Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Mackenzie Valley Federal Areas Waters Regulations (SOR/93-303)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2016-06-13. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE VI(Sections 5 and 8)

Licensing Criteria for Municipal Undertakings

Column IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IV
ItemWater Use/

Deposit of Waste

Water Use and Deposit of Waste Permitted Without a LicenceWater Use and Deposit of Waste Requiring a Type “B” LicenceWater Use and Deposit of Waste Requiring a Type “A” Licence
1Direct water useUse of less than 50 m3 per dayFootnote for Licensing Criteria for Municipal Undertakings*Use of 50 or more cubic metres and less than 2,000 m3 per dayFootnote for Licensing Criteria for Municipal Undertakings*Use of 2,000 or more cubic metres per dayFootnote for Licensing Criteria for Municipal Undertakings*
2(1) Watercourse crossings, including pipelines, bridges and roadsConstruction of a structure across a watercourse less than 5 m in width at ordinary high water mark at point of constructionConstruction of a structure across a watercourse 5 or more metres in width at ordinary high water mark at point of constructionNone
(2) Watercourse training, including channel and bank alterations, culverts, spurs, erosion control, and artificial accretion


  • (a) of intermittent watercourses,

  • (b) of watercourses that are less than 5 m wide at the ordinary high water mark at the point of training,

  • (c) involving infilling of a watercourse with no inflow or outflow and with a surface area of less than 0.5 ha, or

  • (d) involving removal or placement of less than 100 m3 of material, where cross-sectional area not significantly changed at point of removal or placement

All other watercourse trainingNone
(3) Flood controlConstruction of a temporary structureConstruction of a permanent in-stream structureNone
(4) DiversionsDiversion of a watercourse that is less than 2 m wide at ordinary high water mark at point of diversionAll other diversionsNone
(5) Alteration of flow or storage  by means of dams or dikesOff-stream storage of a quantity of water less than or equal to 2 500 m3Off-stream storage of a quantity of water greater than 2 500 m3 and less than 60 000 m3, or instream storage of a quantity of water less than 60 000 m3All other alterations or storage
3Deposit of waste by
  • (a) municipalities or settlements

Any deposit of waste in accordance with the Public Sewerage Systems Regulations of the Northwest Territories by a city, town, village or settlement serving 50 or fewer people where there is no direct or indirect deposit of waste to surface watersAny deposit of waste by means of sewage collection or treatment system serving a population of between 50 and 2,000Any deposit of waste by means of a sewage collection or treatment system serving a population of 2,000 or more
  • (b) camps or lodges

Any deposit of waste in accordance with the General Sanitation Regulations of the Northwest Territories by a camp or lodge serving 50 or fewer people, where there is no direct or indirect deposit to surface watersAny deposit of waste by a camp or a lodge with capacity of more than 50 occupants per day or any direct or indirect deposit of waste to surface watersNone

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