Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Mackenzie Valley Federal Areas Waters Regulations (SOR/93-303)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2016-06-13. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE VII(Sections 5 and 8)

Licensing Criteria for Power Undertakings

Column IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IV
ItemWater Use/

Deposit of Waste

Water Use and Deposit of Waste Permitted Without a LicenceWater Use and Deposit of Waste Requiring a Type “B” LicenceWater Use and Deposit of Waste Requiring a Type “A” Licence
1Direct water useNoneClass 0Classes 1 through 6
2(1) Watercourse crossings, including pipelines, bridges and roadsConstruction of a structure across a watercourse less than 5 metres wide at ordinary high water mark at point of constructionConstruction of a structure across a watercourse 5 or more metres wide at ordinary high water mark at point of constructionNone
(2) Watercourse training including channel and bank alterations, culverts, spurs, erosion control, and artificial accretion


  • (a) of intermittent watercourses,

  • (b) of watercourses that are less than 5 m wide at the ordinary high water mark at the point of training,

  • (c) involving infilling of a watercourse with no inflow or outflow and with a surface area of less than 0.5 ha, or

  • (d) involving removal or placement of less than 100 m3 of material, where cross-sectional area not significantly changed at point of removal or placement

All other watercourse trainingNone
(3) Flood ControlConstruction of a temporary structureConstruction of any permanent in-stream structureNone
(4) DiversionsDiversion of a watercourse that is less than 2 metres wide at ordinary high water mark at point of diversionAll other diversionsNone
(5) Alteration of flow or storage  by means of dams or dikesOff-stream storage of a quantity of water less than or equal to 2 500 m3Off-stream storage of a quantity of water greater than 2 500 m3 and less than 60 000 m3, or instream storage of a quantity of water less than 60 000 m3All other alterations of flow or storage

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