identification number assigned by the Minister for the purpose of section 48 of the Act and, in the case of that facility, its provincial identification number, if any; and

      • (iii) in the case of a facility where a boiler or heater is located, an indication as to which paragraph of subsection 5(2) of these Regulations describes it.

  • 3 The name, civic address, telephone number and email address of the auditor and their qualifications.

  • 4 The dates on which the audit was conducted.

  • 5 The procedures that the auditor followed in assessing whether

    • (a) the responsible person’s use of the CEMS has complied with, as the case may be,

      • (i) the Quality Assurance/Quality Control manual referred to in Section 6.0 of the EC CEMS Code, or

      • (ii) the Quality Assurance Plan referred to in Section 5.1 of the Alberta CEMS Code;

    • (b) the responsible person has complied with the CEMS Reference Method; and

    • (c) the CEMS has met the specifications set out in the CEMS Reference Method and, in particular, that the results of each relative accuracy test and each bias test for each of the relative accuracy test audits (RATA) for the 12 months preceding the auditor’s audit have not exceeded the applicable limit referred to in the CEMS Reference Method.

  • 6 A statement of the auditor’s opinion as to whether the responsible person has complied with the CEMS Reference Method and, in particular, as to whether

    • (a) the CEMS has met the specifications set out in the CEMS Reference Method;

    • (b) the results of each relative accuracy test and each bias test for each of the relative accuracy test audits (RATA) for the 12 months preceding the auditor’s audit have not exceeded the applicable limit referred to in the CEMS Reference Method; and

    • (c) the responsible person has established a Quality Assurance/Quality Control manual that complies with Section 6.0 of the EC CEMS Code or a Quality Assurance Plan that complies with Section 5.1 of the Alberta CEMS Code and, if so, whether

      • (i) the responsible person has implemented it,

      • (ii) its implementation ensures that the data that was generated by the CEMS is complete, accurate and precise, and

      • (iii) it has been updated in accordance with the CEMS Reference Method.

  • 7 Any recommendation of the auditor for improvements in the CEMS or its operation.


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