Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Multi-Sector Air Pollutants Regulations (SOR/2016-151)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23 and last amended on 2023-01-01. Previous Versions

PART 1Boilers and Heaters (continued)

Main Requirements

Marginal note:Modern boilers

  •  (1) Subject to section 10, the NOx emission intensity of a modern boiler that, for a given hour, has at least 50% of the input energy in its combustion chamber resulting from the introduction of gaseous fossil fuel set out in column 1 of the table to this subsection and that has a thermal efficiency set out in column 2 must not, for that hour, exceed the limit set out in column 3.


    Modern Boilers — NOX Emission Intensity Limits

    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemGaseous Fossil FuelThermal EfficiencyNOx Emission Intensity Limit (g/GJ)
    1Natural gas< 80%16
    2Natural gas≥ 80% and ≤ 90%16 + (E – 80)/5, where E is the thermal efficiency of the boiler
    3Natural gas> 90%18
    4Alternative gas< 80%20.8
    5Alternative gas≥ 80% and ≤ 90%20.8 + (E – 80)/4.54, where E is the thermal efficiency of the boiler
    6Alternative gas> 90%23
  • Marginal note:Thermal efficiency

    (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the thermal efficiency of a modern boiler for the given hour

    • (a) if there has been a determination made in accordance with section 18, is the result of the most recent such determination; and

    • (b) in any other case, is deemed to be less than 80%.

Marginal note:Modern heaters

  •  (1) Subject to section 10, the NOx emission intensity of a modern heater — that, for a given hour, has at least 50% of the input energy in its combustion chamber resulting from the introduction of gaseous fossil fuel set out in column 1 of the table to this subsection and that has a difference between the temperature of its preheated air and the ambient air set out in column 2 must not, for that hour, exceed the limit set out in column 3.


    Modern Heaters — NOX Emission Intensity Limits

    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemGaseous Fossil FuelDifference between Temperature of Preheated Air and Ambient Air (°C)NOx Emission Intensity Limit (g/GJ)
    1Natural gas016
    2Natural gas> 0 and ≤ 15016 × [1 + (2 x 10-4T) + (7 x 10-6T2)], where T is the difference, expressed in °C, between the temperature of its preheated air and the ambient air
    3Natural gas> 15019
    4Alternative gas020.8
    5Alternative gas> 0 and ≤ 15520.8 × [1 + (2 x 10-4T) + (7 x 10-6T2)], where T is the difference, expressed in °C, between the temperature of its preheated air and the ambient air
    6Alternative gas> 15525
  • Marginal note:Preheated air

    (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the difference between the temperature of a modern heater’s preheated air and the ambient air, expressed in °C, for the given hour

    • (a) if there has been a determination of that difference made in accordance with section 24 within the previous 12 months, is the result of the most recent of such determination; and

    • (b) in any other case, is deemed to be 0°C.

Marginal note:Determination of type of gaseous fossil fuel

 For the purpose of determining the type of gaseous fossil fuel — natural gas or alternative gas — introduced into the combustion chamber of a boiler or heater, the percentage of methane in the fuel must be determined in accordance with section 16.

Marginal note:Transitional boilers and heaters

 The NOx emission intensity of a transitional boiler or heater that, for a given hour, has at least 50% of the input energy in its combustion chamber resulting from the introduction of gaseous fossil fuel must not, for that hour, exceed the following limit:

  • (a) 26 g/GJ, if the boiler or heater has a rated capacity of at least 10.5 GJ/h and at most 105 GJ/h; and

  • (b) subject to section 10, 40 g/GJ, if the boiler or heater has a rated capacity greater than 105 GJ/h.

Marginal note:Redesigned boilers and heaters — NOx emission intensity

  •  (1) The NOx emission intensity of a redesigned boiler or heater that, for a given hour, has at least 50% of the input energy in its combustion chamber resulting from the introduction of gaseous fossil fuel must not, for that hour, exceed the limit of 26 g/GJ.

  • Marginal note:Redesigned boilers and heaters

    (2) A redesigned boiler or heater is one that

    • (a) on its commissioning date, was not designed to combust gaseous fossil fuel; and

    • (b) after the day on which these Regulations are registered, is redesigned to combust, on its recommissioning date, gaseous fossil fuel.

Marginal note:Class 80 and class 70

 The NOx emission intensity of a pre-existing boiler or heater that is class 80 or class 70 — other than those referred to in subsections 13(1) and 14(1) and (2) — and that, for a given hour, has at least 50% of the input energy in its combustion chamber resulting from the introduction of gaseous fossil fuel must not, for that hour, exceed the limit of 26 g/GJ, as of

  • (a) January 1, 2026, for a class 80 boiler or heater; and

  • (b) January 1, 2036, for a class 70 boiler or heater.

Marginal note:Pre-existing boilers and heaters — classification

  •  (1) A pre-existing boiler or heater is classified — in accordance with its classification NOx emission intensity determined in accordance with subsection 34(1) or redetermined in accordance with subsection 36(1) — as follows:

    • (a) class 80, if its classification NOx emission intensity is determined to be at least 80 g/GJ;

    • (b) class 70, if its classification NOx emission intensity is determined to be at least 70 g/GJ and less than 80 g/GJ; and

    • (c) class 40, in any other case.

  • Marginal note:Before classification — deemed class 80

    (2) A pre-existing boiler or heater — other than a redesigned boiler or heater referred to in subsection 10(2) — that is not classified under subsection (1) is deemed to be class 80 and to have a classification NOx emission intensity of 80 g/GJ.

Marginal note:Major modifications — class 80 and class 70

  •  (1) Subject to section 14, the NOx emission intensity of a class 80 or class 70 boiler or heater that has undergone a major modification before, respectively, January 1, 2026 or January 1, 2036 must not, as of its recommissioning date — for each hour during which at least 50% of the input energy in its combustion chamber results from the introduction of gaseous fossil fuel — exceed the limit of 26 g/GJ.

  • Marginal note:Major modifications

    (2) A major modification is

    • (a) for a boiler or heater with a single burner or double burner, the replacement of a burner;

    • (b) for a boiler or heater that has at least three burners, the replacement, within a period of at most 60 months, of at least three burners;

    • (c) the addition of a burner; or

    • (d) the relocation of a boiler or heater.

Marginal note:Exception — impossibility

  •  (1) The NOx emission intensity of a class 80 or class 70 boiler or heater that undergoes a major modification that involves the use of combustion modification techniques must, as of its recommissioning date following the major modification, not — for each hour during which at least 50% of the input energy in its combustion chamber results from the introduction of gaseous fossil fuel — exceed the limit of 50% of its classification NOx emission intensity, if

    • (a) before the major modification is carried out, a responsible person for the boiler or heater provides to the Minister

      • (i) the name of the manufacturer of the boiler or heater, along with its serial number, make and model and the information referred to in section 1 of Schedule 6,

      • (ii) documents, provided to the responsible person by a person who is independent of them, that establish that the NOx emission intensity of the boiler or heater could not be at most 26 g/GJ when it operates under

        • (A) any circumstances that include the use of combustion modification techniques, and

        • (B) the conditions set out in subsection 27(2),

      • (iii) a signed certificate, provided to the responsible person by another person who is independent of both the responsible person and the independent person referred to in subparagraph (ii), that indicates that that other person has reviewed the documents described in subparagraph (ii) and agrees that the documents establish that the NOx emission intensity of the boiler or heater could not be at most 26 g/GJ when it operates under the circumstances and conditions described in subparagraph (ii), and

      • (iv) documents that establish that each of the independent persons referred to in subparagraphs (ii) and (iii)

        • (A) is an engineer who is, under the laws of the province in which the boiler or heater is located, authorized to practise engineering in relation to combustion modification techniques, or

        • (B) has demonstrated knowledge of, and at least five years’ experience as the technical lead of projects that involved, the design of combustion modification techniques; and

    • (b) after that recommissioning date, the NOx emission intensity of the boiler or heater is more than 26 g/GJ.

  • Marginal note:Major modification before registration

    (2) The NOx emission intensity of a class 80 or class 70 boiler or heater referred to in clause 34(1)(b)(i)(B) that has undergone a major modification that involved the use of combustion modification techniques must, as of the day that is 12 months after the day on which these Regulations are registered, not — for each hour during which at least 50% of the input energy in its combustion chamber results from the introduction of gaseous fossil fuel — exceed the limit of 50% of its classification NOx emission intensity, if

    • (a) before that day, a responsible person for the boiler or heater provides the Minister with the information set out in subparagraphs (1)(a)(i) to (iv); and

    • (b) after the boiler’s or heater’s recommissioning date, the NOx emission intensity of the boiler or heater is more than 26 g/GJ.

  • Marginal note:Combustion modification techniques

    (3) For the purpose of this section, combustion modification techniques are techniques to reduce the formation of thermal NOx in the combustion chamber of a boiler or heater by modifying the combustion process. They include the use of low-NOx burners and of flue gas recirculation.


Elements of Requirements

Marginal note:Input energy from gaseous fossil fuel

 The percentage of the input energy in a boiler’s or heater’s combustion chamber resulting from the introduction of gaseous fossil fuel, for a given hour while the boiler or heater is in a steady state, must be determined by the formula

(Ecng + Egff)/(Ecng + Egff + Eo + Es) × 100


is the input energy resulting from the introduction of commercial grade natural gas for the given hour, determined by the formula

Qcng × HHVcng


is the quantity of the commercial grade natural gas combusted during the given hour, as measured by a flow meter on the input, expressed in standard m3, and
is the higher heating value of the commercial grade natural gas combusted during the given hour, expressed in GJ/standard m3, being
  • (a) the higher heating value determined in accordance with any of the required HHV methods set out in section 22 that apply, or

  • (b) 0.03793;

is the input energy resulting from the introduction of gaseous fossil fuel, other than commercial grade natural gas, for the given hour, determined by the formula

Qgff × HHVgff


is the quantity of the gaseous fossil fuel, other than commercial grade natural gas, combusted during the given hour, as measured by a flow meter on the input, expressed in standard m3, and
is the higher heating value of the gaseous fossil fuel, other than commercial grade natural gas, combusted during the given hour, expressed in GJ/standard m3, determined in accordance with any of the required HHV methods set out in section 22 that apply;
is the input energy resulting from the introduction of a fuel other than gaseous fossil fuel during the given hour, determined by the formula

Σi(Qi × HHVi)


is the quantity of the ith fuel other than gaseous fossil fuel combusted during the given hour as measured by a flow meter on the input, expressed in a given unit,
is the higher heating value of the ith fuel other than gaseous fossil fuel combusted during the given hour, expressed in GJ/the given unit, being
  • (a) the higher heating value determined in accordance with any of the required HHV methods set out in section 22 that apply, or

  • (b) the default higher heating value set out in column 2 of the applicable table to Schedule 3 for the type of fuel set out in column 1 of that table, and

is the ith fuel other than gaseous fossil fuel combusted, where i goes from 1 to n and where n is the number of those fuels combusted; and
is the input energy, expressed in GJ, that originates from a source other than the combustion of fuel in the boiler’s or heater’s combustion chamber during the given hour, determined in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles.

Type of Gas

Marginal note:Percentage of methane

  •  (1) The percentage of methane in the gaseous fossil fuel introduced into the combustion chamber of a boiler or heater, for a given hour, must be determined, by volume, as a weighted average by the formula

    [(CH4 ng × Qng) + (CH4 alt × Qalt)] × 100/(Qng + Qalt)


    CH4 ng
    is the concentration of methane, determined in accordance with subsection (2), in the natural gas introduced into the combustion chamber during the given hour, expressed as a decimal fraction;
    is the quantity of the natural gas introduced into the combustion chamber during the given hour, as measured by a flow meter on the input, expressed in standard m3;
    CH4 alt
    is the concentration of methane, determined in accordance with subsection (2), in the alternative gas introduced into the combustion chamber during the given hour, expressed as a decimal fraction; and
    is the quantity of the alternative gas introduced into the combustion chamber during the given hour, as measured by a flow meter on the input, expressed in standard m3.
  • Marginal note:Gas introduced into combustion chamber

    (2) The concentration of methane in the gaseous fossil fuel introduced into the combustion chamber is

    • (a) for commercial grade natural gas, either

      • (i) to be determined in accordance with ASTM D1945-03 or ASTM D1946-90, or

      • (ii) fixed as 95%; and

    • (b) for any other gaseous fossil fuel, to be determined in accordance with ASTM D1945-03 or ASTM D1946-90, whichever applies.


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